Krastorio 2 Rocket Fuel in Advanced Chemical Plant

Minor modification to allow advanced chemical plants to perform fuel refinement, atmospheric condensation, electrolysis, and filtration. Also added crushing recipes (sand and imersite powder) to advanced assembling machines. Requires Krastorio 2. Compatible with Space Exploration.

6 months ago
Fluids Manufacturing

b Issues with Space Exploration -- solved

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hello, while enabled this mod somehow conflicts with the Space exploration mod, specifically with some of (but not all odd enough) washing and powder recipes. Remaining: Washing- beryllium (only one with Sulphuric Acid as an ingredient instead of water, "Washed" not a part of the item name); Powder- beryllium, holmium, iridium; Missing: Washing- cryonite, vulcanite, holminite, iridite, naquitite; Powder- naquium. What's especially odd to me is the inconsistency with the naquium recipes, and if this could be looked at it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks and have a great day. (Edit: some grammar clarification)

3 years ago

I have not played K2 together with SE yet, still slogging through my first SE playthrough, so I have no idea how it would behave. I'll have a look, but for now the best would probably be to mark it as incompatible with SE. This was meant purely for K2 (and I was unaware at the time of the deep compatibility efforts between the two). If it worked before (i.e., before the latest SE/K2 compatibility update), then I'm not sure why the changes would break it, I see nothing in the changelog that would break it.

3 years ago

Right, some digging later tells me that the problem with the washing not disappearing completely is the way SE categorises their recipes. All the washing recipes are in one category, except for the beryllium. All the powder recipes are in another category (the default category for chem plants), except for the naquium powder, which happens to fall in the same category as the washing recipes. I've poked the people on the SE side about this, since it appears to be an error on their side. I am looking into adding the washing as an option to this mod, in the mean time.

3 years ago

And feature added in version 2.0.0: if Space Exploration is installed, you can choose to add the various washing recipes to the advanced chemical plant. I have tested with the basic SE and K2 packs, no other mods yet. I also haven't played them together, so I don't know what kind of compatibility is intended by the devs of K2 and SE w.r.t. the advanced chem plant.

3 years ago

Thank you very much for your hard work! As for the compatibility thing, there were some recent changes in terms of balance with atmospheric condensing and whatnot, but I also loved the crushing recipes in the advanced assemblers option. Once again I truly appreciate your looking into this and the hard work put in!

2 years ago

Love this mod - I noticed that the advanced assembler does have the K2 crushing recipes, which is great, but it doesn't have SE's crushing recipes. Would you mind adding those as well? I'd love to be able to use the advanced assembly machine to fully replace all my pulverisers XD

2 years ago

Love this mod - I noticed that the advanced assembler does have the K2 crushing recipes, which is great, but it doesn't have SE's crushing recipes. Would you mind adding those as well? I'd love to be able to use the advanced assembly machine to fully replace all my pulverisers XD

Sure, that should be easy enough. Won't have time until the weekend unfortunately, but it should be up and tested by this time next week.

2 years ago

And I found some time where I could finish it off. As expected, it was quick and easy to add. As of version 2.5.0, you can now choose if you want to add the normal SE crushing (pulverising) recipes to the advanced assembling machines (for example, vulcanite to crushed vulcanite), as well as the core fragment processing recipes. By default, both options are set to FALSE, so you have to switch it on in the mod settings. And of course, if you don't have Space Exploration installed, you won't know about these options.

2 years ago

Thanks! :D

2 years ago

Seems one of the recent updates to SE/K2 where they moved all the compatibility code to SE's side broke a thing with this mod - the ice melting recipes(water ice and methane ice) no longer show up in the advanced chem plant while this mod is on, but they work fine without this mod. I assume it's an easy fix, they probably have a "melting" category or something, idk. Thanks!

2 years ago

Thanks for letting me know, I'll have a look. Haven't had time to play Factorio in ages, so am not that up to date about changes in SE or K2. As you say, should be a quick and straightforward fix.

2 years ago

And that issue has been fixed, exactly as you predicted. Serendipitously, it seems that the same compatibility code patch also made it so that the washing recipes (as requested by @icefang) has been moved to the base mod. So I cleaned that bit of the code up, since it's no longer needed in my mod. And given I was cleaning up, I figured I might as well do a deep clean of the code and everything that is no longer needed (now that I know a heck of a lot more about Factorio modding).

1 year, 11 months ago
(updated 1 year, 11 months ago)

thanks for the update! Seems this mod somehow removes the holmium cable recipe from the advanced assembly machine, can you look into that? According to a guy on the Earendel discord, the missing crafting categories are “crafting-or-electromagnetics” for the assembly machine and “fuel-refining” for the chem plant.

1 year, 11 months ago

Will add the crafting-or-electromagnetics over the weekend. What recipes fall under fuel-refining, if you know? Didn't see any recipes missing when I compared between the normal chem plant and advanced with this mod active, though given how many there are, that isn't saying much.

1 year, 11 months ago

And yep, that's another change brought by the "recent" compatibility patch. The chem plants one, that is. Or I just never noticed it. It's been fixed for version 3.0.1. along with the assembling machine, barring a weird issue with the higher tier thruster suits. I've asked advice on that one, but will have to wait for an answer, because I certainly have no idea why it's not available. /shrug

1 year, 11 months ago

And version 3.0.2. fixes the thruster suit issue, thanks a bunch to Sharp on the SE discord for spotting that.

7 months ago

Apologies for the necro on this post, but it occurred to me recently that it would be a nice QoL if there were options in this mod to add the kiln and casting recipe categories to K2's advanced furnace, if you wouldn't mind. Thanks!

6 months ago

Apologies for the necro on this post, but it occurred to me recently that it would be a nice QoL if there were options in this mod to add the kiln and casting recipe categories to K2's advanced furnace, if you wouldn't mind. Thanks!

Please see the discussion here for more info on that:

New response