Modular Charge Packs

Adds exchangeable battery packs that can be used to power your modular equipment

2 months ago
0.15 - 2.0
Armor Power
7 years ago
Latest Version:
2.0.2 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
0.15 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
537 users

Adds exchangeable battery packs that can be used to power your modular equipment
- 2 Levels of Charge Pack, based on MK1 and MK2 Battery Equipment
- - Small Charge Pack holds 36MJ, crafted with 2 MK1 Battery Equipment, 4 Advanced Circuits and 8 Copper Cable
-- Large Charge Pack holds 350MJ, crafted with 4 Battery Equipment MK2, 8 Advanced Circuits and 18 Copper Cable
- 3 levels of Charging Station, one using 2.8MW and one using 12MW to charge rapidly.
- - Carefully mathed out to be costing just over the right amount of energy from your power grid (with a little cost built in to the maths)
-- Charging Station charges Small packs in 13 Seconds and Large packs in 126 seconds
-- Rapid Charging Station charges Small packs in 3.2 Seconds and Large packs in 30 Seconds
-- Overclocked Charging Station charges Large packs in 8 Seconds (though with a larger cost margin)

- Graphics for Charging Station are just colourshifts of electrical furnaces. Eventually I might try to make something better, but this will do for now.
- I believe these costs are good, but I am open to feedback.
- Support for Quality module is limited. If you try to place a Quality charge pack into your armour, it will revert to a normal version.