Offshore P.U.M.P.S. and Ground Water

Powering options for offshore pumps? YES! Pumping water from the ground? YES! Higher tier offshore pumps? YES! Landfill destroys offshore pumps? YES! Get those pumpo action gizmos rollin'

2 years ago


Version: 1.1.67
Date: 21.10.2022
    - Fixed a case where a collision layer was left behind after pump removal
Version: 1.1.66
Date: 29.07.2022
    - Fixed a crash caused by a function pointing at a wrong index
Version: 1.1.65
Date: 21.07.2022
    - Corrected a typo in a localization string
Version: 1.1.64
Date: 21.07.2022
    - Added a missing code block that caused a placeholder to keep populating the surface
    - Added a missing gate that could cause a crash
Version: 1.1.63
Date: 16.07.2022
    - Added a missing string for pumpjacks name
    - Corrected a wrong index that caused a crash on startup with "Angels Refining"
Version: 1.1.62
Date: 15.07.2022
    - Corrected a nasty compatibility issue with mods editing bounding boxes
    - Corrected a crucial typo
Version: 1.1.61
Date: 14.07.2022
    - Better script for tiles detection below offshore pumps
    - Placing water right under an offshore pump now destroys it
Version: 1.1.60
Date: 05.05.2022
    - Placing landfill under offshore pumps destroys them (optional, does not affect already landfilled offshore pumps)
    - Water pumpjacks now use a single recipe (does NOT change water outputs)
    - New control code
    - Fixed a crash on load with "Angels Exploration" (THANKS TO @LOVELY_SANTA)
Version: 1.1.53
Date: 19.04.2022
    - Conform with new library version
Version: 1.1.52
Date: 17.01.2022
    - Ground water pumpjack animations changed to forcibly go at 60fps (high tier animations looked ridiculously fast)
    - Tech, item and entity names now show up accordingly to settings
Version: 1.1.51
Date: 12.01.2022
    - Changed some internal names to make them unique
    - Changelog is working again
Version: 1.1.50
Date: 12.01.2022
    - Angel's seafloor pump is now affected by powering options
    - Angel's ground water pump is now affected by powering options
    - Ground water pumpjacks can now be enabled/disabled from startup options regardless of bob mining settings
    - Ground water pumpjacks will output Mud Water if "Angels Refining" is installed
    - Tier 1 offshore pump can be set to use electricity or burnable fuel from options
    - Locale file rework
    - Code clean up and general optimization
    - Technology requirements now show up as they should
    - Technology descriptions now show up as they should
    - Mining a ground pumpjack will return the correct pumpjack
Version: 1.1.47
Date: 06.01.2022
    - Fixed a crash caused by a badly declared variable
Version: 1.1.46
Date: 05.01.2022
    - Changed an internal name to match Kirazy's references to prevent a crash on startup
Version: 1.1.45
Date: 30.09.2021
    - Changed internal structure to conform with library update and better compatibility
    - Fixed a crash with "Omni Compression"
Version: 1.1.44
Date: 27.09.2021
    - If "boilers start with water" is turned on, the script will check that the boiler is meant to contain water before inserting any water inside of it
    - Autorotate on pump placement now works as it should
Version: 1.1.42
Date: 20.09.2021
    - Added another condition check in migration script (prevents crashes on load)
    - Fixed a migration crash with "Angels Refining"
    - No more duplicate ground water techs when using "Angels Refining"
Version: 1.1.41
Date: 13.09.2021
    - Lowered prototype removal to data-updates for better compatibility
    - Osm lib is now required (i mistakenly put it as optional dependency)
Version: 1.1.40
Date: 12.09.2021
    - Rebuilt internal structure, now requires my function library to work
Version: 1.1.33
Date: 31.08.2021
    - Fixed a crash on startup related to a missing IF check
Version: 1.1.32
Date: 21.08.2021
    - Removed parts of the reskin code as it's been implemented in "Artisanal Reskins: Compatibility" (thanks to Kirazy)
    - Fixed a crash on startup related to bob's settings
Version: 1.1.31
Date: 20.08.2021
    - Fixed an incompatibility with "AAI industry" (due to latest code update)
    - Fixed an incompatibility if "Bob Ores" was missing
    - Fixed a crash related to "Artisanal Reskins Bob"
Version: 1.1.30
Date: 28.07.2021
    - Implemented a ground water pumpjack with relative tech, ground water pumpjacks are land based pumps (Offshore pumps will still be the real deal though)
        - If bob's mining is installed there will be 5 tiers of ground water pumpjacks
            - If Kirazy's "Artisanal Reskin" is installed ground water pumpjacks will have tiered sprites and icons
    - Bob's ground water patches are removed to keep up the balance (lithia water is NOT affected, only ground water is removed)
    - Ground water pumpkjack will always require electricity regardless of the settings (price to pay for pumping wherever you like)
    - The new features balance are is not throughly tested with angel's mods, consider it an early version if you decide to give it a shot and report any issues
    - Recipes requiring the vanilla offshore pump as ingredient will now use my version of it
    - Fixed an issue where custom boilers with different fluid inputs than water started with water placed inside if "boilers start with water" option was turned on
Version: 1.1.22
Date: 05.05.2021
    - Added an internal function for tech ingredients replacement
    - Restored an entity wrong icon
    - Offshore pumps now showing in correct tabs while in /editor
Version: 1.1.21
Date: 04.05.2021
    - Edited some tech requirements to better fit previously researched techs
    - Fixed an incompatibility with "AAI industry" and "Angels Refining"
Version: 1.1.20
Date: 01.05.2021
    - Implemented a low efficiency basic offshore pump unlocked from the beginning:
        - Max. pumping speed 300/s
        - Optional power requirements:
            - Energy required 600kW/s (burnable fuel)
            - Generates pullution
    - Reworked tech requirements and recipes ingredients for a better unlock curve
    - Vanilla offshore pump is now locked behind "fluid handling" technology
    - Added icon tiering for "Artisanal Reskin" (based on traditional tier mapping)
    - Recolored offshore pumps to match Kirazy's "Artisanal Reskin" (does not support custom colors)
    - Better tech icons
    - Added an option to have boilers being placed with 10 water inside (ingame options)
    - If power requirements are turned on, offshore pumps will be renamed to accordingly to their power source (electric/burner)
    - Major code clean-up, polishing and consolidation
    - Mod size greatly reduced
    - Added source code to GitHub repository
    - Fixed a bug where certain parameters from other mods didn't allow pump placement
    - Electric offshore pumps do not generate pollution
    - If "AAI industry" is installed "Basic Fluid Handling" unlocks the tier 1 offshore pump (instead of the vanilla offshore pump)
Version: 1.1.15
Date: 10.04.2021
    - Fixed an incompatibility with "Don't Build on Ores"
Version: 1.1.14
Date: 10.04.2021
    - Fixed a crash caused by a wrong technology name
Version: 1.1.13
Date: 10.04.2021
    - Fixed an incompatibility with "AAI Industry"
    - Offshore pumps now have correct health points
    - Unpowered offshore pumps can now be upgraded
    - Added some missing locales for entities and techs
    - Corrected some descriptions related to power usage (if turned on)
Version: 1.1.12
Date: 31.03.2021
    - Fixed an incompatibility with "Squeak Through"
Version: 1.1.11
Date: 30.03.2021
    - Moved alert icon
Version: 1.1.10
Date: 29.03.2021
    - Adds three more tiers of offshore pumps:
        - Offshore Pump 1 = Max. pumping speed 1200/s (vanilla)
        - Offshore Pump 2 = Max. pumping speed 2400/s
        - Offshore Pump 3 = Max. pumping speed 3600/s
        - Offshore Pump 4 = Max. pumping speed 4800/s
        - Optional power requirements:
            - Offshore Pump 1 = 1200 kW
            - Offshore Pump 2 = 2000 kW
            - Offshore Pump 3 = 2800 kW
            - Offshore Pump 4 = 3600 kW
    - All offshore pumps are blueprintable and upgradable
    - Powered offshore pumps can benefit from "Efficiency Modules" on nearby Beacons to lower power consumption
    - Powered offshore pumps do not generate pollution
    - Boilers are placed with 10 water inside to jumpstart power production
    - Adds new techs to unlock offshore pumps
    - Supports Bob's Mods
    - Backwards compatibility with "Higher Tier Offshore Pumps"