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Natural Evolution Enemies

Adds new Enemies to the game. 5 new biters and 5 new spitters, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. If you want a more of a challenge than what Vanilla can offer you... Compatible with Rampant and Bob's. Recommended to use with NE Buildings

1 year, 5 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Biter Attack

6 years ago

I noticed something strange and I just wanted to ask if that's what I wanted

I noticed that when I fell with my robots the trees or grenades attack the biter z.b immediately but when I go and dismantle the trees with his hand or destroy them with a vehicle that the biter then not attack

Since I did not know if it was a mistake or so wanted, I just wanted to ask
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6 years ago

When chopping down a tree or robots mining trees, biters should attack. If a tree is "destroyed" they should not attack.

6 years ago

Seems there was a little bug that has been fixed in 8.1.3. Thanks.

New response