MSP - 30 new Science Packs

Play with 30 new science packs and a new technology tree (if omniLib enabled) that adds efficiency tech to the various science packs. This mod is not an extension to lovely_santa's mod by a similar name. It adds 30 science packs but they are all pretty inexpensive. A TON of customization exists for the mod and individual packs can be disabled. Mod integration engine designed to add pack types to entire tech tree (only applies to technology that can be traced back to vanilla tech). Optional inclusion of omniLib enables new tech tree that unlocks various levels of efficiency tiers for each pack that will auto-update machines when research completes.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g Pyadon mof compartible?

6 years ago

Pyadon mof compartible?

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Sorry? pyanodon? what is pyadon mof?

6 years ago

sorry mod in Pyanodons (5 mod hitech and other)

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

I still don't understand what you're asking/saying. Is there a specific problem you're having?

6 years ago

Pyanodon is currently incompatible with several of the mods MSP already supports, and as such, is not worth my effort to make MSP compatible with pyanodon.

6 years ago

I can help or try to change some recipes myself :) if you do not mind.

6 years ago

I don't mind. I just don't think it's worth anyone's time right now. Mostly for a few reasons:
1) MSP works with mods Pyanodon is incompatible with
2) getting MSP to work with pyanodon is, therefore, a combination of getting it to work alone with Pyanodon and getting it to work with multiple variations of Pyanodon + any combination of the other already-supported mods.
3) Because of the incompatibility pyanodon has with the third-party mods, it is likely to change somewhat, undoing the work / making any changes to MSP unnecessary (or even possibly break MSP once again).
4) I'm playing with Pyanodon in a save for the first time, have removed a few of the MSP-compatible mods once it became clear they do not function alongside Pyanodon with MSP, taking notes here and there.

Mostly: it's an issue of the fact that the amount of work necessary to get them compatible in it's current state isn't worth it, and is likely to be undone once the mod functions correctly alongside the other supported mods on its own.

6 years ago

What is the problem? I´m playing a run with Angel, Bob, Clown, Pyanodon, More Science and MSP30. No problems, it works fine.

6 years ago

So far: from my understanding of PyCoal's compatibility woes:
Users must install two additional mods to fix various issues between pycoal and the other mods MSP currently supports (AAI Industry, Angels[refining,petro,smelting], Bob's[logistics,modules,plates,ores], BioIndustries, Omnimatter): PyCoal Touched by an Angel, and AAII Science Pack 0.
AAI issue:


This means it could be resolved by adding a trinary dependency in data.lua that forces users to have both of those "patch" mods installed if any of the pycoal mods are enabled. or it forces an error and crashes. Omnimatter author has now done a similar thing in his omnilib to prevent users having the third-party fluid_permutations mod that isn't written by the author of OMni's mods. (whether this was a legitimate incompatibility or a preventative measure, idk)

6 years ago

If your playthrough currently has the AAII science Pack 0 mod (or you aren't playing with AAI Industry), and you have PyCoal Touched by an Angel---from as far as i know: you should be fine.

So part of the issue for me is: Is PyCoal's author going to fix the issues addressed in these two "patch" mods, or will they remain a requirement for people playing PyCoal with these other mods? If he fixes the issues internally, i'll have to address those changes pretty quickly and release a fix within MSP that undoes the work i put in to make them compatible...if not: then i have to hope that all the mods touched by the patched mods-compatibility with Pycoal remain consistant enough to not through any errors with the others.

consider this chain: Any change/update to any of the mods made compatible by "PyCoal touched by Angel" is pushed.
PyCoal touched by angel is now broken. it attempts to change a technology within ... say... bioIndustries, that has been renamed. Users must remove PyCoal TBA, which breaks the fixes it provided to Pyanodon. This results in MSP no longer being able to load with pyanodon because of a strict trinary "lock" that requires Pycal TBA to be there if pycaol processing is enabled.

However: if the author of pycoal processing did proper checks within his code for mods/technology such as if angel's mods is enabled, or such--and ALTERED the way he changed the game to prevent incompatibilities, then the likelihood of the above scenario is decreased drastically.

Also, nothing would really change within MSP if i simply used a "crash game if Pycoal is enabled but either PTBA or AAI science pack 0 aren't there" -- it'd just create a scenario that would not allow the game to load to the main screen.

Also, in my mind, due to the popularity of Angels, bob's, omnimatter---it is likely that either pycoal with address the issues internally at some point, or outright set internal dependencies pointed towards those "patch" mods. Most authors would be wary of pointing a dependency at a mod they aren't the author of, however. So he (or she) may also simply steal, or replicate the effects/code used by those mods to resolve the issues PyCoal+(other) has.

There isn't anything in MSP that explicitly breaks a game with Pycoal. it's actually mostly that pycoal and others aren't compatible between themselves without a third mod resolving it.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

then with bob's mods there is the issue that pyanodon assumes some mods are enabled if bob's lib exists without doing proper checks. this is VERY BAD. It is okay to do the inverse: "if bob's ores exists, then bobs library must also exist. because bob's ores requires bob's lib." but assuming the inverse is bad.
Pyanodon assumes presence of specific mods as soon as it detects bob's lib. but that's not really MSP's problem... it was just something i noticed when i was investigating whether to extend compatibility to pyanodon mods.

6 years ago

TL;DR: Pyanodon and MSP compatibility is not so much an issue with MSP being incompatible with pyanodon on their own, but rather, compatibility is primarily dependent upon which other mods are also enabled. Most of the mods MSP supports are unsupported by Pyanodon without the presence of a "fixer" mod that corrects the mistakes within pyanodon. Such as the two mods mentioned earlier, or even a quality of life-type mod that gives players items from the game's start could be the difference between an impossible game and there being no issues detected if the player crafts the correct items with the resources they were given from the start, but if a player wasn't using that QOL mod, they'd be stuck. AAI + Pyanodon + (something else) made basic iron pipes impossible to get during one of my testing runs. without iron pipes the game instantly comes to an instant standstill. as they are needed for boilers and basic electricity couldn't be established. without the electricity to run certain machines, i couldn't get the items necessary to set up a basic base. I added "AllAboutMoney", which allowed me to purchase iron pipes but that isn't a "fix" --- oh, just download another mod!.

I hope you see what i'm getting at? ---the issue is pyanodon requires third party mods to fix the game progression that immediately breaks when specific mods are present---mods i already support. Your experience may be completely different then someone who uses 80 mods out of the 100 mods you use. or if they use 105 mods verses the 70 you may have. it's....

I see the issues people report on pyanodon's page, and i'm just like : "Nope. not touching it."
But that doesn't mean it won't work for you, firemonkey1412, or somebody else. It just means, pyanodon doesn't work with the other mods MSP supports unless another mod resolves it.

6 years ago

Ok, you are right. Now i know what you mean. Of course I use touched by an angel, it is a must to have if you combinate pyanodon with other mods. Because BioIndustries (and Bobs Greenhouses and other mods) makes the game much easier, I don´t use them. Then there are no compatible issues. AAI makes problems, yes. I don´t use it too. Particularly I think AAI doesn´t make the game complicated, it only makes everything expensive. And I don´t like Megabases. So at the end you are right. MSP is compatible with MoreScience, Pyanodon, ABC and so on. But Pyanodon is not so easy to add to a long mod list. But it is possible.

6 years ago

So i'm going to lock the thread with this TL;DR:

It is possible you may get a combination of mods that work with Pyanodon and MSP alongside other mods. Awesome! If not: know that the problem is within pyanodon, and it's frequent need to be patched by 3rd party mods in order to work with other things. This external dependency makes it difficult to explicitly fix or rather "declare compatability" with pyanodon. as it'd just open myself up to having to fix issues for all sorts of stuff. If your particular setup of pYanodon+MSP + (all other mods) doesn't can disable specific packs from MSP now and they won't be required in any technology costs, and make sure to get any patch mods that are released for pyanodon as there are several.
Other than that. happy factory building.

This thread has been locked.