Napalm Artillery

Adds Napalm Artillery shells.

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0

i Option to remove the need for white science?

3 years ago

I was looking forward to using these shells before I unlock the uranium ones (different mod), but only then noticed that I will have access to the uranium ones looong before I even get these.

And I personally find it a bit excessive to lock them behind a rocket launch, so I was wondering if there could be an option added to alter the research to not require white science.

2 years ago

I'm assuming you're referring to atomic artillery rather than nuclear artillery since the former is all but white science for 5k total while nuclear is 7.5k of all. I'm not an expert at game balance, but my opinion is putting napalm artillery behind a single rocket launch is perfectly fine since it's relatively close to atomic shell's power (compared to vanilla shells) for the cost of no uranium-235.

11 months ago

I would also like to see this feature added in settings. Even if it breaks balance, clearly we want to play that way.

a month ago

Add me to the people who think that Space Science shouldn't be needed for this.

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