Natural Evolution Enemies

Adds new Enemies to the game. 5 new biters and 5 new spitters, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. If you want a more of a challenge than what Vanilla can offer you... Compatible with Rampant and Bob's. Recommended to use with NE Buildings

1 year, 5 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Flame damage and Explosive damage research increase enemy damage

3 years ago

It seems the Flammables damage upgrade is increasing Fire Spitter and Medium worm damage, and the explosives upgrade is increasing Web Spitter damage. When you mouse over the icon in the research tab, it shows the mobs in it. screenshots provided below. I'm not sure if it's really increasing damage or if it's only a tooltip bug, but Fire Spitter in particular seems to one hit kill anything it shoots.

2 years ago

I found that the mod use for it's ennemies the vanilla ammo type of flamethrower, rocket and mine. Creating and assigning new ammo types fixed the problem.

2 years ago

I made an addon mod with the fix (but it's for the 1.1 versions of NEE, which are Natural Evolution Ennemies Fixed / Redux):

New response