Extended Vanilla: Exoskeletons deprecated

A complete overhaul to the ordinary personal vanilla equipment, this mod(pack) adds four brand new tiers of Exoskeletons that will allow you to, well, go fast, faster, absolutely fast, insanely fast. Quick Note: be careful when spam-crafting them—the more high the tier, the more exponential the speed buff.

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1


Version: 4.1.0
Date: 2021.10.31
    - As many players recently have requested, I've introduced a way to switch the amor differentiations.
      Indeed, now you'll be able to decide, at the start of the game, if every type of equipment can be installed
      on every type of armor or not.
    - This should make the mod pack more versatile both if you want to play a normal vanilla playthrough or a modded one.
      (Ex. I want to put the equipment of [name of the mod] in these power and industrial armors.)
    - The thought behind this update is always the same: every decision is up to you.
      (I'm planning to make every spec of every armor customizable now that I learned the setting prototype.)
    - Added a startup setting button that allows you to implement or not the armor and equipment differentiation.
    - Tweaked the changelog file so that's also clean on the mod page.
Version: 4.0.0
Date: 2021.10.06
    - Incredible, but real, I've returned modding Factorio, and, well, decided to change many things...
      There were tot problems in the mods dedicated to armor:
      1. The code: Ugly, really, in some cases. For example, Ev: fusion reactors was completely rewrited, as
          I didn't updated its code for I think 3 years;
      2. The textures: Nearly all textures were updated to match to the latest 1.0 ones, as I saw there has
          been an update both on equipments and technologies;
      3. The balances: I decided to change many things, if not everything, and this changelog will treat
          everything in detail.
      (For the exact numerical changes, if you're that curious, I've kept track of every modify I made while
      coding, so now you can see them by opening the prototypes files.)
  Big Features:
    - From this version, the way you organise your inventory and equipment will change.
      I've differentiated the types of equipment (For details, see the mod portal) in three main categories.
      The first two ones, "Aggro" and "Engineering" have different equipments for different uses, while the
      third one groups some "Hybrid" equipments that can be installed in both types of armor.
  Extended Vanilla / Power Armors:
    - Changed all the item textures and updated the ones of the equipment and technologies to match the latest
      ones: now also the tech sprites match the custom textures of the fusion reactors;
    - Rebalanced the tech prerequisites, science packs needed and time required;
      (Now researches take much less time to make and science packs are balanced not on the amount but based on the utility
      of the equipment and the probable stage of the game in which you are when you can research the equipment itself.)
    - Introduced 3 new tiers of a brand new armor: the industrial armor and rebalanced resistances around this major update;
      (Buff to all aggro armor resistences.)
    - Rebalanced the types of ingredients needed and their amount;
    - Updated en / it locales to make similar to the vanilla ones;
    - Furthermore optimised the cross-mod recipe optimisaiton (Started in v3.2.2).
  Extended Vanilla / Roboports:
    - Changed all the item textures and updated the ones of the equipment and technologies to match the latest ones:
      now also the tech sprites match the custom textures of the fusion reactors;
    - Rebalanced the tech prerequisites, science packs needed and time required;
      (Now researches take much less time to make and science packs are balanced not on the amount but based on the utility
      of the equipment and the probable stage of the game in which you are when you can research the equipment itself.)
    - Rebalanced the types of ingredients needed and their amount;
    - Rebalanced the specs of each tier of roboports (Almost buffed all tiers);
    - Fixed the size of the equipment as it "was too big to make sense", since when I first created the roboports I
      didn't know about the buffs consecutive roboports obtain when put togheter.
      (Thanks to CerulanLumina's report: it helped a lot.)
  Extended Vanilla / Exoskeletons:
    - Changed all the item textures and updated the ones of the equipments and technologies to match the latest ones;
    - Rebalanced the tech prerequisites, science packs needed and time required;
      (Now researches take much less time to make and science packs are balanced not on the amount but based on the utility
      of the equipment and the probable stage of the game in which you are when you can research the equipment itself.)
    - Rebalanced the types of ingredients needed and their amount: now they are more easy to make, but need to be stacked
      in order to obtain an insane movement speed.
      (Seriously, before this version you couldn't control yourself
      with more than 2 Exoskeletons MK5 equipment in the inventory.)
  Extended Vanilla / Fusion Reactors:
    - Changed all the item textures and updated the ones of the equipment and technologies to match the latest ones:
      now also the tech sprites match the custom textures of the fusion reactors;
      (Tell me how do you feel these textures and if you'd like to see something similar also on the other equipment.)
    - Rebalanced the tech prerequisites, science packs needed and time required;
      (Now researches take much less time to make and science packs are balanced not on the amount but based on the utility
      of the equipment and the probable stage of the game in which you are when you can research the equipment itself.)
    - Rebalanced the types of ingredients needed and their amount;
    - Updated en / it locales to match the vanilla ones;
    - Buffed the production rates of some fusion reactors. (Mk3 & Mk6.)
Version: 3.2.0
Date: 2020.12.10
    - Updated to 1.1!
Version: 3.1.1
Date: 2020.10.05
    - Now the Exoskeletons have regained their movement bonuses; (Thanks to Ramses-II on the modpage
      and from WacPheonix from the Discord server);
    - Created a migration file in order to preserve your equipments and technologies once you update
      the mod (Thanks to IronCartographer's post on the Discussion page: I had completely forgot about
      the existence of this type of files).
    - Rebalanced the old movement speed bonuses:
      - Exoskeleton Mk2 Equipment: From 1.3 to 0.75;
      - Exoskeleton Mk3 Equipment: From 1.5 to 1.00;
      - Exoskeleton Mk4 Equipment: From 2.0 to 1.25;
      - Exoskeleton Mk5 Equipment: From 2.5 to 1.50.
    - Rebalanced the old energy consuptions:
      - Exoskeleton Mk2 Equipment: From 750mW to 500mW;
      - Exoskeleton Mk3 Equipment: From 1000mW to 750mW;
      - Exoskeleton Mk4 Equipment: Unchanged (1500mW);
      - Exoskeleton Mk5 Equipment: Unchanged (50mW).
    - The vanilla Exoskeleton Mk1 has been buffed:
      - I wanted that the speed bonus to scale regularly (+25% per tier), so I'll temporally buff
        both the movement speed and energy consumption of this one and in the meanwhile create a
        Mk6 tier for the endgame (yes, it's coming).
    - Translated the mod in German (Thanks to Babo77z from the Discord server);
    - Translated the mod in French (Thanks to "മരണം വരുന്നു" from the Discord server);
    - Changed the thumbnail since it was very ugly to see all compressed.
Version: 3.1.0
Date: 2020.10.05
    - Edited the equipment's textures.
    - Rewrited the code in a more clearly way (this will help me with the next updates);
    - Changed every the item, technology and equipment code-name;
    - Rebalanced the recipes;
    - Rebalanced the technologies;
    - Rebalanced the item stacks.
Version: 3.0.0
Date: 2020.08.24
    - Updated to 1.0
    - Changed LOTS OF THINGS in the source code, since it was a "bit" old (last update in version 0.16, you can imagine)
    - Changed the sprites: icons, technologies and the equipment itself now match with the armor tiers
    - Modified the energy consuption of the Exoskeleton Mk5 Equipment: from 7kW to 50kW
    - Modified the requirements for researching the Exoskeleton Mk5 Equipment: space science not needed anymore
Version: 2.0.0
Date: 2019.??.??
    - Updated to 0.17
Version: 1.3.1
Date: 2018.??.??
    - Retro-Updated the newest version for 0.15! (Thanks to Kravchenko32 for the post!)
Version: 1.3.0
Date: 2018.??.??
    - Fixed compatibility with the library
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 2018.??.??
    - Fixed Exoskeleton Mk5's crafting (Now you can craft it in the assembling machines)
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 2017.??.??
    - Retro-Updated the newest version for 0.15! (thanks for Eisenwulf_0861's request ;D)
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2017.??.??
    - Initial release... RUN Forest RUN!!!