Kuxynator's Zooming Reinvented Running

This mod allows to heavily customise the zooming behaviour. Running speed depends on zoom level. Zoom out to run faster, zoom in to run slower.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Cheats

b [FIXED in 3.2.3] Crash on closing map in editor

4 months ago

The mod Kuxynator's Zooming Reinvented Running (3.2.2) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Kux-ZoomRunning::Kux-ZoomRunning-toggle-map (ID 207)
Expected LuaEntity but non-object was provided.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'set_controller'
Kux-ZoomRunning/control.lua:267: in function 'on_toggleMap'
Kux-ZoomRunning/control.lua:287: in function <Kux-ZoomRunning/control.lua:286>

First noticed when I had the Locomotive window open, and tried to use the M key to open the map.
also - while in editor, I cannot open the map with my bound hotkey "M" at all now once installing this update.
While in the editor, I can click on the mini-map view, and close the map view with the "close" button in the top corner, but using the hotkey "M" to close the mapview results in this crash.
This does not seem to occur at all in normal game play, but only while I'm working in the editor. Which I've been doing a lot of, designing blueprints.

4 months ago

Should work now.
I didn't even have editor moda on my radar yet, I just don't get to play enough ;-)

4 months ago

I imagine you probably never get to play - just constantly fixing, fixing, fixing! <3

We really appreciate all your work.

4 months ago

Someone once said ‘The number of bugs in software is a constant’ ;-)
But with every bug i learn to understand things in factorio modding better and you are forced to deal with it more. without it i would have much less knowledge.

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