Kuxynator's Zooming Reinvented Running

This mod allows to heavily customise the zooming behaviour. Running speed depends on zoom level. Zoom out to run faster, zoom in to run slower.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Cheats

b Inconsistent Zoom

3 months ago

The jump of zooming is inconsistent, from full zoom out Map View/Remote view, it works until MOD kicks in and the step is 2x or 3x instead, it also shows you different part of the map, shifting view.
If Zoom sensitivity is set to anything than 1.5 mouse wheel also scrolls the map sideways/random directions.


How to disable all zoom logic and keep only running speed functionality working?

PS. Mech Armor speed now is applied to it from zoom level, thanks for the fix.

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

LuaPlayer.zoom is write-only (why ever)
I have to guess the zoom or set it myself.
if something else changes the zoom, nobody will notice and i will continue with the last remembered change.
to synchronize it again make a full zoom out or zoom in
You can not disable the zoom logic because it is the only one that knows the zoom level.

P.S. I have nothing changed concerning Mech Armor .

3 months ago

Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yOeZ7qBhzHJ2GicnYpCYgcf0UW-aWvzo/view?usp=sharing

It zooms in smoothly and with proper step, but zoom out just jumps places.

3 months ago

Activate the passive zoom mode for the map, this will use the ‘zoom to mouse’ from the game, which I can't emulate because there is no info where the cursor is. this has never bothered me personally, the active mode uses ‘zoom to centre’ (because there is no other way)
The map zoom is irrelevant for the running speed.


3 months ago

Thank you, a lot stable now.

3 months ago

New settings visual error?

3 months ago

Error on Any setting for new line when trying open map:

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

thanks for reporting it. I have it on the radar
the passive mode for toggle map is still under development
why do you need it? or do you just want to test it?

BTW the error message can be copied as text. no screenshot needed

3 months ago

I though passive mode is required for Passive zoom features to work.
Frankly the only feature I need out of the mod is Slow down run speed when zoomed in and fast running when zoomed out.
The multiplier of zoom is a nice feature as well, less wheel rotation for where you need to go, but you lose precision with it, for example I want to be on edge when remote view switches to map and world view for some blueprint placement.

Mod have a lot of settings, bit confusing what effects what.

3 months ago

I though passive mode is required for Passive zoom features to work.

don't think, read more ;-) passive zoom and passive toggle are different things, otherwise there wouldn't be 3 settings

but you lose precision with

no. you just have to use the right factor. (set it to default, then the edges are exact 5 steps)

Mod have a lot of settings, bit confusing what effects what.

if it had less, you could adapt less;-)

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

I see. the the desriptions was not shown

Kux-ZoomRunning-passive-toggle-map=In active mode, the map will be opened and closed by the mod. In passive mode, the mod tries to determine the current status. Some features are then disabled or deleayed.
Kux-ZoomRunning-passive-zoom-world=In active mode, the world will be zoomed in and out by the mod. In passive mode, the mod attempts to determine the current zoom heuristically. Some features are deactivated (e.g. zoom sensitivity). The zoom value may be inaccurate sometimes. Then you can sync the value by fully zoom-in or out. This affects all mods that use the zoom value.
Kux-ZoomRunning-passive-zoom-map=In active mode, the map will be zoomed in and out by the mod. In passive mode, the mod attempts to determine the current zoom heuristically. Some features are deactivated (e.g. zoom sensitivity). The zoom value may be inaccurate sometimes. Then you can sync the value by fully zoom-in or out. This affects all mods that use the zoom value.

3 months ago

passive-toggle-map was shown only, others were not

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

i know, that's why i copied it to you. but i found the error

i have racked my brains a bit more
use 1.46201 for zoom sensitivity - this is 42 The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything." ;-)
because exact 6 steps including 3 .. 1 .. 0.32

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Will you change default zoom sensitivity level to 1.4620 in the mod?
Currently its 1.56457, which is 5 step zoom as you mentioned. Or there is still benefits having it to 1.56457?

3 months ago

Also there is this speed jumping back and forth on max zoom out.
Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nGLvutDMoVdZVjftKniLeXMx0EFn23J9/view?usp=sharing

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

I will set 1.46201 as default. that is well playable
but in the end, everyone can set what they want

I have to take care of the other requests now

3 months ago

speed jumping back and forth on max zoom out.

could you try to remove your exoskeleton -> go to map setting. "allow cheat for all players" -> in player setting activate "cheat mode"
and see if the problem still occurs

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

So it was very random and does not happen at all times, but here are my findings:
Removing all exoskeletons resets it
When Cheat Mode is on it still does it, just % is higher
It does not seems to trigger on last 3 steps of full zoom out
It only triggers when zooming out, not when zooming in
The triggered speed is my full combined exoskeleton speed (none cheat mode)
Last zoom out does not reach full speed in normal circumstances, only 838% out of 1041% (tested on both cheat mode or not, same result)
When I removed one of the exo's to make speed below 1000%, it now started to trigger on zoom-in, on pre last of zoom-in state. (one step from max zoom-in)
It triggers as well on "Passive zoom (World)" feature enabled

Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MMFh8F_JXJ2i2Vkke04jgpoYJxSHOnWb/view?usp=sharing

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

I'll look at it again, but since no one else has even noticed or bothered to report it, it's a low priority.
one more question. energy for the exokeleton is available or? ;-)
and a note. there is no api to determine the base speed. i have to estimate it. this could lead to miscalculation. if the cheat mode is on and NO exoskeleton is installed, the error should be smaller. but basically it shouldn't matter what zoom level you are at. Be sure than no other mod changes the speed parameters.

BTW I use my mod myself. I wouldn't want to play without it ;-)

3 months ago

Battery/energy is sufficient, battery is on 99% at all times when running, energy bar on exo's wont deplete either.
I have no other mods that effect character speed, nor camera zoom behavior.
I ran game with no mods apart yours, it behaves the same, speed jumps.
There is a possibility that its Mech Armor related, as I reported a bug before, the slow down was not effecting Mech Armor at all, after you made few updates to the mod (and its core) it started working, you did mention however that you were not trying to fix the Mech Armor itself issue.

Its the most random thing it seems, Quality of armor and exos plays on outcome as well.
Are you playing with Space Age and Quality?
When I take Normal quality MK2 armor or Mech Armor with normal quality exos, speed is constant, does not matter what zoom level it is, which is already weird
When I take Legendary quality MK2 Armor or Mech Armor with Legendary exos, it jumps all over the place

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Are you playing with Space Age and Quality?

it is activated but i did't have time to “play” I am still on nauvis ;-) but at least on the space platform to test the ion cannons

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