Lindors Advanced Pasting

Significant QoL mod. Main Feature: Setting requester/buffer chest requests via Copy-and-Pasting from buildings doesn't exceed the chests output inventory any more.

7 months ago
Logistic network Manufacturing


Version: 0.0.1
Date: 23.09.2023
    - Requests don't come in multiples of maximum stack size anymore. It respects any integer limits.
    - New mod setting for the maximum requestable costs per chest. Costs are calculated by ingredients and crafting time. Read more about this in the ingame mod setting description.
    - New mod setting for the minimum amount of empty slots in a requester if all requests have been satisfied.
    - New mod setting for the maximum amount of stacks requestable per item.
    - Recipe ratios are preserved.
    - Minimum request amount per item is now one item instead of a full stack.
    - If there are more ingredients than chest slots, it now requests nothing instead of going back to vanilla behaviour.
    - Added English and German localizations for mod setting descriptions.
    - Cleaned up and commented the code. Should be very understandable now if you're patient enough to read through it.
    - Improved thumbnail & description.
Version: 0.0.0
Date: 28.08.2023
    - Initial release
    - Affects Copy-and-Pasting from assemblers to requesters
      Copying: SHIFT + RIGHT CLICK
      Pasting: SHIFT + LEFT CLICK
      Assemblers: in Vanilla these are assembly machines, chemical plants and oil refineries. Additional assemblers from other mods are supported. AFAIK smelters are not assemblers because they can switch recipe automatically based on input. I might be wrong on this.
      Requesters: in Vanilla these are requester chests and buffer chests. Additional requesters from other mods are supported, but only if the mod doesn't introduce additional logistic modes.
    - The requests won't exceed the chest's output inventory anymore
    - Always keeps at least one slot per different ingredient empty to compensate for bot delivery inaccuracies
    - Requests for each item come always in multiples of the item's maximum stack size
    - Tries to keep the balance of the requests as close to the balance of the recipe's ingredients as possible under the other rules