[OS] Speed Train

by OnSive

Adds speed trains for faster railway transport.

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Integration of other mod such as bigger slower train?

4 years ago


Other mods modify the normal capacity of wagons but this mod has a fixed amount (50 for faster train).

Could it take other mods into account?

for example, bigger slower train ( https://mods.factorio.com/mod/bigger_slower_trains-M ) change size from 40 to 60 but reduce normal speed.

your train has 50. Could it have either 75 (+50%) or 70 (+20) (according which way you use it) but also take the reduced speed applied to your faster train bonus speed ?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

The problem is that the train is called different than the base entitys (base: locomotive | Speed Train: speed-train).

There are 2 options:
1. The author of the Bigger Slower Trains mod ZwerOxotnik would add a dependency to my mod and add those entitys to his mod (name = "speed-train" and name = "speed-cargo-wagon"
2. I fork the mod of ZwerOxotnik and add my trains myself which results in a own "[OS] Bigger Slower Trains" mod

I'll send ZwerOxotnik a message - stay tuned

4 years ago

Added the integration.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Top thanks :)

For any new suggestions, please open a thread.

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