Mobile Factory

A mod with many features where you can make a Mobile Factory, build your base inside and travel around the world. The mod contains a way to transfer items remotely, some nice ways to mine Ore or extract Fluid, some new chemical elements, Data Storage of Items, and much more ...

9 months ago
0.17 - 1.1


Version: 0.11.5
Date: 01/06/2024
    - Fixed starting crash
Version: 0.11.4
Date: 06/05/2021
    - Fixed a Jump Drive GUI error
    - Fixed a Matter Interacter error
Version: 0.11.3
Date: 23/04/2021
    - The Resources Collector should no longer stop collecting when a Resource Path is removed by another Resources Collector
    - Fixed a Migration Crash
Version: 0.11.2
Date: 22/04/2021
    - Optimised the Resources Collector, it should create less lag
    - If more than 20 Resources Collecters are placed, the number of update will be decreased, this will slow it a little but avoid lag spikes
    - Fixed a migration error
    - Fixed a bug where the Resources Collector doesn't correctly save its settings
Version: 0.11.1
Date: 21/04/2021
    - Fixed an error with the Resources Collector
Version: 0.11.0
Date: 15/04/2021
  Major Features:
    - The Ore Cleaner and the Fluid Extractor was mixed to one Structure: The Resources Collector that can extract Ores and Fluids
    - The Resource Collector contain a Chest and 4 Tanks, this allows to retrieve Ores and Fluids without using the Data Network (Ores and Fluids can still be sent to the Deep Tanks and Deep Storages)
    - All placed Ore Cleaners will be transformed into Resources Collectors, all Fluid Extractors are lost
    - Added the Resources Collector
    - Removed the Ore Cleaner
    - Removed the Fluid Extractor
    - Fixed a bug where the Deep Tank filter is not registered when using the Information GUI
Version: 0.10.4
Date: 10/04/2021
    - Ore Cleaner infinite ores bug
    - Ore Cleaner only sends to nearby MF on same surface
    - Ore Cleaner cleaning should be a little nicer
    - Unknow -> Unknown
Version: 0.10.3
Date: 10/04/2021
    - Optimised the Products Cache: this will reduce the Loading/Save time
    - Optimised the Ore Cleaner: this will increase the performances and reduce the Loading/save time
Version: 0.10.2
Date: 10/04/2021
    - The Ore Cleaner default target is now set to Auto instead of none
    - An Ore Stack size is only modified if the stack size is less than 1000
    - The Ore Cleaner will no longer deplete infinite Ore Paths
    - The flying Ores from the Ore Cleaners animation are no longer displayed on the map/minimap
    - Fixed a bug when sometime, the Ore Cleaners target Inventory was not save
Version: 0.10.1
Date: 09/04/2021
    - bug when Ore Cleaner doesn't have any more ores to clean
    - copy collision_mask from Mobile Factory to Deployment, for improved compatibility
    - incorrect text for research description, Dimensional Pole MK2 and MK3
Version: 0.10.0
Date: 08/04/2021
  Major Features:
    - The Ore Cleaner was fully reworked, it is now more compatible with the others Mods
    - The graphics was also reworked as well as the Animation
    - Some changes was done to make it easier to use. It also works like a chest, this allows to use Inserters/Loaders to take Ores
    - Here the new features related to the Ore Cleaner:
    - Ore Paths with multiple products are now supported
    - Ores can now be extracted with Inserters/Loaders
    - The Mobile Factory is no longer needed (can still be used)
    - It can now be connected to the Network Access Point, and will try to drain Quatron
    - The Ores can be send to the Network Access Point, or the Mobile Factory (the closest)
    - It can now be placed inside the Mobile Factory and doesn't need to be above an Ore Path to work
    - Increased the Stack size of all Ores to 1000, this will help the Ore Cleaner to correctly works
    - Fixed a crash that happen inside the Data Assembler when you click the select recipe Button and the recipe selection window is already opened
Version: 0.9.3
Date: 02/04/2021
    - Updated dependencies in info.json
Version: 0.9.2
Date: 27/03/2021
    - Fixed an error that can happen when a Internal Energy Cube is removed
    - Fixed an error that can happen when a Internal Quatron Cube is removed
Version: 0.9.1
Date: 24/03/2021
    - Fixed the Icons size inside the Information GUI
    - Fixed the Icons size inside the Network Explorer GUI
    - Fixed the Icons size of the Network Access Point - Out of Quatron
Version: 0.9.0
Date: 23/03/2021
    - Added HD Icons for some Items
Version: 0.8.9
Date: 18/02/2021
    - change Dimensional Pipe graphics to account for Industrial Revolution 2 (editing vanilla prototypes in data)
    - MF Erya doesn't work with IR2 for now, account of above conflict
    - change a few dates in changelog to match DD/MM/YYYY
Version: 0.8.8
Date: 15/02/2021
    - removed outdated reset gui command
    - Verify coal or wood can be used to power the Mobile Factory
    - fix typo in Mobile Factory object table
Version: 0.8.7
Date: 13/02/2021
    - Main gui inventories lost minimum width - caused by GUI style behavior change in Factorio 1.1.7
    - Data Network Explorer with multiple storages didn't remove player inventory items
    - Deep Storage with filter reset to 'nothing', by tooltip button, wouldn't clear the sprite / item stored
Version: 0.8.6
Date: 02/02/2021
    - Resource Catchers with a modified stack size should return only 1 Filled Resource Catcher
Version: 0.8.5
Date: 26/01/2021
    - Added an Energy Interface for the Data Assembler
Version: 0.8.4
Date: 24/01/2021
    - Fixed a crash with the Jump Drive when using it between different Surfaces (Second Attempt)
Version: 0.8.3
Date: 24/01/2021
    - Fixed a crash with the Jump Drive when using it between different Surfaces
Version: 0.8.2
Date: 20/01/2021
    - Fixed a crash that can happen with a Deep Tank if it contain an Item from a removed Mod
Version: 0.8.1
Date: 19/01/2021
    - Fixed a Crash related to the Quatron Reactor
Version: 0.8.0
Date: 05/01/2021
  Major Features:
    - Added the Energy Dispenser, it can be charger with Energy Lasers/Cubes and distribute Power within a 128x128 area (This replace the Dimensional Substation)
    - Added two new Tiers for the Energy Structures
    - The Graphics of all Energy related Structures was refreshed, they use now the new glowing system to allow a better rendering at night
    - Added the Energy Laser MK2
    - Added the Energy Laser MK3
    - Added the Quatron Laser MK2
    - Added the Quatron Laser MK3
    - Added the Energy Cube MK2
    - Added the Energy Cube MK3
    - Added the Quatron Cube MK2
    - Added the Quatron Cube MK3
    - Added the Energy Dispenser
    - Reworked the Energy Laser MK1 Graphics
    - Reworked the Quatron Laser MK1 Graphics
    - Reworked the Energy Cube MK1 Graphics
    - Reworked the Quatron Cube MK1 Graphics
    - Reworked the Internal Energy Cube Graphics
    - Reworked the Internal Quatron Cube Graphics
    - Reworked the Jump Drive Graphics
    - Reworked the Jump Charger Graphics
    - Reworked the Quatron Reactor Graphics
    - Deployment: Green and Red Signals are now transferred between the Inside/Outside
    - Removed the Dimensional Substation Recipe and Technology (The Item and the Entity will be removed soon)
Version: 0.7.5
Date: 02/01/2021
    - Fixed a loading crash with some others mods related to the Dimensional Analyzer (Honktown)
Version: 0.7.4
Date: 01/01/2021
    - Right-Clicking the Teleport Outside Button will now teleport you to the Driver Seat of the Mobile Factory you are inside of (Or the Passenger Seat if the Driver Seat is already taken)
    - Right-Clicking a Mobile Factory inside the Switch GUI will open a Camera centered on it
    - You can now set an Items limit for the Deep Storage (Can be set inside the Deep Storage GUI)
    - You can now set an Fluid limit for the Deep Tank (Can be set inside the Deep Tank GUI)
Version: 0.7.3
Date: 01/01/2021
    - Added an Error handler for UpSys.update.obj.update
    - Added an Error handler for GUI.updateAllGUIs.GUI.update...
    - Added an Error handler for MF:update.II.rescan
    - Added an Error handler for MF:update.MF.repack
    - Added an Error handler for MF:update.MF.updateFuel
    - Added an Error handler for MF:update.MF.scanEnt
    - Added an Error handler for MF:update.MF.updateShield
    - Added an Error handler for MF:update.MF.updatePollution
    - Added an Error handler for MF:update.MF.factoryTeleportBox
    - Added an Error handler for MF:update.MF.scanModules
    - Added an Error handler for MF:update.MF.updateDeployment
Version: 0.7.2
Date: 31/12/2020
    - Added an Error handler for initAPlayer.Event.initPlayer
    - Added an Error handler for Event.initPlayer.addMobileFactory
    - Added an Error handler for Event.initPlayer.GUI.createMFMainGUI
    - Added an Error handler for whenSomethingWasPlaced.somethingWasPlaced
    - Added an Error handler for onGhostPlacedByDie.ghostPlacedByDie
    - Added an Error handler for guiOpened.ghostPlacedByDie.GUI.openTTGui
    - Added an Error handler for onButtonClicked.GUI.buttonClicked
    - Added an Error handler for onGuiElemChanged.GUI.onGuiElemChanged
Version: 0.7.1
Date: 31/12/2020
    - Fixed an error when something is placed
Version: 0.7.0
Date: 31/12/2020
    - Added the /MFClearGUI command to clean all GUIs
    - Transfered the API-GUI to the MF: Base Mod
    - Transfered a lot of Functions (Util) to the MF: Base Mod
    - Added the compatibility with MF: Base Errors handling that will try to avoid Crashes
Version: 0.6.2
Date: 30/12/2020
    - fixed error with "add vanilla" with modded packs (Angels bio processing)
        note: adds basic lab science packs, not explicitly vanilla science packs
Version: 0.6.1
Date: 30/12/2020
    - Added compatibility with the New Erya Tech Script
    - Added a Button to the Option GUI (System) to Show/Hide Erya Tech Debug information
    - The Mobile Factory will no longer break Rails or Gates
Version: 0.6.0
Date: 29/12/2020
  Major Features:
    - Creation of the MF: Base Mod
    - Some Prototypes and Scripts will be transfered to this Mod
    - This will allows the current and future extensions or Mods to not longer depend on the Mobile Factory Mod
Version: 0.5.3
Date: 28/12/2020
    - Fixed a crash when a Blueprint is created
Version: 0.5.2
Date: 28/12/2020
    - Dimensional Belts and Pipes can now change Input/Output direction by rotating them (R key by default)
    - Added the Jump Drive GUI
    - Added the Jump Charger GUI
    - Added the Internal Energy Cube GUI
    - Added the Energy Cube GUI
    - Added the Energy Laser GUI
    - Added the Data Storage GUI
    - Added the Network Controller GUI
    - Fixed a compatibility issue with the Space Exploration Mod and the Mobile Factory Deployment
    - Fixed a crash when a Space Exploration Space Ship is moved with a Mobile Factory inside
    - The Hovering Mobile Factory can now move backward
    - Fixed a crash that can happen while removing the old SyncArea
    - Removed the Warptorio compatibility script (Warptorio correctly move the Mobile Factory now, not needed anymore)
Version: 0.5.1
Date: 27/12/2020
    - Fixed a weird behavior with the Mobile Factory Sprite inside the Deploy GUI
Version: 0.5.0
Date: 26/12/2020
  Major Features:
    - The Mobile Factory can now be Deployed (Unlocked by a Technology)
    - This allows to transfer Item/Fluid/Energy between the Ouside and the Inside
    - This feature is available via a Button inside the Main GUI or the Information GUI (If unlocked)
    - 4 Slots are available and 16 others can be unlocked by Technology
    - Added the Dimensional Belt, the Fast Dimensional Belt and the Express Dimensional Belt (Used for the Deployment)
    - Added the Dimensional Pipe, the Fast Dimensional Pipe and the Express Dimensional Pipe (Used for the Deployment)
    - Added the Dimensional Pole MK1, the Dimensional Pole MK2 and the Dimensional Pole MK3 (Used for the Deployment)
    - Added the Deploylment Technology
    - Added the Fast Dimensional Belt Technology
    - Added the Express Dimensional Belt Technology
    - Added the Fast Dimensional Pipe Technology
    - Added the Express Dimensional Pipe Technology
    - Added the Dimensional Pole MK2 Technology
    - Added the Dimensional Pole MK3 Technology
    - Added the Technologies for all 16 unlockable Slots
    - Added the Deployment GUI
    - The Recipe Window and the Recipe Information Window inside the Data Assembler are now closed when Escape is pressed (The Key can be configured)
    - Removed the SyncArea (Replaced by the Deployment)
    - The Water Reaction Recipe now need Oxygen as intended
    - Fixed a "nan" error that can happen when opening some Entities GUI (Volch)
Version: 0.4.2
Date: 13/12/2020
    - Quatron Cells have now a Fuel Value (Increased by the Quatron Purity)
    - Quatron Cells have now an Accelleration Multiplier - this increase the Speed of Vehicles (Increased by the Quatron Purity)
Version: 0.4.1
Date: 12/12/2020
    - All GUIs use now Tags instead of String Split
Version: 0.4.0
Date: 12/12/2020
    - Update to Factorio 1.1
Version: 0.3.4
Date: 11/12/2020
    - All Quatron recipes produce now 1000 Liquid Quatron (Instead of 100)
    - All Quatron Cells can now store 1000 Liquid Quatron (Instead of 100)
    - The Quatron Reactor now transform 1 Liquid Quatron to 1 Quatron Energy (Instead of 1 Liquid Quatron to 10 Quatron Energy)
    - The Quatron Reactor can now contain 10000 of Fluid Quatron (Instead of 3000)
    - The Quatron Reactor can now transfer 5000 Quatron Energy per second (Instead of unlimited)
    - The Quatron Reactor can now burn 1000 Quatron Fluid per second (Instead of unlimited)
    - Quatron Lasers and Energy Lasers beam visual has been improved
    - Added the Burn speed to the Quatron Reactor GUI
    - Fixed the Quatron Laser Output speed
Version: 0.3.3
Date: 11/12/2020
    - Fixed the Network Controler crash (A GUI will be added later)
    - The Mod now initialize correctly when added to an existing Save
Version: 0.3.2
Date: 11/12/2020
    - Fixed a crash when oppening a Quatron Structure GUI - Attempt 2 (Honktown)
    - Fixed a crash that can happend with a new game when some Mods are used
Version: 0.3.1
Date: 11/12/2020
    - Fixed a loading crash with existing saves
    - Fixed a crash when oppening a Quatron Structure GUI (Honktown)
Version: 0.3.0
Date: 10/12/2020
    - Full rework of all GUIs (Visual and Script)
    - Created a new GUI API (G-API), all GUIs were changed to this API
    - Removed the old GUI API
    - Fixed a crash with the Data Assembler GUI (Volch)
    - Fixed a crash with the Fluid Extractor
Version: 0.2.4
Date: 30/11/2020
    - placed objects prioritize to selected MF
    - bad string match for new place-and-remove behavior
Version: 0.2.3
Date: 30/11/2020
    - sync-able entities will check the MF of the surface they are placed on or nearest Mobile Factory
    - place-and-remove functions should be more compatible with multiple MFs
        placing internal cubes for example
    - small validity check when opening a Matter Interactor
Version: 0.2.2
Date: 27/11/2020
    - Fixed the Fluid Extractor unable to found resources
    - The Data Network List should now be correctly shown
Version: 0.2.1
Date: 27/11/2020
    - Fixed a crash when the Ore Cleaner or the Fluid Extractor is placed
Version: 0.2.0
Date: 27/11/2020
  Major Features:
    - The Mobile Factory can now be shared between Players
    - A new GUI was added that allows to rename your Mobile Factory or switch to another one (If the owner has allowed you)
    - This allows to show and control all allowed Mobile Factory by selecting them
    - Added a New GUI: The Switch GUI, allows you to rename your Mobile Factory or select another one as a "Main" Mobile Factory
    - The Main GUI shows now the Information about the Selected Mobile Factory
    - The Information GUI shows now the Information about the Selected Mobile Factory
    - The Deep Storage, the Deep Tank, the Data Storage and the Jump Charger are added to the Mobile Factory where it is placed
    - You can now select the Data Network for the Network Access Point, the Matter Interactor, the Fluid Interactor, the Network Explorer and the Data Assembler
    - You can now select the Data Network for the Ore Cleaner and the Fluid Extractor
    - Fixed crash on Sync area ghost placing (Honktown)
    - The Mobile Factory vehicle GUI of other Players now works correctly
Version: 0.1.2
Date: 24/11/2020
    - Data Assembler: Setting the number of Items to nothing will create an unlimited amount of this Item
    - The Network Access Point now shows its Quatron Purity inside its GUI
    - Added the Quatron Purity amount inside the Main GUI and the Information GUI
    - Added an Option to select the Main GUI Buttons size
    - Added Options to show/Hide Main GUI Progress Bars
    - Added an Option to select the Main GUI Progress Bars size
    - Added an Option to show/hide the Mobile Factory positions inside the Main GUI
    - Added an Option to show/hide the Day time (HH:MM) inside the Main GUI
    - Added an Option to show/hide the Chunk current Temperature (Erya Tech extension >= 0.1.8 must be installed)
    - Increased the size of all Information GUI Buttons
    - Some small fixes to translations  
    - Some Typos fixes
    - The Data Assembler should not start the recipe if there is too many of the first product in the Data Network
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 23/11/2020
    - Added a GUI to the Quatron Reactor
    - Fixed the Energy Cube Tooltip
    - Added "Can be removed" to the Internal Energy/Quatron Cube
    - Reworked Quatron Recipes for a better readability
    - Changed the color of the Mobile Factory Quatron Laser to match the Quatron Color
    - Fixed a crash that can happen if the Player have an empty name
    - Fixed a crash caused by the Profiler
    - The Mobile Factory Energy Laser should now properly works
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 23/11/2020
    - Major rewrite and optimisations by Volch
    - Quatron energy have levels, which shown in Cubes and Lasers GUI (Volch)
    - The Ore Cleaner and the Fluid Extractor now use Quatron Energy instead of Quatron Cell (Must be powered by Quatron Lasers/Cubes) (Volch)
    - The Data Assembler is now powered by the Network Access Point. It's speed is inherited from the Network Access Point Quatron Level (Volch)
    - The Mobile Factory now send Quatron Energy instead of Quatron Cells (It can also drain) (Volch)
    - Added command: MF_reset_guis in case the GUI is not displayed correctly (Honktown)
    - Fluid Extractor and Ore Cleaner techs are now unlocked after Deep Tank and Deep Storage respectively. Energy Cube are unlocked just once (Volch)
    - Mobile Factory Energy Laser will not charge vanilla entities anymore, only Cubes and Lasers. Neither it will not charge Quatron Cubes anymore (Volch)
    - Rebalanced Quatron usage and production. Ore Cleaners and Fluid Extractors are weaker at low level, and more powerfull at hight levels (Volch)
    - Fixed a wrong Jump Charge calculation (Tessmero)
    - Teleportation can't be done or removed if the name contain a comma (Tessmero)
    - Crash when Mods was removed with Items still inside the Data Network (Volch)
    - Fixed saves with old Jets tables (Volch)
    - Ore Cleaner doesn't change it's sprite to vanilla Drill when placed on uranium (Volch)
    - Fixed a wrong calculation with Quatron Purity Level (Volch)
    - Logistic Lasers and synced Chests does not wipe data(tags, blueprint) from transfered Items anymore (Volch)
    - Fixed few bugs where synced Chests in Sync Area could destroy Items (Volch)
    - Fixed Energy return for unsynced Energy/Quatron Cubes and Accumulators (Volch)
    - Altered Data Assember processing order, preventing it from taking resources when it's already finished crafting (Volch)
Version: 0.0.199
Date: 14/10/2020
    - bad migrations bug
Version: 0.0.198
Date: 13/10/2020
    - Ore Cleaner + Fluid Extractor support multiple-output resources
    - Data Assembler production/consumption shows in Statistics
    - remote call to blacklist recipes in the Data Assembler (see utils/remote.lua, blacklistDACategory(category, value) )
    - Mobile Factory re-fueling code changed a bit (directly adds coal fuel, instead of a coal item)
    - Ore Cleaner and Fluid Extractor will deplete last of a resource (raising on_resource_depleted)
            (should improve mod compatibility)
    - only make the Data Controller and Jump Drive once
    - possible desyncs, also optimizes obj remove operations
    - Opening Mobile Factory inventory in multiplayer shows wrong MF
    - only apply migrations from old save (not for scenario's with maps - workaround for bugged migrations)
    - 0.0.171 to 0.0.172 migration bug
Version: 0.0.197
Date: 26/09/2020
    - Blueprinting is back, baby! (thanks Volch! - honk honk)
    - error when a resource catcher is destroyed
    - workaround to prevent storing an item-with-tags, as tags are forgotten
           only applies when user interface is open (existing matter interactors aren't changed)
           may have bugs, please report
Version: 0.0.196
Date: 23/09/2020
    - fix bad call with recipe sorting (Data Assembler)
Version: 0.0.195
Date: 23/09/2020
    - Data Assembler recipe selector (with option for original behavior) - Volch
    - internal Data Assembler table issue - Volch
    - improve on_string_translated safety
    - a cloned entity should be checked for valid as another mod can immediately destroy it v_v
Version: 0.0.194
Date: 23/09/2020
    - thank volch for nearly all of this patch
    - DA outputs multiple products (with probabilities)
    - MF, Factory Surface entities, and Control Center entities change force if the player does
    - Internal Energy Cube and Internal Quatron Cube can be placed/mined quickly without losing energy/quatron
    - Resource Catcher doesn't draw above character and character now collides with it
    - player changing force doesn't leave behind the Mobile Factory, Factory Surface entities, and Control Center entities
            (be aware if multiple people are sharing one's Mobile Factory)
    - Mobile Factory surfaces should not have things added with RSO enabled
    - repair-kits shall not open an entity GUI
    - player starting with a Mobile Factory (and tiles) is back! *if the option is on of course
    - small localisation update
Version: 0.0.193
Date: 17/08/2020
    - Added the Resource Catcher: Allows you to move Resources (Ore Path, Fluid Path, Water ...) between two places.
Version: 0.0.192
Date: 16/08/2020
    - Updated to Factorio 1.0
    - Fixed a new game Crash (Because of 1.0)
    - Fixed a crash related to Data Network
    - Fixed a crash that can occur when a Ghost/Blueprint is placed
    - Fixed a crash when an Energy/Quatron Laser or an Energy/Quatron Cube is destroyed
    - No more free Mobile Factory inserted inside your inventory when you start a new Game (Factorio 1.0 problem, have to wait)
Version: 0.0.191
Date: 13/08/2020
    - Fixed Warptorio 2 Compatibility
    - Removed the Profiler (Crash: Command strartProfiler, stopProfiler already exist)
    - The Quatron Energy produced by the Quatron Reactor has been significantly increased and balanced, higher level means more production (See the Quatron Reactor Wiki for more information)
Version: 0.0.190
Date: 13/08/2020
    - Created the "Mobile Factory - Jets" Extension and removed all Jets from the "Mobile Factory" Mod
Version: 0.0.189
Date: 25/07/2020
    - Fixed some loading crashs
    - Fixed the Ore Cleaner wrong Graphics
Version: 0.0.188
Date: 25/07/2020
    - Created the "Mobile Factory - Erya" Extension and removed all Erya tech from the "Mobile Factory" Mod
Version: 0.0.187
Date: 11/07/2020
    - Erya Extreme Splitter :DDD
    - some Deep Tank migration issue
    - NAP DS-signals max out at 2 billion to prevent crash
    - 'extrem' ---> 'extreme' in many texts
Version: 0.0.186
Date: 11/06/2020
    - typo lead to sync error with flying-text
Version: 0.0.185
Date: 11/06/2020
    - Begin some mining jet flag optimizations
    - double-invalid MF sync entity causing error on update
Version: 0.0.184
Date: 10/06/2020
    - Changed the graphic of erya mining drill to burner mining drill
    - Fixed a issue with DangOreus creating ores inside the mobile factory
    - fixed a crash with Factorio 0.18.31
Version: 0.0.183
Date: 7/06/2020
    - Mining an Erya Item Mover returns an Erya Item Mover
Version: 0.0.182
Date: 1/06/2020
    - Fixed the Fluid Interactor that doesn't work
Version: 0.0.181
Date: 31/05/2020
  Major Features:
    - Jump Drive
    - The Jump Drive is a new way to Teleport the Mobile Factory to saved locations
    - A new GUI is added: The Jump Drive GUI, that allows to save multiple Mobile Factory Locations and teleport back later
    - Added the Jump Drive inside the Control Center, it shows the Jump Charge of the Mobile Factory (Base Capacity: 500 Charges, Base Charge Rate: 1 Charge/s)
    - Added the Jump Charger, improve the Jump Drive every time one is placed (+150 Capacity, + 1 Charge/s - Must be placed on the Control Center Constructible Area)
    - Added the Jump Drive Technology: Unlock the Jump Drive
    - Added the Jump Charger Technology: Unlock the Jump Charger
    - Added a new Animation for the Mobile Factory Teleportation
    - The Jump Drive no longer uses all its Charges when the Mobile Factory is teleported (1 Charge per Tile)
    - The Jump Drive drains now less Internal Energy to recharge (300KW instead of 1 MW)
    - The Jump Drive, the Internal Energy and the Internal Quatron keep they charges when the Mobile Factory is removed
    - The Player can no longer call the Mobile Factory to himself
    - The Quatron Cube and the Inernal Quatron Cube now send a "signal-Q" Signal
    - Merged the Crystallizer Technology with the Dimensional Fluid Purification Technology
    - Adjusted Energy Core recipe
    - Adjusted Jets recipe
    - Correction of bad local translations
    - The Mobile Factory is no longer updated twice every Tick
    - Fixed a crash related to the Fluid Interactor
    - Fixed a crash related to the Matter Interactor
    - Fixed a crash related to the Data Assembler
    - Fixed bug when sometime Internal Energy/Quatron Cubes don't keep their Energy when removed
    - Fixed a bug that allowed the Internal Energy/Quatron Cubes to be placed outside the Mobile Factory
    - Fixed a crash with the Quatron Laser
Version: 0.0.180
Date: 27/05/2020
    - Matter Interactor defaults to "None" inventory
    - Internal Inventory in MI selection has base Mobile Factory icon and is inventory "0"
    - Pulled 0.0.179 due to bug
Version: 0.0.179
Date: 27/05/2020
    - Deep Tank selector list: fluid icons
    - GT and Hovering Mobile Factorys use the same equipment as a base Mobile Factory
    - script_raised_revive place-and-remove.lua fix. Again.
    - clean out deprecated player-permissions code from MI inventory selection tooltip
Version: 0.0.178
Date: 24/05/2020
    - Remake of recipes for quatron production
Version: 0.0.177
Date: 21/05/2020
    - Removed the Network Controler Data Network Frame
    - Fixed the Data Storage Animation (Now the Animation is removed correctly)
    - Fixed a crash related to the Internal Energy Cube
Version: 0.0.176
Date: 21/05/2020
    - Fixed a crash related to Data Storages
Version: 0.0.175
Date: 21/05/2020
    - Fixed a crash with Quatron Cubes and Quatron Reactors
Version: 0.0.174
Date: 21/05/2020
  Major Features:
    - Total rewrite of the Matter Serialization and Data Network
    - Now, when you unlock the Matter Serialization Technology, a Network Controller and a new Constructible Area is added to the Control Center
    - Everything work Wirelessly, the Network Access Point is used
    - Added the Network Controller: The main Structure of the Data Network (Added to the Control Center when the Matter Serialization is unlocked)
    - Added the Network Access Point: Allows access to the Data Network, can be placed anywhere but works with Quatron Energy
    - The Data Network is now Wireless (No more Green or Red Wire needed!)
    - There is now only one Data Network per Player
    - The Matter Serialization Technology now require the Quatron Technology
    - The Data Storage can now only be placed inside the Control Center Constructible Area
    - All Matter Serialization Structures now automatically try to connect to the closest Network Access Point (If in range)
    - Changed the Energy Cube MK1 characteristics
    - Changed the Energy Laser MK1 characteristics
    - The Internal Energy Cube is now unlocked by the ControlCenter Technology
    - The Internal Quatron Cube is now unlocked by the ControlCenter Technology
    - The Power Module is now an equipment and must be placed inside the Mobile Factory Equipment Grid
    - The Efficiency Module is now an equipment and must be placed inside the Mobile Factory Equipment Grid
    - The Focus Module is now an equipment and must be placed inside the Mobile Factory Equipment Grid
    - Removed the Equalizer (No longer used)
    - Removed the Data Center (Depreciated - Items inside were send to the Mobile Factory Internal Inventory)
    - Removed the Data Center MF (Depreciated - Items inside were send to the Mobile Factory Internal Inventory)    
    - Removed the Wireless Transmission Technology (No longer used)
    - Removed the Wireless Data Transmitter (Wireless Router) (Depreciated)
    - Removed the Wireless Data Receiver (Wireless Network Adapter) (Depreciated)
    - inventory.lua changed to internal-inventory.lua
    - Moved all Matter Serialization Prototype to the "matter-serialization" folder
    - Rework of Data Network Object (One Data Network per Player)
    - Added the Data Network Object to all Matter Serialization Structures
    - Moved the DTKTable inside the Data Network
    - Moved the DSRTable inside the Data Network
    - Fixed crash with AAI
Version: 0.0.173
Date: 20/05/2020
    - MK1QuatronConnectedBeam.png error
Version: 0.0.172
Date: 20/05/2020
    - remove the barreling of Quatron Fluid
    - prevent crash(es) with robots placing tiles
Version: 0.0.171
Date: 18/05/2020
    - Added the Quatron Reactor: Transform Liquid Quatron into Quatron Energy
    - Added the Quatron Cube MK1: Store 10K of Quatron Energy
    - Added the Quatron Laser MK1: Can move 1K/s of Quatron Energy
    - Energy Cubes now sync correctly when placed inside the SyncArea
    - Fixed a Migration crash
    - Fixed a wrong GUI placement (CyberWizard)
    - Fixed a crash with Blueprint
    - Fixed a crash with Energy Cube
    - Fixed a crash when some Entities are placed
Version: 0.0.170
Date: 17/05/2020
    - metatables only would have loaded in limited circumstances
Version: 0.0.169
Date: 17/05/2020
    - 0.0.168 - whoops
    - Command Center unavailable on game start
    - one's first Mobile Factory placed gets one free jump and 1.5 GJ - lose energy and jump timer on mining
    - begin refactoring and simplifying of various object and newly-needed-values code
    - move some player init assignment to MF new()
    - this will take much time and many bugs (honk honk)
Version: 0.0.168
Date: 16/05/2020
    - bad init for new MF tables
Version: 0.0.167
Date: 15/05/2020
    - Liquid Quatron can now be made with Quatron Cell
    - Added Lights inside the Mobile Factory, but they will turn off if there are no more Internal Energy
    - Changed the Fluid Interactor Pipe Connections for better interaction with the other Structures (Honktown)
    - Deep Tank and Deep Storage Objects are now placed inside its corresponding MF Object (But still exist in global for object update reasons)
    - Added the MF Object and the PlayerIndex to all Data Network Objects
    - Objects are now automatically created, stored and updated
    - Full rewrite of all place-and-remove Functions
    - Saved-tables file removed
Version: 0.0.166
Date: 15/05/2020
    - Improved the visual of the Energy Cubes charge level
    - Improved the visual of the Energy Lasers Beams
Version: 0.0.165
Date: 15/05/2020
    - Picked-up Deep Tank now saves temperature
    - Placed Deep Tank or Deep Storage has filter set to stored fluid/item (if it had anything)
Version: 0.0.164
Date: 15/05/2020
    - decrease Energy Laser power consumption statistics (related to Factorio bug)
    - Energy Laser can be rotated
Version: 0.0.163
Date: 15/05/2020
    - Fluid Interactor can now be copy/pasted, blueprinted (settings may not copy), decon'd
    - Localised names and descriptions of Wireless Transmitter / Receiver (for clarity)
Version: 0.0.162
Date: 15/05/2020
    - Added the Energy Laser MK1, now you can transfer Energy between Energy Cubes and charge the Mobile Factory from outside
Version: 0.0.161
Date: 14/05/2020
    - Added the Internal Energy Cube, an Energy Cube that represent the Mobile Factory Internal Energy
    - The Internal Energy Cube was added inside the Control Center, it can be removed but can only be placed inside the Mobile Factory
    - Energy Cubes balance its Energy between them when placed together
    - Added the Internal Quatron Cube, an Quatron Cube that represent the Mobile Factory Internal Quatron
    - The Internal Quatron Cube was added inside the Control Center, it can be removed but can only be placed inside the Mobile Factory
    - Quatron Cubes balance its Quatron between them when placed together
    - Changed the Graphics of the Energy Cube MK1
    - The Data Assembler Settings can now be Copy/pasted
    - Removed the Dimensional Accumulator (Replaced by the Internal Energy Cube)
    - Removed the Power Drain Pole (Replaced by the Internal Energy Cube)
    - Removed the Energy Distribution Technology (Replaced by the Internal Energy Cube)
Version: 0.0.160
Date: 13/05/2020
    - sync area sticker error
    - Network Explorer multiplayer compatibility
Version: 0.0.159
Date: 12/05/2020
    - Rewrite of all Tooltip GUIs
    - Removed the canModify() function (Players can see or can't see the Structures GUI, canModify() is useless)
Version: 0.0.158
Date: 12/05/2020
    - canModify better multiplayer compatibility
    - allowedPlayers table went un-inited
    - Network Explorer GUI bug? (wasn't appearing)
    - Data Assembler GUI bug? (wasn't appearing)
    - missing AllowedPlayers table on new Mobile Factory
Version: 0.0.157
Date: 11/05/2020
    - scanEnt(), some entities won't have last_user
Version: 0.0.156
Date: 11/05/2020
    - Added Liquid Quatron (1-20)
    - Added missing Quatron Cell (Between 1-20)
    - Quatron name has changed to Quatron Cell
    - Changed Quatron Cell recipe, now it's made of Liquid Quatron
    - Rewrite of the Share Options GUI, now you have to choose who is allowed to use your Structures
    - Fixed a crash related to the Network Explorer
    - Rewrite of the Multiplayer Code (Permissions)
    - Now, the global.entsTable keys are the "unit numbers" of the Structure associated when there is one (global.entsTable[obj.unit_number] = obj)
Version: 0.0.155
Date: 10/05/2020
    - All GUI Objects are now placed inside it's corresponding MFPlayer Object
    - Improved the Data Assembler GUI
Version: 0.0.154
Date: 10/05/2020
    - Improved the Data Assembler
    - The Information GUI and the Network Explorer show 0 Item/Fluid if a Deep Tank or a Deep Storage still have a Filter set
    - Fixed a Localisation crash
Version: 0.0.153
Date: 09/05/2020
    - fix last fix (x2)
Version: 0.0.152
Date: 09/05/2020
    - Sync collision flying text would error with localised strings
Version: 0.0.151
Date: 09/05/2020
    - Mobile Factory did not unclone the sync area when mined
Version: 0.0.150
Date: 09/05/2020
    - Added the Data Assembler: Allow you to create Items/fluid directly from the Data Network
    - The Network Explorer now display how many Items are inside the connected Data Center
    - Fixed a crash related to Information GUI
Version: 0.0.149
Date: 08/05/2020
    - Added Network Explorer: Let you explore a Data Network and send/retrieve Items
    - Information GUI Inventory should now only display what's belong to you
Version: 0.0.148
Date: 08/05/2020
    - Fixed some crashes when loading old saves
    - Fixed crash that can happen when removing certain structures from a Data Network
Version: 0.0.147
Date: 07/05/2020
    - CyberWizard (cyberwizard2261) joined the Mobile Factory "dev team"
    - missed curly brackets on out-in obstruction string
Version: 0.0.146
Date: 07/05/2020
    - reworked Matter Interactor interface
    - print name of obstruction entity for sync-area (and which cloning direction)
    - added "knownbugs.txt", mostly for bugs that strange edge cases I may or may not fix
Version: 0.0.145
Date: 07/05/2020
    - actually fix dropped items from causing a sync error
Version: 0.0.144
Date: 06/05/2020
    - prevent certain entity types from error'ing the sync area scan
Version: 0.0.143
Date: 06/05/2020
    - patches of Dimensional Fluid are "grouped" more on map (more dots will be highlighted together)
    - selecting a Deep Storage with the Matter Interactor will automatically set MI filter if DS has one
    - Possible improvement to performance with large numbers of mining jets and many ore paths
Version: 0.0.142
Date: 03/05/2020
    - Erya Radar scan rate and dish rotation speed decreased
    - Fluid Interactor didn't have blueprint settings applied
    - place and remove error from not setting MF.playerIndex
Version: 0.0.141
Date: 01/05/2020
    - attempt to make sync collision detection less aggressive
    - Erya Loader 1 and Extrem can be blueprinted / copy-pasted
    - Erya Radar works now. Does a nearby scan every 5 seconds (enjoy)
    - set next_upgrade to nil for OreCleaner, Fluid Extractor and unset Erya structures (compatibility patch)
    - trying to fix invalid player -> MainGUI error again
Version: 0.0.140
Date: 30/04/2020
    - actually fix the invalid guielement error
Version: 0.0.139
Date: 29/04/2020
    - update graphics dependency
    - initialize cjTableSize (ghost construction table limit) for every *new* player
        if still error'ing (rare case) go to MF options ui, jets tab (should fix itself? set value to 1000)
Version: 0.0.138
Date: 29/04/2020
    - no error if GUI was never moved between save/load
    - missed default value _MFConstructionJetDefaultTableSize somehow
Version: 0.0.137
Date: 29/04/2020
    - Don't use an invalid GUI for a valid player
    - find_non_colliding_position error (spelling)
    - copy pasting multiple entities fix
Version: 0.0.136
Date: 29/04/2020
    - version 0.0.135: PASTING settings defaults to (always is?) current player.
        Blueprinting store vague details but
            tries to match when the ghost is built, as best as it can.
    - Bilka added support in newgame+. Mobile Factory surface and Control Center aren't reset.
    - fix invalid player error on_research_finished (hopefully)
Version: 0.0.135
Date: 28/04/2020
    - blueprinting will transfer some settings (experimental):
        ***only can copy settings if the player blueprinting matches the set Deep Storages and Deep Tanks***
        ***however, if player has Storages/Tanks matching the copied filter, it will try to use them***
        ***attempted to make usable across saves (makes a guess if the exact Storage/Tank is not found)***
        Matter Interactor: (if matching) Deep Storage, (else) Deep Storage filter, self-filter (always set), Mode
        Fluid Interactor: (if matching) Deep Tank, (else) Deep Tank Filter, Mode. No temperature support at the moment.
    - check for necessary tiles, and error with specific message if we're missing any
    - Construction Jets can place Tiles
    - Construction Jets can queue 1000 ghost, but a "Jets" option permits <= 25,000 for mass tile placement
         (performance concern - I can increase max if it's not that bad)
    - "too many" ghosts keeps existing construction table, and ignores new ghosts (previously emptied the table)
    - "too many ghosts" is a localized string that prints only to MF owner that places ghosts
    - use ghost.revive() instead of destroying and creating a thing for construction jets
    - the construction ghost table is global at present (but size option is not).
                  This is bad. Will try to get to it by next version. (ghosts should be stored per-player / MF)
    - input/output would not be set on copy/pasting with Matter Interactor and Fluid Interactor
Version: 0.0.134
Date: 27/04/2020
    - add missing locale string for reduce button
    - "Mobile Factory" option tab: fix first option and clarify settings
    - little things all over the locale
Version: 0.0.133
Date: 26/04/2020
    - use find_non_colliding_position instead of the old way for placing MF after call request
    - script_raised_built + MF never placed caused error
Version: 0.0.132
Date: 26/04/2020
    - missing name= keys passed to can_place_entity, mfPlaceable error
Version: 0.0.131
Date: 25/04/2020
    - Dimensional Tile can't be placed onto void
    - valid_for_read checks on item stack while placing some MF entities (mod compatibility?)
    - variable could go un-inited and error when establishing Sync Area
Version: 0.0.130
Date: 24/04/2020
    - jet "default distance" in description is now accurate, has min/max description
    - min and max distance for jets (10-1000)
    - migration to fix a stuck game because of invalid distance
    - fix mipmap level warning in log (if one uses table.deepcopy, entity.icon_mipmaps = 1 for simple icons)
Version: 0.0.129
Date: 23/04/2020
    - Added setting for initial research to be auto-researched. Used for compatibility with
          science-cost changers and difficulty-increasing players
    - tweaked many of the locale strings to have better English and more useful descriptions
    - added MF, Dim. Ore-to-stone, and Dim. Tile recipes to initial research
Version: 0.0.128
Date: 22/04/2020
    - Try to use other tile for sync area if dirt-7 is missing (hoping our other tiles still exist)
Version: 0.0.127
Date: 17/04/2020
    - typo lead to 'ccs' nil field error
    - wireless receiver now shows deep tank fluids
Version: 0.0.126
Date: 15/04/2020
    - MF's in multiplayer can't sync if too close, flying-text warning
    - newgame+ compatibility (regenerates MF internal surface! - looking into possibility of keeping)
    - GUI open/close issues in multiplayer
    - opening MF in multiplayer now shows proper owner/entity if it is usable (yvelis mod)
    - possibly fixed desync from placing two internal inventories in same MF?
    - ownership issues for Internal Inventory Data Center on mining
Version: 0.0.125
Date: 13/04/2020
    - input fluid laser error
Version: 0.0.124
Date: 12/04/2020
    - setting for enabling/disabling Erya Technology (default enabled)
    - Combat Jets return if too far from Mobile Factory (in excess of twice the distance in Jet options - full attack area but no further)
    - change Combat Jet distance description to be accurate
    - made collision boxes for Fluid Interactor and Wireless Data Receiver smaller (they couldn't be placed next to each-other)
Version: 0.0.123
Date: 10/04/2020
    - patch for fluid interactor bug introduced in previous patch
Version: 0.0.122
Date: 10/04/2020
    - add temperature to Deep Tank interactions (gui addition eventually)
    - player would get teleported back to previous surface if it was from a vehicle interaction teleport (Chronotrain)
    - script_raised_revive would break MF recording functions
Version: 0.0.121
Date: 02/04/2020
    - create flying text if sync area is obstructed
    - fix sync bug when mining an entity
Version: 0.0.120
Date: 01/04/2020
    - Added setting for how the player obtains their (first) Mobile Factory
    - Added setting for which "science packs" a Dimensional Lab can use
    - Don't open custom GUI if player is connecting wires
    - Honktown (right now) is developing Mobile Factory for the foreseeable future, as Mugiwaxar (aka Dexy) had something more urgent to do
    - Mobile Factory GT now requires a car
    - Hovering Factory a bit more costly and requires Mobile Factory
    - Machine Frame 2's now require 2x Machine Frame 1 (plates reduced, slightly less overall cost). Update your logistics!
    - take all items when mining a sync'd chest on either side
    - if a sync-area entity would collide with something that could destroy it, don't sync (checks full square)
    - if an outside-MF sync-entity can't be placed inside because it would collide, don't sync
    - drills in sync-area will start up after sync area is established
    - no loss of items/fluid/energy when un-cloning sync area, unless there's too much
Version: 0.0.119
Date: 25/03/2020
    - Added a GUI for the Jets (Key to open can be configured, default -> Left click)
Version: 0.0.118
Date: 25/03/2020
  Major Features:
    - Total rewrite of all GUIs -> Created the GUI API
    - Rewrite of the Mobile Factory GUI
    - Rewrite of the Information GUI
    - Rewrite of the Options GUI
    - Removed the Tooltip GUI, click on the Structures to open their corresponding GUI
    - All GUIs can now be closed by pressing the Escape Key
    - A GUI will be automatically closed when another GUI is opened
Version: 0.0.117
Date: 19/03/2020
    - Fixed a crash on load
    - (Maybe) Fixed a GUI bug
Version: 0.0.116
Date: 18/03/2020
  Major Features:
    - Added the Sync Area:
    - Tiles (Water too), Resources(Ores, Fluids) and some Structures will be cloned and synchronized between the space around the Mobile Factory and a special zone named the Sync Area
    - This Area is inside the Mobile Factory, and needs no technology to be used
    - For now, only Chests, Tanks and accumulators will Synchronize. 
    - Added the Matter Interactor: Can send and retrieve Items from the Data Network (Inventory and Deep Storages)
    - Added a new Button to the Main GUI: Enable and Disable the Sync Area
    - The Mobile Factory now produce a passive amount of Polution
    - Removed the Water Laser
    - Removed the Factory Tank
    - Removed the Factory Chest
    - Removed the Matter Serializer (Use the Matter Interactor)
    - Removed the Matter Printer (Use the Matter Interactor)
    - The Deep Tank selection for the Fluid Interactor now work correctly
    - All Technologies related to the Control Center should now be correctly unlocked
Version: 0.0.115
Date: 17/03/2020
  Major Features:
    - Fluid Materialization:
    - Now, you can use the Fluid Interactor to send and retrieve Fluids via the Data Network
    - Fluids can be stored in Deep Tanks, a 10 ML capacity tank that can only be placed inside the Control Center
    - Added the Deep Tank, a Fluid Storage Tank with 10 ML of capacity that replace the Dimmensional Tank (Can only be placed inside the Control Center)
    - Added the Constructible Area 2: A new Contructible Area inside the Control Center
    - Added the Fluid Interactor: A new Matter Serialization Structure that can send and retrieve Fluids via the Data Network (Work with Deep Tank)
    - New Technology: Fluid Serialization, Unlock the Deep Tank, the Fluid Interactor and a new Constructible Area inside the Control Center
    - New Technology: Constructible Area 2, Unlock a new Constructible Area inside the Control Center
    - The Internal Inventory Data Center now send the Deep Tanks Inventories via signals
    - The Deep Storage Technology require now the Matter Serialization Technology
    - The Ore Cleaning Technology require now the Matter Serialization Technology
    - The Fluid Extraction Technology require now the Matter Serialization Technology
    - The Fluid Transmission Technology require now the Deep Tank Technology
    - Removed the Dimensional Accumulator and the Dimensional Substation inside the Control Center
    - Removed all Dimensional Tank Technologies
    - Removed all Dimensional Tanks (MK1 and MK2)
    - Removed the Logistic Fluid Pole
    - Removed Module ID 1/2/3/4/5 (Not used anymore)
    - Removed Distribution/Drain Modules (Not used anymore)
Version: 0.0.114
Date: 12/03/2020
    - Added Erya Loader: A Basic Loader made from Erya
    - Added Erya Extrem Loader: A extremely fast Loader made from Erya
    - Added Erya Extrem Underground Belt: A extremly fast underground Belt made from Erya
    - New Technology: Erya Loader, Unlock the Erya Loader
    - New Technology: Erya Extrem Loader, Unlock the Erya Extrem Loader
    - New Technology: Erya Extrem Underground Belt
Version: 0.0.113
Date: 08/03/2020
    - Added Erya Item Mover: A extremely fast way to move Items
    - New Technology: Erya Item Mover: Unlock the Erya Item Mover
    - Fixed a crash related to Warptorio (Honktown)
    - Fixed a loading crash with some Mods
Version: 0.0.112
Date: 07/03/2020
    - Added the Water Laser: The Mobile Factory will drain Water from Tanks around to the Factory Tank (No Technology needed)
    - Added the Factory Tank: A tank filled by the Mobile Factory Water Laser
    - Added Erya Tank MK1: A Fluids Storage Tank make with Erya
    - New Technology: Erya Tank MK1, Unlock the Erya Tank MK1
    - Changed the Factory Chest Icon
    - Fixed a crash related to the TooltipGUI and headless servers
    - Fixed a crash that happened during a Waprtorio Warp
Version: 0.0.111
Date: 04/03/2020
    - Fixed a Startup Error
Version: 0.0.110
Date: 03/03/2020
  Major Features:
    - Erya Tech:
    - Erya Tech is a easy way to create things
    - Erya Structures consume environmental heat instead of Energy
    - Added new Tile: Snow Tile 1, Snow will appear near Erya Structures which consume heat
    - Added Erya Collector: Must be placed over Water to start collecting Erya Powder
    - Added Erya Powder: A powder that transform environmental heat into energy
    - Added Erya Sample: A Sample of Erya Powder to make researches
    - Added Erya Plate: A Plate made from Erya, can have unlimited Energy
    - Added Erya Wire: A wire made with Erya used to create Intermediates
    - Added Erya Circuit: A circuit made with Erya used to create Erya Structures
    - Added Erya Machine Frame MK1: A Machine Frame made from Erya, can be used to make Structures powered by environmental heat
    - Added Erya Lamp: A Lamp powered by environmental heat
    - Added Erya Chest MK1: A simple Chest made from Erya
    - Added Erya Belt MK1: A basic Belt made from Erya
    - Added Erya Underground Belt MK1: A basic underground Belt made from Erya
    - Added Erya Splitter MK1: A basic Splitter made with Erya
    - Added Erya Inserter: An Inserter which work with environmental heat
    - Added Erya Mining Drill MK1: A small Mining Drill which work with environmental heal
    - Added Erya Pumpjack MK1: A basic Pumpjack which work with environmental heat
    - Added Erya Assembling Machine MK1: A small Assembling Machine which work with environmental heat
    - Added Erya Pipe: A simple pipe made from Erya
    - Added Erya Pipe To Ground: A simple Pipe To Ground made with Erya
    - Added Erya Pump MK1: A basic Pump which use environmental heat to work
    - Added Erya Wall MK1: A basic Wall made with Erya
    - Added Erya Gate MK1: A basic Gate made with Erya
    - Added Erya Radar: A Radar which use environmental heat to work
    - Added Erya Furnace MK1: A Furnace which use environmental heat to work
    - Added Erya Refinery MK1: A Refinery which use environmental heat to work
    - Added Erya Chemical Plant MK1: A Chemical Plant which use environmental heat to work
    - New Technology: Erya Tech, Unlock the Erya Collector, Erya Powder, Erya Sample, Erya Plate, Erya Wire, Erya Circuit, Erya Machine Frame MK1
    - New Technology: Erya Lamp, Unlock the Erya Lamp
    - New Technology: Erya Chest MK1, Unlock the Erya Chest MK1
    - New Technology: Erya Belt MK1, Unlock the Erya Belt MK1
    - New Technology: Erya Underground Belt MK1, Unlock the Underground Belt MK1
    - New Technology: Erya Splitter MK1, Unlock the Erya Splitter MK1
    - New Technology: Erya Inserter, Unlock the Erya Inserter
    - New Technology: Erya Mining Drill MK1, Unlock the Erya Mining Drill MK1
    - New Technology: Erya Pumpjack MK1, Unlock the Erya Pumpjack MK1
    - New Technology: Erya Assembling Machine MK1, Unlock the Erya Assembling Machine MK1
    - New Technology: Erya Pipe, Unlock the Erya Pipe
    - New Technology: Erya Pipe to Ground, Unlock the Erya Pipe to Ground
    - New Technology: Erya Pump MK1, Unlock the Erya Pump MK1
    - New Technology: Erya Wall MK1, Unlock the Erya Wall MK1
    - New Technology: Erya Gate MK1, Unlock the Erya Gate MK1
    - New Technology: Erya Radar, Unlock the Erya Radar
    - New Technology: Erya Furnace MK1, Unlock the Erya Furnace MK1
    - New Technology: Erya Refinery MK1, Unlock the Erya Refinery MK1 
    - New Technology: Erya Chemical Plant MK1, Unlock the Erya Chemical Plant MK1
    - The Factory (Surface inside the Mobile Factory) now has a Day/Night cycle
    - Reworked Dimensional Tile visual
Version: 0.0.109
Date: 01/03/2020
    - Another Jet fix
Version: 0.0.108
Date: 01/03/2020
    - Fixed crash with Mining Jet when AAI control the Mobile Factory
    - Data Storage should now work again with the Internal Inventory Data Center
    - Added nil check to all Jets (Stability optimisation)
Version: 0.0.107
Date: 01/03/2020
    - The Matter Printer/Serializer and the Ore Cleaner will show all Deep Storages with their Filter and Owner even if they are empty (Honktown)
    - The Control Center Teleportation area is visible again
    - The Tooltip GUI Move Button work again
    - The Data Center will no longer blink when there are no enought Power available
    - The Internal Inventory Data Center should now correctly send Items signals from all Deep Storages
    - Fixed a crash when Mining Jets are outside but the Mobile Factory was removed (Honktown)
    - The Mobile Factory Power Send Laser should now send a correct amount of Energy (Honktown)
    - Rewrite of the way Combat Jet find Enemies (Honktown)
Version: 0.0.106
Date: 24/02/2020
    - Cleared Migrations
    - Unlocked Technology should now apply to the owned Force only
    - Fixed Internal Inventory Data Storage showing all Deep Storage
    - Fixed Mining Jet Flag and Ore Cleaner should no longer send Ore to other Players if "All" is selected
Version: 0.0.105
Date: 23/02/2020
    - Fixed Angel's Mod compatibility
Version: 0.0.104
Date: 23/02/2020
    - Combat Jet should now work correctly
    - Jet maximum distance fixed
    - Correction of the CreateEntity() function, should fix a lot of bugs
    - IDModules put inside the Equalizer should now be used correctly
    - Only owned Deep Storage should appear inside the Information GUI
Version: 0.0.103
Date: 22/02/2020
    - Control Center Teleportation should now correctly work
    - Fixed a crash when Control Center Tanks are unlocked
    - Get Players Force function was rewritten, should fix a great amount of crashs
Version: 0.0.102
Date: 21/02/2020
    - Fixed a crash with Repair Jet
    - Fixed a crash when placing a new Mobile Factory
    - The Beginning Technology is now unlocked for every Forces
Version: 0.0.101
Date: 21/02/2020
    - Crash when loading a save fixed
Version: 0.0.100
Date: 21/02/2020
    - Added Force and Last User to all Mobile Factory auto-placed Structures
Version: 0.0.99
Date: 20/02/2020
    - Added a Shortcut to lock the Tooltip GUI (Middle mouse button, can be configured)
    - Changed some force assignment
    - Fixed a crash when selecting the Mobile Factory Energy laser mode
    - Fixed a bug that prevented Contruction Jet to place Structures
Version: 0.0.98
Date: 18/02/2020
  Major Features:
    - Multiplayer Update
    - You can now place more than one Mobile Factory (One per Player)
    - The Player can choose if its owned Structures are shared with others Players or not
    - The Player can choose if the Structures shared by other Players will be used or not
    - The Mobile Factory can now be Locked to prevent other Players to enter
    - The Tooltip GUI now show to whom belong a Structure
    - Added a new Tab to the Option GUI: MF (Mobile Factory)
    - Added a new Option to the MF Tab: Share Structures -> Allow other Players to interact with your Structures (Drain/Send Power, Items, Fluid, ...)
    - Added a new Option to the MF Tab: Use Shared Structures -> Share your Structures with other Players (Drain/Send Power, Items, Fluid, ...)
    - Added a new Option to the MF Tab: Allow settings modification -> Allow others Players to modify your Structures Settings
    - The Floor Is Lava option is now only accessible for Admins
    - The Entities Update Per Tick option is now only accessible for Admins
    - The Tooltip GUI Show now the hovered Entity name
    - Added the Lock/Unlock Button
    - Mine Dimensional Tile give now Dimensional Tile
    - All things inside the Information GUI will no longer disappear when the Mobile Factory is removed
    - Fixed a crash when a Deep Storage filter was set with an Item removed from the game
    - Fixed a crash with Deep Storage placed as ghost
Version: 0.0.97
Date: 16/02/2020
  Major Features:
    - Floor Is Lava -> Since the Original Mod is not up to date and not compatible with Mobile Factory, the feature was added
    - You will take damages on any Tiles except Dimensional Tiles
    - The Mobile Factory is safe (Factorissimo structures too)
    - Floor Is Lava can be Enabled/Disabled inside the Option GUI (Disabled by default)
    - Add "Active Floor Is Lava" Option inside the Game Tab of the Option GUI
    - Added the Dimensional Tile, a Tile made with Dimensional Ore with +50% speed (Safe when Floor Is Lava is activated)
    - You will recieve 300 Dimensional Tiles when you start a new Game
    - Copy/Paste now work for the Deep Storage
    - Copy/Paste now work for the Ore Cleaner
    - Copy/Paste now work for the Fluid Extractor
    - Copy/Paste now work for the Matter Printer
    - Copy/Paste now work for the Matter Serializer
    - Copy/Paste now work for the Wire Data Receiver
    - Deep Storage show now its filter inside the Tooltip GUI
    - Add Set Filter Button inside the Deep Storage Tooltip GUI
    - Fixed a crash with Mining Jet
    - Fixed a crash with the Information GUI
    - Mining Jet Flag can now be removed by Deconstruction Planner
    - All Metatables are now checked before being used (Improved stability)
Version: 0.0.96
Date: 14/02/2020
    - Mining Jet will no lounger go back home if the Inventory of the Mining Jet Flag can't be send to Deep Storages
    - Fixed a crash with the Data Center
    - Mobile Factory Energy Drain Laser should now work correctly
Version: 0.0.95
Date: 13/02/2020
    - Add checks for Mining Jets that will help them to not stay iddle
Version: 0.0.94
Date: 12/02/2020
    - Added the Wireless Data Receiver list inside the Data Wireless Transmitter Tooltip GUI
    - Added the Receiver ID inside the Wireless Data Receiver Tooltip GUI
    - Cleared and Recreated all Data Network Tables to fix wrong Signals
    - Fixed a Tooltip GUI crash that appened when a Item from a removed Mod still exist
Version: 0.0.93
Date: 11/02/2020
    - Data Network Migration fix
Version: 0.0.92
Date: 11/02/2020
    - Massive rewrite of the Data Network (Performances Boost and Stability Improvement)
Version: 0.0.91
Date: 09/02/2020
    - Added compatibility with Alien Biomes
    - The Deep Storage Keep now its Inventory when removed
    - The Mining Jet Flag Keep now its Inventory when removed
    - The Data Center Keep now its Inventory when removed
    - The Energy Cube MK1 Keep now its Energy when removed
    - Jets now consume Energy to take off
    - Removed the "/GetMobileFactory" command
    - A new free Mobile Factory will no lounger be created if any Mobile Factory are existing
    - Get out of a removed Mobile Factory will teleport you to its last known position
    - Fixed a crash with Copy/Paste in Editor
    - Fixed the Shield size
    - Hovering Factory is now easier to select when hovering Ores or Trees
    - Mining Jets are now send by the Mobile Factory (Not longer requested by the Flag)
    - All sentences are now localised
Version: 0.0.90
Date: 03/02/2020
    - Fixed a crash with Jets
    - Fixed Mining Jet Flags Radius
    - Fixed a crash with the Data Center Tooltip
    - The Main GUI position is saved and restored even if the Mod are updated
    - The Map will now be correctly displayed (Thanks Honktown for the help)
Version: 0.0.89
Date: 28/01/2020
    - The Deep Storage selection list will now display what's inside the Deep Storage
    - Added Filters to Deep Storages accessible via the Information GUI
    - The Deep Storage Frame inside the Information GUI will only show if there are Deep Storages placed
Version: 0.0.88
Date: 26/01/2020
    - Updated to Factorio version 0.18
    - Reworked Animations and Sprites Layers
    - Deep Storages correctly appear inside the Information GUI
    - A destroyed Ore Cleaner or Fluid Extractor will not lounger crash the Game
    - Rendering of Sprites and Animations will no lounger stack (Big perfarmance optimization)
    - The Ore Cleaner will now accept to send Ore to empty Deep Storage
    - The Deep Storage can now say if it can accept an Item
    - All Animations and Sprites are removed and recreated each update
Version: 0.0.87
Date: 20/01/2020
    - Updated all numbers to more readable numbers
    - The Information GUI Button was moved to the top of the Main GUI
    - The Tootip GUI Button was moved to the top of the Main GUI
    - The Combat Jet will watch is life even more
    - Reworked the Dimensional Ore Icon transparency
Version: 0.0.86
Date: 19/01/2020
    - Fixed a crash on Load when a Matter Printer request an Item or a Matter Serializer send an Item whill the targeted Inventory was removed (Third attempt)
Version: 0.0.85
Date: 19/01/2020
    - Fixed a crash on Load when a Matter Printer request an Item or a Matter Serializer send an Item whill the targeted Inventory was removed (Second attempt)
Version: 0.0.84
Date: 19/01/2020
    - Fixed a crash on Load when a Matter Printer request an Item or a Matter Serializer send an Item whill the targeted Inventory was removed
Version: 0.0.83
Date: 19/01/2020
    - Added a maximum size for the Construction table (Avoid long Save/Load)
    - Fixed a compatibility problem with Bob's Logistic Mod and the Temp Chest
    - Fixed a crash when an Item from a removed mod was still inside a Deep Storage
    - Rebuilded the Construction Area inside the Control Center
Version: 0.0.82
Date: 18/01/2020
    - The Mobile Factory Mod is now splitted, Logical Part and Graphical Part
    - All Jets base health is now 400 help
    - Combat Jet have now 1200 HP and his speed was doubled
    - Fixed a crash that can appen when a Player leave the Mobile Factory Vehicle Seat
Version: 0.0.81
Date: 18/01/2020
    - Added the Combat Jet: It will help you to defend your Mobile Factory
    - New Technology: Combat Jet, Unlock the Combat Jet
Version: 0.0.80
Date: 18/01/2020
    - Fixed a crash related to Repair Jet
Version: 0.0.79
Date: 17/01/2020
    - Added compatibility with Mining Drones
    - The Ore Cleaner now keep its level of Charge and Purity when removed
    - The Fluid Extractor now keep its level of Charge and Purity when removed
Version: 0.0.78
Date: 17/01/2020
    - Fixed a crash that appened when a Structure was damaged and destroyed at the same time
Version: 0.0.77
Date: 17/01/2020
    - The Maximum Mining Distance of the Mining Jet can be configured inside the Option GUI
    - The Maximum Construction Distance of the Construction Jet can be configured inside the Option GUI
    - The Maximum Repair Distance of the Repair Jet can be configured inside the Option GUI
    - Ore Cleaners will only work if the distance to the Mobile Factory is less than 100 Tiles (Performances)
    - Fluid Extractors will only work if the distance to the Mobile Factory is less than 100 Tiles (Performances)
    - Constructible Area 1 Technology unlocks now a big Area inside the Control Center
    - Fixed a crash when Tiles are placed inside the Control Center
Version: 0.0.76
Date: 16/01/2020
    - Added a Filter for the Entity Damaged event
    - Added a Filter for destroyed Entities
    - Fixed the Save/Load
Version: 0.0.75
Date: 16/01/2020
    - Added the Repair Jet: It will fly to damaged Structures and repair them
    - New Technology: Repair Jet, Unlock the Repair Jet
    - Improved performances of the Construction Jet
    - To fix a bug, instead of removing all Signals, the Wireless Matter Transmitter/Receiver stop updating them when they are disconnected from a Data Network
    - Entities that no longer exist are correctly removed from the Update System
Version: 0.0.74
Date: 15/01/2020
    - The Mining Jet Flag now display if the Mobile Factory is not found
    - The Mining Jet Flag will not send its Inventory if the Mobile Factory is not found
    - The Deep Storage displays now what's inside above it
    - Removed Jets Bounding Box to make then more UPS friendly
    - Fixed a crash when the Mobile Factory is removed or destroyed
    - Fixed a crash with Matter Printer, Matter Serializer, Ore Cleaner and Mining Jet Flag Selected Inventory
    - Little rework of the Deep Storage Frame
Version: 0.0.73
Date: 14/01/2020
    - The Mining Jet Flag can now select a Deep Storage
    - The Mobile Factory Energy Drain Laser work again
Version: 0.0.72
Date: 14/01/2020
    - Added the Deep Storage, can store an infinite amount of one Item (Can only by placed inside the Control Center)
    - New Technology: Deep Storage, Unlock the Deep Storage
    - For a major performances gain, the Ore Silo was removed and replaced by the Deep Storage
    - The Matter Serializer can now send Items to a Deep Storage
    - The Matter Printer can now retrieve Items from a Deep Storage
    - The Dimensional Furnace can now smelt all resources inside the Smelting category (Not just Dimensional Ore)
    - Fixed performances issue of the Mobile Factory Lasers
    - Fixed a crash when a Power Drain Pole is placed
    - Fixed a crash when a Player enter the Control Center
Version: 0.0.71
Date: 13/01/2020
    - Fixed an issue with long Load/Save
Version: 0.0.70
Date: 13/01/2020
    - Added the Construction Jet: It will construct Blueprint or remove marked Structures (Interact with the Internal Inventory)
    - New Technology: Construction Jet, Unlock the Construction Jet
Version: 0.0.69
Date: 12/01/2020
    - Added the Mining Jet Flag MK1: 1 Tile Radius
    - Added the Mining Jet Flag MK2: 16 Tiles Radius
    - Added the Mining Jet Flag MK3: 50 Tiles Radius
    - Added the Mining Jet Flag MK4: 100 Tiles Radius
    - Removed the Mining Jet Flag
    - Mining Jet will now dump Ores inside the Flag (Not the Mobile Factory
    - The Mining Jet Flag will now send its content to the targeted Inventory
    - Reworked the Jet Mining Flag Shadow
    - Massive Performance improvement of the Mining Jet
    - Massive rewrite for improvement of the Update System
    - Fixed a crash when the Data Center was removed
Version: 0.0.68
Date: 11/01/2020
    - Fixed a crash wich appened when a Mining Jet try to mine a Fluid Path
    - Fixed a crash that appened when a Jet with an empty Inventory return back to the Mobile Factory
Version: 0.0.67
Date: 10/01/2020
    - Added the Mining Jet: A jet that will mine Ore and return it back to the Mobile Factory
    - Added the Mining Jet Flag: Used to define the Mining Area of Mining Jets
    - New Technology: Mining Jet, Unlock the Mining Jet and the Mining Jet Flag
    - Fixed an Ore Cleaner Crash
Version: 0.0.66
Date: 09/01/2020
    - Added new Item: Energy Core
    - New Technology: Crystal Overcharging, Unlock the Energy Core
    - Added new icon for the Dimensional Ore
    - Added new icon for the Dimensional Sample
    - Added new icon for the Dimensional Crystal
    - Fixed a crash related to the GUI
Version: 0.0.65
Date: 08/01/2020
    - Added the Hovering Factory, a Mobile Factory which can fly above Structures and Water
    - The Mobile Factory can now send Energy outside via its Power Drain Laser (Must be set throught the Tooltip GUI)
    - The Mobile Factory will no longer drain its own Power
Version: 0.0.64
Date: 08/01/2020
    - Added new Item: Hydrocoal
    - Added new Item: Machine Frame MK1
    - Added new Item: Machine Frame MK2
    - Added new Item: Machine Frame MK3
    - Added new Item: Dimensional Wire
    - Added new Item: Dimensional Circuit
    - Added new Item: Crystalized Circuit
    - New Technology: Dimensional Electronic, unlock the Dimensional Wire and the Dimensional Circuit
    - New Technology: Coal Hydrogenation, Unlock the Hydrocoal
    - Added Dimensional Ore to Stone Recipe
    - Added Dimensional Fluid to Water Recipe
    - Dimensional Plate now require 2 Dimensional Ore (instead of 4)
    - Massive rewrite of the TechTree
    - Changed recipe of: Factory Chest, Basic Solar Panel, Dimensional Furnace, Dimensional Analyzer, Dimensional Accumulator, Crystallizer, Dimensional Plan
    - Changed recipe of: Dimensional Substation, Logistic Fluid Pole, Power Drain Pole, Ore Cleaner, Fluid Extractor, Mobile Factory Shield
    - Changed recipe of: Data Center, Internal Inventory Data Center, Data Storage, Matter Serializer, Matter Printer, Wireless Data Transmitter, Wireless Data Receiver, Energy Cube MK1
    - Changed recipe of: Power Module, Efficiency Module, Focus Module, Distribution Module, Drain Module, Module ID 1/2/3/4/5
    - Changed recipe of: Base Mobile Factory, Mobile Factory GT
    - Added new Icon for Wireless Data Transmission Technology
    - Fixed the Icon of the Ore Cleaning Technology
Version: 0.0.63
Date: 07/01/2020
    - You can now send Items to Ore Silos, the Silo can be selected via the Tooltip GUI by hovering a Matter Serializer
    - The Ore Cleaner no longer use Modules ID, you have to select the targeted Ore Silo with the Tooltip GUI
    - The Fluid Extractor no longer use Modules ID, you have to select the targeted Dimensional Tank with the Tooltip GUI
    - The Items list of the Internal Inventory will no longer exceed the Frame inside the Information GUI
    - The Tooltip GUI will now keep its position and visibility after a Mod update
Version: 0.0.62
Date: 06/01/2020
    - The Automatic Quatron Send of the Mobile Factory can now be Enabled/Disabled
    - The Ore Cleaner can now be placed multiple time
    - Ore Cleaners will lose all its Quatron Charge and Purity when removed
    - The Ore Cleaner will now extract 30 Ores per seconde by level of Purity (instead of 120)
    - The Tooltip GUI will not change when you hover an entity without Tooltip Information
    - Corrected a bug that prevented the Mobile Factory to send Quatron Charge to all Fluid Extractor
Version: 0.0.61
Date: 05/01/2020
    - Added the Wireless Data Transmitter
    - Added the Wireless Data Receiver
    - New Technology: Wireless Data Transmission, Unlock the Wireless Data Transmitter and Receiver
Version: 0.0.60
Date: 02/01/2020
    - The Mobile Factory Power Lasers will drain Energy from everithing
    - Fixed another crash on load
Version: 0.0.59
Date: 02/01/2020
    - Fixed a crash on load
Version: 0.0.58
Date: 01/01/2020
    - Total rewrite of the Data Network for futures updates
    - The Matter Printer now request the number of Items set in the filter (Not an entire Stack)
    - Fixed a crash that occurred when the Mobile Factory is removed while the Ore Cleaner or the Fluid Extractor is working
Version: 0.0.57
Date: 26/12/2019
    - Fixed a crash when the Ore Cleaner is placed
Version: 0.0.56
Date: 25/12/2019
    - Added compatibility with Bob's Vehicle Equipment
    - Added compatibility with Schall Gun Pod
    - The Data Center and the Internal Inventory Data Center now correctly send Signals
Version: 0.0.55
Date: 24/12/2019
    - The Internal Inventory Data Center can now transfer Items from Ore Silos inside the Control Center
    - The content of the Control Center Ore Silos is added to the Internal Inventory Data Center Signals
    - Removed Ore Silo Pad 1/2/3/4/5, replaced by Iron Chest when placed on the Map
    - Fixed a game crash when an Item from a removed Mod still 1exist inside the Internal Inventory
    - Rework of all Migrations game.print()
Version: 0.0.54
Date: 21/12/2019
    - The Fluid Extractor can now be placed multiple time
    - The base Fluid Extractor extraction rate is now 30 u/s (Instead of 100 u/s) multiplied per the Quatron Purity
    - Removed the Structures Tab from the Info GUI
    - Information about the Ore Cleaner are now visible throught the Tooltip Gui
    - Information about the Fluid Extractors are now visible throught the Tooltip Gui
    - The Fluid Extractor is now OOP
    - Minor rewrite for Quatron Charge sended by the Mobile Factory
    - The Ore Cleaner Purity is now correctly calculated
    - Fixed crash related to Internal Tanks Filter
Version: 0.0.53
Date: 18/12/2019
    - Data Center and Internal Inventory Data Center now send Circuit Network Signals based on the content of their Inventory
Version: 0.0.52
Date: 18/12/2019
    - Dimensional Lab now accept all research materials to improve the compatibility with other Mods
    - All structures of the Matter Serialization Technology are now correctly unlocked
Version: 0.0.51
Date: 17/12/2019
    - Little adjustments to Matter Serialization Structures
    - Removed the fictive Red Cross Fluid
    - Reduced a little the Mobile Factory Vehicle collision box to allow the Player to leave the drive seat in all directions
    - Corrected the Ore Cleaner code to make it extract the correct radius of Ore Path
    - The Crude Oil no longer look like Dimensional Fluid
Version: 0.0.50
Date: 16/12/2019
    - Fixed Ore Silo Pad crash
    - Fixed a Item count error with Data Inventories
    - Fixed an incorrect animation with the Ore Cleaner
    - Fixed Quatron Charges not sended to the Ore Cleaner
    - Fixed Quatron Charges not sended to the Fluid Extractor
Version: 0.0.49
Date: 15/12/2019
  Major Features:
    - Matter Serialization:
    - Replace the Inventory Pad technology, a new way to transfer items between the Circuit Network via Matter Serialization and Deserialization
    - Tooltip GUI:
    - Display information about the Mobile Factory mod Structures
    - Added the Data Storage: The main structure for the Data Serialization
    - Added the Internal Inventory Data Storage: Same as the Data Storage but have the Mobile Factory Internal Inventory inside
    - Added the Data Storage: Expend the Inventory it is linked to
    - Added the Matter Serializer: Transform Items to Data and send them inside the linked Data Center
    - Added the Matter Printer: Take Data from the linked Data Center and transform it to Items
    - Added the Energy Cube MK1: Store 100MJ of Energy
    - A new Update System was released to improve the performances of the game
    - You can now select how many entities from the Mobile Factory mod you want to update per ticks (Option GUI)
    - Removed the Inventory Pad
    - Removed the Provider Pad
    - Removed the Requestion Pad
    - Removed the Inventory Pad Technology
    - Changed the Dimensional Logistic Technology to Matter Serialization
    - Massive code rewritting for future features (part2 - Inventory, Matter Serialization)
    - The GUI is now separated in several files
Version: 0.0.48
Date: 26/11/2019
    - Fixed crash on load caused by the Shield
Version: 0.0.47
Date: 25/11/2019
    - Dimensional fluid is a fluid again
Version: 0.0.46
Date: 24/11/2019
  Major Features:
    - Added an Options GUI, reachable via an Button inside the Info GUI
    - Will be used for all Mod options in the future (GUI, gameplay, graphics, ...)
    - Added a new Button to the Main GUI: Enable/Disable the teleportation inside the Mobile Factory
    - Added a new Button to the Main GUI: Reduce/Show the Main GUI
    - Added a new Button to the Info GUI: Option Button
    - Added a new Button to the Info GUI: Close the GUI
    - The Main GUI can now be personalized
    - The Dimensional Fluid is now correctly displayed (Icon, tank frame, bars, ...)
    - Fixed crash with the Fluid Extractor
    - Players are no longer able to place Lab Tile inside the Control Center
    - Fixed crash with CC Tanks Upgrade
    - Fixed a compatibility error with Space Exploration
Version: 0.0.45
Date: 18/11/2019
  Major Features:
    - The Mobile Factory can now be removed and replaced by another one, but it will lose all it's Energy and Jump Drive charge
    - This allow to create upgraded version of the Mobile Factory
    - Added the Mobile Factory GT, an optimised and lighter Mobile Factory for more speed and control
    - New Technology: Mobile Factory weight and engine optimisation, unlock the Mobile Factory GT
    - Added the Mobile Factory Shield equipment, used to add shield charge to the Mobile Factory Shield
    - The color of the Mobile Factory Shield is determined by it's charge
    - Changed the base Mobile Factory vehicle weapon, health, weight, energy consumption, brake power, inventory size, ...
    - The Mobile Factory Shield now depends on the Mobile Factory Shield equipment
    - Rewrite for the placed/removed/destroyed Entities
    - Rewrite for the Mobile Factory object
    - Rewrite of the Control Center Tank table
    - The Mobile Factory Shield size is now calculated according to the Mobile Factory size
    - Energy lasers are now correctly Activated/Desactivated
    - Fixed a crash when all technologies were unlocked in the same time in sandbox mod
    - Fixed a crash that occurred when Mobile Factory surfaces technologies were unlocked but the Mobile Factory was not yet placed
    - Fixed the "Factory surface lost" bug
    - Fixed a crash with the Ore Cleaner
Version: 0.0.44
Date: 17/11/2019
    - Massive graphics change for the Ore Cleaner
    - Added 30 tiles to all Mobile Factory Weapons
    - Tweaked the Ore Cleaner extraction (Now it's 10/s multiplied per the purity)
    - The Ore Cleaner no longer lose it's Quatron Charges and it's Purity when it is removed
    - The Power Drain Pole can now be used when the Internal Distribution is activated
    - Changed the Dimensional Accumulator, it now have a buffer capacity of 5MJ (was 1MJ), an input/output flow limite of 1MW (was 300kW)
    - To avoid problems, the Mobile Factory Energy Drain Laser will only drain energy from accumulators
    - Fixed grid content was removed when the Mobile Factory was teleported between surface
    - Fixed a crash related to the polution extraction
    - Fixed Angel's infinite Ore crash
    - Massive code rewritting for future features (part2 - Power Drain Pole, Ore Cleaner)
Version: 0.0.43
Date: 1/11/2019
  Major Features:
    - Added the Energy Shield for the Mobile Factory, rechargeable Shield with visual
    - Unlocked via a technology, protect the Mobile Factory from incoming damages
    - Weak for the moment, will be upgradable
    - Added new Technology, Mobile Factory Energy Shield
    - Resources are now highlighted when you hold a mining drill or a pump
    - Little changes for the techtree
    - Fixed crash related to the Ore Cleaner
    - Fixed crash when the Fluid Extractor is destroyed
    - No more Coal icon for Dimensional Ore
Version: 0.0.42
Date: 27/10/2019
    - Added Ore Silo 5
    - New Technology: Ore silot 5, unlock the Ore Silo 5 inside de Control Center
    - The Pollution inside the Factory is now sended outside
    - Massive code rewritting for future features (part1 - Mobile Factory)
Version: 0.0.41
Date: 19/10/2019
    - The Mobile Factory will no longer drain Energy from Ore Cleaner, Fluid Extractor, ...
    - The Mobile Factory can no longer be called inside Factorissimo Structures
    - Fixed sometime items were not Transfered to Requester Pad
    - Fixed a problem where sometime, player were not teleported inside or outside the Factory
    - Fixed the performances issue with the Logistic Laser
Version: 0.0.40
Date: 16/10/2019
    - Added Ore Silo 4
    - New Technology: Ore silot 4, unlock the Ore Silo 4 inside de Control Center
    - The Mobile Factory has now an Equipment Grid
    - Dimmensional Crystal now cost 300 Dimmensional Fluid (Instead of 1000)
    - Boosted Fluid Extractor
    - Coal, Copper Ore, Iron Ore, Unanium Ore and stone stack size is now 1000 (Up from 50)
    - Fixed an error with the Tank Filter
    - Fixed an error with the Tank Frame
Version: 0.0.39
Date: 13/10/2019
    - Fixed GUI error
    - You will be teleported outside even if the Mobile Factory were destroyed
Version: 0.0.38
Date: 13/10/2019
  Major Features:
    - Constructible Area inside the Control Center, will be used to place upgrade and other things
    - New Technology: Constructible Area 1, unlock the first Constructible Area
    - Added Inventory Pad: Expend the Internal Inventory, must be placed inside the Constructible Area
    - New Technology: Inventory Pad, unlock the Inventory Pad
    - Fixed the GUI Filter error
Version: 0.0.37
Date: 12/10/2019
    - Added Ore Silo 3
    - New Technology: Ore silot 3, unlock the Ore Silo 3 inside de Control Center
    - Fixed a GUI error with tanks display
Version: 0.0.36
Date: 12/10/2019
    - Fixed an error with Recipe Explorer and FNEI
    - Fixed the Liquid Extractor that were to slow
    - Fixed the desynchronization issue in multiplayer caused by the GUI
    - The Mobile Factory can no longer be teleported inside the Control Room
Version: 0.0.35
Date: 09/10/2019
  Major Features:
    - Added Fluid Extractor: Work like a PumpJack but send the fluid via Laser
    - Use Quatron Charge like the Ore Cleaner
    - More the Quatron Charge is pure, more fluid will be extracted
    - You have to select the Inside Tank with a Module ID
    - New Technology: Fluid Extraction, unlock the Fluid Extractor
Version: 0.0.34
Date: 09/10/2019
    - Filters for Ore Silo Pads now work like Requester Pads
    - Fixed a bug with Tank Filters inside the Info GUI
    - Second attempt to fix the multiplayer issue
Version: 0.0.33
Date: 08/10/2019
    - Added Salt
    - Added Chlorine
    - Added Sodium
    - Added Sodium Hydroxide
    - Added Liquide Uranium
    - New Technology: Stone Crushing, Allow the Dimensional Plant to crush Stone to get Salt
    - New Technology: Salt Decomposition, Allow the Dimensional Plant to decompose Salt into Chlorine and Sodium
    - New Technology: Sodium Hydration, Allow the Dimensional Plant to create Sodium Hydroxide
    - New Technology: Uranium Liquefaction, Allow the Dimensional Plant to liquefy Uranium
    - Added Ore Silos to the Info GUI
    - Added Ore Silo 2
    - Added Quatron 13/15/20
    - New Technology: Ore silot 2, unlock the Ore Silo 2 inside de Control Center
    - New Technology: Quatron 13/15/20
    - New Technology: Logistic Science Pack, Allow the Dimensional Plant to create Logistic Science Pack
    - New Technology: Automation Science Pack, Allow the Dimensional Plant to create Automation Science Pack
    - Mobile Factory now use first the fuel inside its inventory before draining energy
    - DimensionalLab can now be placed outside
    - DimensionalSubstation can now be placed outside
    - DimensionalFurnace can now be placed outside
    - PowerDrainPole can now be placed outside
    - LogisticFluidPole can now be placed outside
    - ProviderPad can now be placed outside
    - RequesterPad can now be placed outside
    - OreSilotPad can now be placed outside
    - Fixed a multiplayer error on join
    - Items Laser now work with Logistic Chest
    - Ore Cleaner can now extract Uranium Ore
    - Greatly improved performances of Silo Pad Chest
Version: 0.0.32
Date: 07/10/2019
    - Fixed Quatron Recipe
Version: 0.0.31
Date: 07/10/2019
  Major Features:
    - Ore Cleaner: Mining laser that work with Quatron, more the Quatron is pure, more the Ore Cleaner will extract
    - Ore is send directly to the Ore Silo
    - Quatrons are send via the Internal Storage
    - The Ore Cleaner is showed in the Info GUI
    - New Technology: Ore Cleaning, unlock the ore Cleaner    
    - Dimensional Plant: A chemical plant that allow you to decompose and recompose Molecules
    - New Technology: Matter manipulation, unlock the Dimensional Plant
    - New Fluid: Oxygen
    - New Fluid: Hydrogen
    - Added Oxygen, Hydrogen and Water Recipe
    - New Item: Oxycoal, infused Coal with Oxygen (Fuel Value: 15MJ)
    - New Item: Quatron 1/3/5/7/10, massive energy cell, will be used for next Dimensional Stuff tier
    - New Thechnology: Electrolysis, allow the Dimensional Plan to perform the Electrolysis of Water
    - New Thechnology: Coal Oxygenation: Unlock Oxycoal
    - New Thechnology: Quatron 1/3/5/7/10, unlock Quatron 1/3/5/7/10
    - Fixed an error when generating the Control Room
    - Fixed Dimensional Ore wrong graphics in normal sprite resolution
Version: 0.0.30
Date: 06/10/2019
    - Fixed a Worldgen bug Inside the Mobile Factory with new world
Version: 0.0.29
Date: 06/10/2019
    - Removed Tiles Capsules
    - Mobile Factory heal is now 100000(Instead of 20000)
    - Mobile Factory now consume 5MW (Instead of 600 KW)
    - Mobile Factory now weights 100000kg (Instead of 20000kg)
    - Mobile Factory brake force is now 2000kw (Instead of 400kw)
    - Added Lab Tiles: Expend you Factory with this Tile
    - Added Void Tiles: Remove Tiles
    - New Technology: Surface Expansion, unlock the Lab Tile
    - New Technology: Surface Destruction, unlock the Void Tile
    - Fixed a crash with AAI Vehicles
Version: 0.0.28
Date: 05/10/2019
    - Added Ore Silo: Big storage in the Control Center for Ores. Will be used later for planed mining technology
    - Ore Silo Pad 1: Retrieve content from Ore Silo 1
    - New Technology: Internal Ore Silo 1, unlock the Ore Silo 1, the Ore Silo Pad 1 and the Module ID 1
Version: 0.0.27
Date: 04/10/2019
    - Fixed a migration error when loading a save
    - Reajusted Dimensional Ore recipe
    - Basic Solar Panel now give the right item when mined
Version: 0.0.26
Date: 03/10/2019
  Major Features:
    - New Dimensional Logistic System: Your Mobile Factory have now an Internal Inventory
    - Complexe advanced logistic system to transfer object inside de Factory
    - You can see your Internal Inventory with the Information GUI
    - New Item: Requester Pad, retrieve requested items from the Internal Inventory (Also act as a buffer chest)
    - New Item: Provider Pad, provide item inside to the Internal Inventory (Can also be used like a requester chest)
    - New technology: Internal Tank 5, unlock the Tank 5 inside the Control Center
    - New technology: Dimensional Logistic, unlock the Requester/Provider Chest and the Internal Storage
    - New technology: Logistic Laser, the Mobile Factory laser has now the ability to drain Item from surrounding Chest
    - Added: Module Id 5 (Unlocked with Internal Tank 5 technology)
    - Added outside teleportation platform in the center of the Factory
    - Fixed leaving vehicle teleportation
    - Fixed crash when a ghost is placed but you don't have the object
    - Fixed a bug where a big number of little stacks of the same object was too slowly transfered to the Factory Chest
    - Improved player teleportation
Version: 0.0.25
Date: 02/10/2019
    - Factory Chest can no longer teleport you outside, use the button
    - Added Factory Chest Item
    - Added Factory Chest Recipe
    - The Factory Chest can now be mined and placed anywhere inside the Factory
    - Fixed teleportation will sometimes send you into another entity
Version: 0.0.24
Date: 02/10/2019
    - Fixed crash when loading a save before 0.0.21 version
Version: 0.0.23
Date: 02/10/2019
    - Added Tank Fluid filter to the GUI
    - Added Fake Fluid Any (To set filter to any fluid)
    - Added Basic Solar Panel, capture light to make energy (5kw)
    - New technology: Internal Tank 4, unlock the Tank 4 inside the Control Center
    - Added: Module Id 4 (Unlocked with Internal Tank 4 technology)
    - Jump Drive now drain 1MJ/s to recharge
    - Created entities by the Mobile Factory are now set to player
    - Fixed a crash when placing a Ghost in certain situation
Version: 0.0.22
Date: 02/10/2019
  Major Features:
    - New Mobile Factory Information GUI
    - Added a button to Show/Hide the information GUI
    - Fixed Tank placement in the Control Center
    - Fixed Mobile Factory sometimes can belong to the enemy force
    - Mod compatibility: Fixed game crash when mods are creating fake Players
Version: 0.0.21
Date: 02/10/2019
    - Fixed Control Center ground tiles and entities diseapering
Version: 0.0.20
Date: 01/10/2019
    - Added Crystallizer: Purify fluids to crystals
    - Added Dimensional Crystal: Purified crystal with hight density
    - New technology: Fluids Crystalisation, Unlock the Crystallizer
    - New technology: Dimensional Fluid Purification, allow the purification of Dimensional Fluid, will use a lot of energy and fluid
    - New technology: Internal Tank 3, unlock the Tank 3 inside the Control Center
    - New technology: Internal Tank 1, 2, 3 MK2 Upgrade, Increase the tank Capacity
    - Added: Module Id 3 (Unlocked with Internal Tank 3 technology)
    - Multiplied Fluid Lasers Drain efficiency by 10
    - Divided Fluid Lasers Drain Power Consumption by 100
    - Fixed compatibility with Factorio World (Dirt should not spawn in the Control Center anymore)
Version: 0.0.19
Date: 01/10/2019
    - New Technology: Internal Tank 2, unlock the Tank 2 inside the Control Center
    - Added: Module Id 2 (Unlocked with Internal Tank 2 technology)
  Minor Features:
    - Added a technology for the Mobile Factory Fluid Drain Lasers
    - Added a button for the Fluid Drain Lasers
Version: 0.0.18
Date: 30.09.2019
    - Increased Internal Battery of the Mobile factory to 30MJ (10MJ Before)
    - Fluid Drain/Distribution now consumes energy, 10KJ/u (10KJ for 1 fluid unit)
    - Another Technology tree reorganization
    - Tooltips for Energy Drain and Energy Distribution are now more intuitive
  Minor Features:
    - Added Technology: Beginning, fake auto-unlocked technology to make all technology in one tree
    - Fixed a rendering bug when sometimes machines was wrong displayed
    - Fixed that Factory Chest could make overflow items disappearing
    - Fixe: Logistic Fluid Poles will not transfer fluid to Factorissimo building anymore
    - Potential fixe for Logistic Fluid Poles sometimes fill modded empty pipes
    - The GUI is now localised
Version: 0.0.17
Date: 29.09.2019
    - The Mobile Factory has now an Internal Fluid Tank
    - If you unlock the Energy Drain technology and Internal Storage Tank, the Mobile Factory will drain Fluid from tanks around
    - Added Logistic Fluid Pole: Drain or Send fluid to surrounding structures
    - Added Distribution Module: Set the host structure to Distribution mode
    - Added Drain Module: Set the host structure to Drain mode
    - New Technology: Fluid Transmission, unlock the Logistic Power Pole
    - New Technology: Unlock the Fluid Tank inside the Mobile Factory
    - Massive code cleaning and performances checking
    - Technology tree reorganization
    - Dimensional ores will now display correctly on belt
Version: 0.0.16
Date: 28.09.2019
    - Added Power Drain Pole: Drain surrounding structures energy and store it in the Mobile Factory Internal Battery
    - New Technology: Power Drain Pole: Unlock the Power Drain Pole
Version: 0.0.15
Date: 28.09.2019
    - Fixed Tile capsules sometimes do nothing
Version: 0.0.14
Date: 28.09.2019
    - Loaders should now work again with the Factory Chest
    - Added polish translation (Thanks to MikroPik for all the work he's doing)
Version: 0.0.13
Date: 28.09.2019
  Major Features:
    - Mobile Factory Modules Upgrade
    - For now, they are three and are used to upgrade the Mobile Factory Vehicle
    - New floor: The Control Center, nothing can be build here, reserved for technical machine of the Mobile Factory
    - Added Equalizer: Placed on the Control Center floor when unlocked, this is where you put your Upgrade Modules
    - Added Energy Power Module: Increase the radius of the Energy Drain laser
    - Added Energy Efficiency Module: Increase the Drained Energy amount of the Energy Drain laser
    - Added Energy Focus Mobule: Increase the number of laser that can be fired
    - New technology: Control Center, this technology unlock the Control Center floor
    - New technology: Upgrade modules, unlock the Equalizer
    - New technology: Energy Power Module, unlock the Energy Power Module
    - New technology: Energy Efficiency Module, unlock the Energy Efficiency Module
    - New technology: Energy Focus Mobule, unlock the Energy Focus Mobule
Version: 0.0.12
Date: 28.09.2019
    - Added compatibility with Omnimatter mod
Version: 0.0.11
Date: 27.09.2019
    - If the Mobile Factory, the Factory Chest or the Factory surface is lost, a new button will appear in the GUI
    - If you click, it will scan every surfaces to find what's lost
    - Can make lags or freeze the game during the process if you have a big map
Version: 0.0.10
Date: 27.09.2019
    - Fixed a crash when loading the Mobile Factory surface (Thanks MikroPik!)
Version: 0.0.9
Date: 27.09.2019
    - Fixed a crash with loaded save (Thanks MikroPik!)
Version: 0.0.8
Date: 27.09.2019
    - Mobile Factory inside chest have now a good collision box
    - Mobile Factory outside/inside broken link should be fixed
    - Fixed sample in analyzer not beeing used (Thanks MikroPik!)
    - Changed the room central chest graphic
    - Added Dimensional Plate: Made from Dimensional Ore, used to build things
    - Added Dimensional Furnace: Only this infused furnace can smelt Dimensional Ore
    - Added Dimensional Accumulator, a basic accumulator for the beginning
    - Added Dimensional Substation: 64 tiles raduis substation (128x128)
    - ALL Dimensional structures must be placed inside the Mobile Factory (Can't be placed outside)
    - You can now teleport you outside the Mobile Factory with the Gui
    - Internal energy reservoir: The mobile Factory has it own internal energy reserve
    - New Technology: Dimensional Smelting, unlock the Dimensional Furnace and the Dimensional Plate
    - New Technology: Electricity Compression, unlock the Dimensional accumulator
    - New Technology: Electricity infusion, unlock the Dimensional Subtsation
    - New Technology: Energy drain, the Mobile Factory will steal the energy from surrounding structures
    - New Technology: Internal recharge, the Mobile Factory will auto-recharge Dimensional Accumulators inside the room
    - Add a button to Enable/Disable the Mobile Factory Energy Drain
    - Add a button to Enable/Disable the Mobile Factory Internal Recharge
    - The factory will try to charge his fuel burner energy with his internal energy to run
  Minor Features:
    - Added Heal bar, Jump drive recharge bar and energy bar
    - Added sound when you enter inside the Mobile Factory
    - Added sound when you teleport outside the Mobile Factory
Version: 0.0.7
Date: 26.09.2019
  Major Features:
    - Science!
    - Added Dimensional Analyzer
    - Dimensional Sample can be analyzed to discover new sciences
    - Atomic Reconstitution Science: Needed to make Tile Capsules
    - Analyzer: Lab that can analyze Dimensional resources to discover new sciences
    - Tile Capsules: Used to expand the room of your Mobile Factory, three different type of size
    - Dimensional Sample: Created from Dimensional Ore
Version: 0.0.6
Date: 25.09.2019
  Major Features:
    - GUI Overall!
    - A GUI is now available for the mobile factory, ready to receive many things
    - Show health, positions, and jump charge for now
    - You can now call the Mobile Factory, it will teleport next to you
    - This features is free, no technologies needed (For the moment, enjoy! this will change in the futur)
    - Accessible through the new GUI
    - There is a cooldown (Jump charge), 300 seconds for now
    - Useful if you've lost or destroy your Mobile Factory
Version: 0.0.5
Date: 25.09.2019
    - Added Dimensional Fluid, future special fuel
Version: 0.0.4
Date: 25.09.2019
    - Fixed unwanted teleportation when you leave the vehicule
    - Partial fix with AAI Vehicle that make the Mobile Factory lose its abilities (Just disable the AI on the vehicle manualy) (Thanks to Matrix13player)
    - Added Dimensional Ore, will be used for futures technologies. Prepare to extract a lot!
Version: 0.0.3
Date: 24.09.2019
    - Added compatibility with Warptorio2
Version: 0.0.2
Date: 24.09.2019
    - Fixed bug with placement of blueprit with robots (Thanks to MikroPik)
Version: 0.0.1
Date: 24.09.2019
  Major Features:
    - Initial release