Natural Evolution Enemies

Adds new Enemies to the game. 5 new biters and 5 new spitters, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. If you want a more of a challenge than what Vanilla can offer you... Compatible with Rampant and Bob's. Recommended to use with NE Buildings

1 year, 5 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

b [0.17.43] Breeder Biter/Spitter causing massive lag/timeout

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Breeder Biter/Spitter are causing massive lag and timeout in MP

Steps to reproduce:
0) Start a new game with enemy difficulty 5
1) Change team to enemy or make yourself invu by the method of your choice
2) Give yourself a rocket launcher and 1 nuke
3) Set enemy evolution factor to 1.0
4) find the closest nest with 1 breeder spawner (around 6-8 breeder biters/spitters are around it if it's 1 spawner)
5) fire the nuke at the breeder spawner
6) see your children graduate, see your grandchildren grow up, graduate aswell and come back to see the explosion finishing.

ofc, number 6 included a joke, the nuke "only" took 30 minutes to fully explode to it's radius end (which normally takes 2 seconds)

testing system: quad core 4,6ghz/core, 32gb ram, gtx980
other mods: none

well, i'm not sure if the spawner itself spawns some on death but all of the big (and level 19/20) ones spawn ~11 smaller ones, each of the smaller ones 6 other ones, each of those 5 other.
so in one scenario, the 6 "walking" ones => 6 * 11 * 6 * 5 = 1980 and this is not the worst case scenario.

well, 30 minutes where you can't play the game in SP and MP/servers will timeout you because of this.

other comments?
well, in case someone (not you) would go with sth like "then don't kill them, don't aggro them and you're fine"...not even that will work because some fire/acid/sth of other enemies shooting at you will damage the big ones aswell, if the big ones die by dot, the smaller ones do the same, just faster....and then we get the problem again.

PS-in case this is not fixable...can the breeders be modified to spawn specific (and less) breeders on death who don't spawn smaller ones on their death+just adjust their dmg/health/resi values to counter the fact that smaller ones are missing? (edit: or breeder biters spawn the other biters on death, that way, you're keeping the death spiral away without much work)

5 years ago

Thanks for the report!
I'll see what can be done.

5 years ago

So I re-produced the error and it was amazing :)

Should now be fixed in 0.17.16.

5 years ago

Tested it in 0.17.43, they're spawning the same amounts like before but the horrible version of this lag is gone. (now the nuke only takes additional 1-1,5s at ~20 Breeders (tested multiple times) and ~2s more at ~30 Breeders).
Didn't test it in MP yet but i assume it won't timeout(or delay you so much you die) in MP since you mostly don't nuke whole nests of those guys^^

5 years ago

And even if you do it in MP, shouldn't timeout you at all^^

5 years ago


New response