Module Inserter

Mass insert modules into machines with construction bots

5 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

b 5.1.8 GUI doesn't close with "e" or "esc"

4 years ago

I am not sure if you will consider this a bug or rather a feature request, but right now you can't close the gui with either "e" or "esc". This is the standard I would say. This is a bit annoying since you always have to click on the close button.

Also two small localisation issues I noticed:
The GUI and the shortcut should both be named "Module inserter" and not "Module Inserter". And the "Destroy Module Inserter" tooltip should say "Destroy module inserter".

Besides that: Thanks for the great mod!

4 years ago

I was wondering when somebody would report it. It's a feature request, which I probably would have added sooner or later myself, since it started to annoy me when testing. I'll probably steal the idea/icon from raiguard's mods with the pin button, so you can quickly disable that functionality.

Tooltip: I guess technically you're right, i always thought of Module Inserter as the brand (or Eigenname, judging by your name i guess you speak german ;) ) and not as something like the deconstruction planner.

4 years ago

Thanks for the quick implementation!

As for the localisation: You are correct I do speak German :) It's true a lot of mods just use capital letters everywhere and it makes perfectly sense if you consider it a brand. What irritated me was that the actual item has a lower case "i" in "Module inserter". Localisations are really annoying. I am currently trying to overhaul how localisations work in a mod I took over and I get confused all the time.

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