Mining Space Industries deprecated

This is a story driven mod, like a campaign with lots of challenges, now enhanced with Space Exploration. Your team was hired by MSi (Mining Space Industries) with a purpose: extract mineral riches from a distant planet. But you had a terrible accident when landing. Will you be able to accomplish the task you were hired for?

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Are there more ways to make Optimisation science packs?

3 years ago

Hi. Is there any other way of making Optimisation science packs? I'm currently using the Artificial Intelligence testing chamber (spelled incorrectly as "inteligence" in the game, by the way :) ). It is really slow, even with beacon and speed modules. I need to produce 6k to research Space Probe and having a 30% chance to produce 7 of these packs every 12'ish seconds, is not my idea of fun. I could not find any other recipe using FNEI that can make these packs.
Please advise me if I'm missing something.

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