Kuxynator's Zooming Reinvented Running

This mod allows to heavily customise the zooming behaviour. Running speed depends on zoom level. Zoom out to run faster, zoom in to run slower.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Cheats

b Entering remote view while in a vehicle kicks you out of it upon returning from remote view.

a month ago

Also if you are in the middle of a lake and on a boat or a plane/heli it will happily leave you stranded and unable to move while the vehicle saunters away somewhat gracelessly. :)

a month ago

do you use default startup settings?

a month ago


a month ago

i don't know exactly why this is happening, but i'm putting the charcter back in the car (as the driver) now
I have to take a closer look
could you try the "passive toggle map' it has fewer side effects. but is still undergoing endurance testing

a month ago

Hey. Thank you for the input. I have disabled the mod for the time being, but I will try your suggestion tomorrow. Have you been able to reproduce the bug?

a month ago

Yes, it seems that the character is kicked out of the vehicle when you actively change the controller (remote/character). with the API. but in passive mode this doesn't happen. as a workaround i can put the character back in, but it would be better if it wasn't kicked out in the first place. you don't have to deactivate the mod. activating the new passive map toogle mode should be enough.

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