More Ammo

Adds more Ammo types and their crafting Recipes for your Weapons! +Specials for Space Exploration

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Enemies Manufacturing

g Support for Krastorio 2

1 year, 3 months ago

Hi, ever thought of supporting Krastorio 2 too?, SE and Krastorio is often used together.

1 year, 3 months ago

I second this request. Though K2 would require some extra work across the board to balance the new ammo and such with the way K2 changes weapons, turrets, and ammo.

1 year, 2 months ago

First of all, thanks for the Idea.
But I need some Ideas on how to support Krastorio 2 (new types of ammo? Other ways to create it? Something like that).

If you want, you can make Pull Requests on GitHub, so updates come out faster.
If you are wondering why it took me so long to reply here, that is because I started my apprenticeship as a chemical technician, and I need to maintain my other mod. While having little time to play factorio and come up with new ideas myself, so sorry for the irregular updates.
But please remember you can always reach me on discord (x_man1109)

1 year, 2 months ago

You are fine. Thank you for the reply. I'll have to think on it a bit.

Krastorio turns bullets into direction (Instead of entity) targeting along with setting a max range. They also use their own graphics for these special magazines. Though that should only require a recolor. I assume for the rest, the same icons for each step of crafting could remain as you have it setup in your mod. So the main point after that would be balancing.

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