Crash-Site Logistics Center

A logistics center was recovered from the crashed space ship. It could be modified to help you build your base.

8 months ago

b [FIXED in 2.2.1] Low-res image error

3 years ago

new bug:--
the given sprite rectangle{left_top=0x0,right_bottom=111x99}is outside the actual sprite size {left_top=0x0,rigth_bottom=462x74}Kux-LogisticsCenterCS/graphics/entity/hr-logistic-chest-passive-provider.png

3 years ago

Thanks for reporting this.

3 years ago

Thanks for reporting this.

The bug is still there


3 years ago

I have tried graphics setting
- sprite resolution: "normal"
- High-quality animations: off
- Texture compression: Low quality
and have found and fixes 3 issues.
game is running now with normal and also with high graphical setting for me
which exact error message do you get now? and which settings do you have?

3 years ago

My screen resolution is 1680 * 1050. Is that the problem?

3 years ago

no, the screen resolution should not be the reason.
which exact error message do you get now? and which settings do you have?

3 years ago
you MOD conflicts with this。
I disable it and it's normal

3 years ago

Why don't I have a logistics center after I enter the game

3 years ago

I see. It takes a start

3 years ago

For the conflict with bumble-bots please create an extra thread.

New response