
by Wiwiweb

Keep track of your progress in a fun way by finding out how fast you created key items. Look back on your factory's history, compare with your friends, or challenge yourself. Supports any list of items and comes with presets for popular big mods. Can be added to existing games.

17 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Some Milestone Suggestions

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I greatly enjoy the Milestones mod. As someone who apparently enjoys suffering through the early-game slog with high multipliers and complexity, things like "making a logistic science pack" feel like such a huge accomplishment, and I love that the game (well, this mod) rewards me for that! Some suggestions and/or other thoughts from what I've seen so far in my experience with Milestones are listed below! (If in the future, you'd prefer these as separate discussion threads, or to come via Discord or something else, just let me know. I am more than happy to Discord chat about any or all of these if you prefer.)

1) I see from the mod information page that Milestones supports quite a number of "presets". However, I notice that when I'm using BZ mods, while the "preset" is taken from that list, Milestones adds more ... milestones ... based on the fact I'm using BZ mods. I'm wondering if you could include your BZ support in the mod description. I know BZ isn't an "overhaul" mod, and is very intentionally meant as an add-in, so I'm not sure if it would belong in that list or on a separate list, but it could be good to list that you support it. If nothing else, it will bring traffic for those who search for the term "BZ" which those mods are now standardizing around.

2) Speaking of BZ mods, BZ Aluminum moves copper out of "starting game" and into "very early game", behind automation science packs. Could you add "create copper plate" as a milestone when BZ Aluminum is active?

3) The logging is fantastic. I very much appreciate the messages that show up in-game when mods are added, the game starts, etc. It's got all the key information but it's not overwhelming. Just, thank you for striking that mythical balance!

4) Thank you for supporting Science Pack Galore! Along these lines, I don't know if it's possible, but does Milestones automatically add a milestone for any science pack that's added (i.e. material that can be consumed in a lab)?

5) I'm using some Bob's mods, but not all - notably, I'm using BZ to provide the ores and plates, but Bob's to provide some machines, and so I'm not using Bob's ores or MCI mods. As such, I don't meet the definition of the preset. Would it be possible to add at least a few of Bob's mods' milestones separately from the pack itself? My idea with all of these is that while Bob's mods add more steps along the way, the final step in any one specific chain may be big enough to celebrate as a milestone. Specifically, my recommendations are:

  • Mod: bobtech (note all packs could have a milestone for 10^k packs for each integer k where k equals 0 or is greater than 2, as the vanilla packs do)
    Suggested Additions: producing advanced-logistic-science-pack (and if relevant, steam-science-pack, and science-pack-gold).
    Further Optional Additions: producing lab-2, and/or relevant alien-science-pack packs
  • Mod: boblogistics
    Further Optional Additions: researching (bob-robots-4 or bob-robo-modular-4), logistics-5, bob-railway-3, and/or ultimate-inserter. Some of these (such as inserter) could be their items produced instead of the research.
  • Mod: bobinserters
    Further Optional Additions: researching long-inserters-2
  • Mod: bobmining
    Further Optional Additions: researching water-miner-5, bob-drills-4, bob-area-drills-4, steel-axe-6, and/or bob-pumpjacks-4 (all except steel-axe could be from an item instead of a research)
  • Mod: bobmodules (optionally, large multiples of lower-tier modules (say starting at 1 million) and/or 10x-ing top-tier)
    Suggested Additions: producing speed-module-8, effectivity-module-8, productivity-module-8, pollution-clean-module-8, pollution-create-module-8, god-module-5, raw-productivity-module-8, green-module-8, and/or raw-speed-module-8 (highest-tier of each type)
    Further Optional Additions: producing beacon-3, and/or god-module-1 (God module 1 is a big step on its own)
  • Mod: bobgreenhouse (or potentially other greenhouse mods as well - maybe could be procedurally generated if there is a recipe with an output of wood?)
    Suggested Additions: producing wood (x1)
  • Mod: bobenemies (I listed what I believe to be the biggest of each type of enemy, though I could be wrong on some. If "each specialty of enemy" is too much, at least the different sizes would make sense to include, I think.)
    Suggested Additions: killing big explosive worm (x1), big fire worm (x1), big poison worm (x1), big piercing worm (x1), big electric worm (x1), giant worm (x1), big electric spitter (x1), huge explosive spitter (x1), huge acid spitter (x1), giant fire spitter (x1), giant poison spitter (x1), titan spitter (x1), behemoth spitter (x1), leviathan spitter (x1), big piercing biter (x1), huge acid biter (X1), huge explosive biter (x1), giant poison biter (x1), giant fire biter (x1), titan biter (x1), behemoth biter (x1), and/or leviathan biter (x1)
    Further Optional Additions: repeated long-term kills for any of the above (as for vanilla behemoths).

6) If using Bob's tech with the burner phase turned on, steam-science-pack does not appear as a milestone (singular or repeated). This appears to be the case even in the various Bob's and Bob's & Angel's presets.

7) Requesting addon support for mods by, specifically Brass and Nickel. Brass in particular, especially when combined with BZ Aluminum, makes even automation research feel big!

2 years ago

Hey thanks for the suggestions.

Before going through the list I want to mention that even if something doesn't get implemented from your suggestions, you can always change your own milestones settings to track any list of items you want from any mod. I see a lot of people missing that.

1) The BZ preset addons were added as a contribution by nihilistzche. Yes I will add it in the mod description, I forgot to update it in a while, thanks.

2) I'm not familiar with the BZ mods myself. If it's "very early game" then it might still not be worth it to add copper plates. I'm reticent to modify the preset added by nihilistzche without more opinions. Maybe I will ask Brevven themselves, they would be the best placed.

3) Thanks!

4) Science Packs Galore was also added by nihilistzsche. There's no automatic detection of science packs, it's a good idea but I guess we have presets for most mods now so maybe too late.

5) Bob has 2 presets currently, "Bob's Mods (Without Bob's Tech)" which needs {"bobplates", "bobelectronics"} and "Bob's Mods" which needs {"bobplates", "bobelectronics", "bobtech"}.
What list of bob's mods are you using? Just bobplates or just bobelectronics? I can add a preset for this smaller subset of mods.

Bob's enemies already has a preset addon that adds the 3 biggest biters (bob-titan, bob-behemoth, bob-leviathan). I don't want to add spitters and worms to presets since their kill count will go up about the same, so it seems redundant. Repeated kill count on leviathan makes sense though, I am missing that.

Bob modules preset addon makes sense.

6) Oh I didn't know about this burner phase option. I don't have a way change the preset based on mod options yet but I think it's a good idea and might be useful for 248k too. It will take some work.

7) They're pretty obscure mods but if you give me a list of items (by internal name) I will add a preset addon.


2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Thanks as always for the mod, and I definitely can (and do) edit my own milestones. :)

1) I wasn't able to find an "extended option for megabases" for the vanilla setting, as mentioned in the description. Is that just something I missed, or should that be changed in the description too?

2) It's "very early game" as in "second or third tech you will likely unlock". The thing that honestly made me want to include this is the fact that there is a milestone for a single silicon - which is just stone bricks, and with Aluminum installed, even earlier! Additionally, you have to make aluminum before you have copper, and there's already a milestone for aluminum plates! (Maybe aluminum alloys? :thinking_face:) And yeah, asking Brevven is probably a good idea - they'd have a better sense of their own mods than I do, of course!

4) Code that automatically detects and adds milestones for any science packs that don't already have one could potentially be a good thing to add anyway, as long as it can be assumed that 1) there is a reilable way to detect what a science pack is (do bob's modules count, for example?), and 2) the addition of said milestones for packs would be .. well, an actual milestone (again, do bob's modules count?) I'm a relatively novice modder, but if you have interest in this feature, I can give it a shot and see what I can contribute. :)

5) I'm specifically not using bob's plates, as I'm using ones provided by Brevven instead. I approached which Bob's mods I include in this playthrough by looking at each and deciding "does this mod add something I'd want to use even though I'm already using full BZ?" This is why I was wondering if bob's could be approached as an addon if a full pack isn't found. But if you're interested, my list specifically includes only these bob's mods: bobassembly, bobequipment, bobgreenhouse, bobinserters, (boblibrary,) boblogistics, bobmining, bobpower, bobvehicleequipment, and clock. Like I said, I was going for more of an addon style and then ended up using most of them - but notably, warfare/enemies, mci, and plates are missing. I am still on the fence about adding electronics, and it's not yet too late for me to do so.

I also agree with your logic that spitter and biter go hand-in-hand, but I would argue that worms aren't necessarily the same. I am a usually-no-mob player, but when I do play with mods, I hunker down and build a big wall. Late-game, I pollute as much as I want and just keep the walls repaired - so it's actually a big deal for me when I do go clear worms (usually with artillery) because I don't do it often. And with bob's adding new flavors (acid, electric, etc.) I was on the fence about whether to include those. I admit I didn't realize bobenemies had a preset addon with the biggest three, though, so that was a miss on my part.

6) I am pretty sure it is possible to change the default value or preset based on presence (or lack) of other mods - I know some BZ mods, for example, do something based on "SE 0.6+ or not". That being said, I also don't know how to do it, but like 4), I could give it a shot if you wanted.

7) I admit I'm very much enjoying BZ mods, so planetfall's mods seem, to me, like a natural fit - it was their advertised interoperability with BZ that led me to them in the first place. While new, the mods seem to be pretty cool on their own! As for your request:
mod name: BrassTacks
items: zinc-plate, brass-plate
mod name: IfNickel
items: nickel-plate, invar-plate
Notes: Like BZ mods, if playing with K2 and/or SE, the mods will add their own enriched and ingot variants, just as BZ mods do. Not sure if that's worth a milestone or not, I'd lean towards no. And like BZ mods, the group would be resources for all of these.

8) I might recommend adding silicon (yes, internal name is slilcon) instead of and/or in addition to the silica when bzsilicon is installed.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

1) That got removed when I added infinite milestones since the "extended option" was just more multiples of 10 for science packs, which is now innate in the default vanilla preset. Updated the description.

2) Ok 👍

4) I don't want to put in the time for this since it seems of limited use for the effort, but feel free to give it a shot and send me a PR 👍

5) I guess without Bob's plates or Bob's electronics the other bob mods are more addons than overhauls. I think it's fine as it is then. I also won't add worms as part of the default preset, sorry.

6) Yes it's doable. We can read settings from any mod. It will take some effort because I would want it as a new parameters available for the preset table, like required_settings or something. It won't be for the next release.

7) Ok 👍

8) Silicon is removed with K2. Needs a new preset addon combination. I got it.

New response