My Quick Start

by nm9311

Simple almost minimalistic Quick Start Mod: Start with one of 9 startup kits (Empty, Default, Default-militant, Tiny, Small, Medium, Big, Huge or CUSTOM) to improve or decrease your Factorio experience. The kit can be selected in the mod config settings. You can also choose to put items from kit to your quickbar or to do some research in advance (big, huge or custom kit). Now you can select what to put in which quickbar slot. Multiplayer ready.

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0

g no technologies

3 years ago

Hey nm9311, if i start the game with "huge" or "big" preset it's all fine but the technologies are not researched.

I don't know why, can u check it please.
ps i use your Mod to use in my streams, is that ok for you?
MfG Drachentyrann

3 years ago

Hi there! I just did check my Factorio mod and everything works correctly. Check that you using the latest version of Factorio (1.1.42) and that you checked the check box in the Settings/Mod Settings/Startup/Research technologies at start. You can use my mod in your streams. I do hope for nice words from you about my mod in streams. Can you provide the link?

3 years ago

When i use "Research technologies at start" i have ALL tchnologies at start, but in your "kits huge/big" u have the writer [technolegies]. Also my intention was ich can change the techologies and ich have only the techs what i want.

But my Script skills are low, very low, maybe my mistake and i misstand anythink

Here is my link: ... your welcome
But I don't stream much and only when I feel like it AND i speak german only, my english is not good for conversations

3 years ago

Hello. I didn't quite understand your problem. Anyways, it works as it's intended. You check All technologies and all technologies are researched. It will be too complicated to enable to choose which technologies to be researched. There are so many technologies and even categories. Thank you for your link. With best wishes!

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