Blueprint Extensions (Kux Edition)

Adds tools for updating and placing blueprints. Now with Advanced Fluid Handling and Flow Control support

7 months ago
1.0 - 1.1
Fluids Blueprints

b [FIXED]The buttons are missing from the top left corner.

3 years ago

The only buttons that exist are the shortcut bar ones. I never used those before. I don't like them because they take up space in the shortcut bar and there are other things I'd rather have there. What happened to the buttons in the top left corner?

3 years ago

Nothing. they are still present.

After some trying I detect, that they are not shown under certain circumstances if the mod is added later.
As workaround in settings you can toggle all check boxes off:
apply the change, go back to the game and recheck the boxes in the the settings again.

I have queued this issue in my to-do list. but experience shows that this takes longer in foreign code.

1 year, 5 months ago

finally fixed

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