Manual Logistics

by Silari

Adds a hotkey that attempts to grab items from the selected entity, or all nearby entities, in order to fulfill the player's logistic requests. Also includes a hotkey to dump the player's trash slots into the selected entity.

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1
Logistics Logistic network

i Make requests repeatable

2 years ago

If you remember, we can use CTRL+Left key and walking to fill all builds/cars in the row.

I want same for "Take items" key.
Please could you repeat requests if Player pushed the key and does not release it up? maybe on rate: 10 per a 1 sec (an every 6th tick)

2 years ago

Thanks a lot for the mod.

2 years ago

I don't believe that's possible. The game doesn't give any way for a mod to know if a custom hotkey is being held, it only calls an event when the hotkey is pressed. There's nothing in the API to see what keys a player has pressed at all.

2 years ago

it's sad

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