Nuclear Furnace

Nuclear Furnace with nuclear fuel makes smelting much faster; the mod adds special "burnt extractor inserter" for removing "used up uranium fuel cell" from this furnace.

10 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Spent fuel

7 years ago

1.Spent fuels cant be removed form it by inserter.

2.Extremely high pollution value is correct?

7 years ago

Thanks for reply.

  1. I don't know why, it looks like vanilla problem.
  2. It was added as balance for miniaturization: instead of huge nuclear plant and big cluster of electric furnaces, only one entity with nuclear smelting. I'm sure, it's not very ecologic to smelt ores direct on the nuclear core.
7 years ago

Version 0.0.2: added special inserter, that can take used fuel cells from reactor

7 years ago

I'm trying to use the mod with the special extractor and it won't extract the used fuel cells. I tried running the command "/c["extractor-inserter"].enabled=true" and it's still not working. Any ideas?

7 years ago

Same problem, special inserter doesnt work and other inserter also.

7 years ago

I will see the problem on weekend.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Can't reproduce this bug. Extractor works without another mods perfect.

Please use forum thread:

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Where's the special extractor? I can't find it?

nm: Found it. Might want to make a not in the Information page that there's a special extractor in addition to the picture that shows it. Because I'm an idiot who didn't check the pictures.

4 years ago

@Sj-Chan, done

New response