Modular Chests

This mod adds a modular chest that merges into longer chests when placed next to eachother. Primarily intended for loading and unloading trains.

4 months ago
0.16 - 2.0
Logistics Storage

a 0.17 Steel Chest Update

6 years ago

Hey, with the 0.17 update live I finally got around to finishing the code rewrite I started long ago, together with adding a new tier of modular chests, the Modular Steel Chest.
The Modular Steel Chest currently has 4x the storage of its iron counterpart but costs 16 steel, instead of 8 iron.
The numbers aren't really well thought through, but my idea is basically;
"If you really want more storage than the already pretty big base chests (after you connect a few of them), you probably won't be satisfied with a 50% increase or something along those lines, so I'll just make it quite a bit bigger.
Having it a meaningful amount bigger should probably require you to use a fair bit more materials to make tho."
I've currently chosen to "only" go up to 16 steel each chest, but originally I was thinking maybe double that or more.
I would love some of you guys' opinion on this in the comments to this post.

As a side note, I haven't done extensive testing in 0.17 so if you find a bug please make a new post in the Discussion tab marked with "Bugs" explaining the issue you encountered.

6 years ago

i loved steel ones, didnt even notice the limit was up to 16 :D, i tend not to use more than 13 since you cannot jump/move over it. But i noticed one thing, since this addon all the chests i am using is this one, so i was wondering if a logistic version of this can be done? or maybe an addon to turn already existing ones to provide/have logistic options?

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