Kuxynator's Zooming Reinvented Running

This mod allows to heavily customise the zooming behaviour. Running speed depends on zoom level. Zoom out to run faster, zoom in to run slower.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Cheats

g escape button no longer works

4 months ago

reported by @VL4DST3R

I have a strange issue - escape button no longer works to open the, well, escape menu (toggle menu in keybinds). Inside the editor it does nothing and during regular sandbox play it just toggles the remote view. If I add another keybind for open menu, other than escape, it works again but needless to say this is very inconvenient

I am curious, what button do you use for clear cursor?

4 months ago

I personally use Q to clean the cursor. M and middle mouse for toogle the map
but and i hook only WASD, zoom-in, zoom-out and toggle-map

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

do you mean tha "tab" button and not the "esc"?
by default is seems the Tab-button is bound to "toggle-map" control, but i personally changes this, That's why I wasn't able to notice the behaviour which is now occurring in your case

The mod hooks ‘toggle-map’ to toggle the map. But if the tab button is also used for other actions, then these actions are not carried out (because the mod doesn't know about them)

you can fix this issue by unassigning the tab key from toggle-map

if you really mean the esc key and the esc key is not bound to toggle-map, then I have no idea why this is happening.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

I have tab set to open my inventory and M to show the map (now remote view). I figured it may be some hardcoded input somewhere that's causing this discrepancy, as i imagine you would have caught it by now if it was affecting you.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

(deleted duplicate message)
Unrelated: something is very weird with the forum, it keeps posting my edits as a new message instead of editing the original one.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Is your Escape working now?

Unrelated: my edits works w/o problems here

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Nope, if I enable your mod again my escape now opens the remote view instead of the escape menu.


if you really mean the esc key and the esc key is not bound to toggle-map, then I have no idea why this is happening.

Bloody hell that was it. I had esc bound to toggle map as well, somehow, and in regular factorio this never came up as an issue, the game just worked as expected, I guess prioritizing the menu action over the map one. Removed it now and it works as expected. Sorry for sending you on this wild goose chase.

Unrelated: I'm pretty sure I found out what the issue was with my duplicated messages was as well: I hit the " instead of edit, which are not, in fact, the same thing.

4 months ago

LOL well then, have fun looking for other bugs

New response