Ive been using this mod (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/CompressedFluids) to compress the steam and get rid of it using this other mod (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Flare%20Stack) because I couldnt use the steam for electricity because of its low temperature and because it eventually starts to accumulate so thats the solution I found.
Now, every recipe can have a different steam output, the pressurized fluids doesnt work with different steam temperatures and with 500º C. Ive tinkered with it a bit and I managed to add new steam temperatures but it isnt dinamic.
ONLY IF YOU WANT, I would do it by myself but I dont have the enough knowledge of lua and factorio to do it but the idea would be to make a version of the Pressurized fluids mod that can dinamically compress a changing temperature liquid and your molten ores because currently they arent suported.
I say this here to you because the mod hasnt been updated for nearly a year and a half.
This is an amazing mod, congratulations :)