Kuxynator's Zooming Reinvented Running

This mod allows to heavily customise the zooming behaviour. Running speed depends on zoom level. Zoom out to run faster, zoom in to run slower.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Cheats

b Passive toggle map crash

3 months ago

When I enable passive toggle map and hit tab, I got a crash

The mod Kuxynator's Zooming Reinvented Running (3.2.6) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Kux-ZoomRunning::Kux-ZoomRunning-toggle-map (ID 206)
Kux-ZoomRunning/events/toggle-map.lua:56: attempt to index global 'Events' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Kux-ZoomRunning/events/toggle-map.lua:56: in function 'on_toggleMap_V2_passive'
Kux-ZoomRunning/events/toggle-map.lua:63: in function <Kux-ZoomRunning/events/toggle-map.lua:60>

3 months ago

Thank you for reportung it
I know. it is under devolpment and I was interrupted by other questions ;-)

New response