Module Inserter

Mass insert modules into machines with construction bots

5 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

i upgrading modules where possible?

4 years ago

Would it be possible to use the upgrade planner module upgrade feature where possible? That would prevent the modules from dropping out of the machine the moment you swipe it, allowing it to keep the old benefits for a while more, while the bots deliver the new ones.

4 years ago

I changed it so that in most cases it should use the upgrade feature.
Most cases currently meaning: Upgrading to only 1 module type or when upgrading from 2prod 1, 2speed 1 to 2prod 2, 2speed 1 (actually the type doesn't matter, as long as the number of the different types matches)

I'll eventually change it so it only drops modules early if the new configuration actually has fewer modules than the current one, but that is a lot of logic to be done and a lot of edge cases to figure out.

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