The problem comes in that the file "Krastorio/prototypes/vanilla-changes/vanilla-changes-mandatory/vanilla-changes-next-upgrades.lua" only changes the fast_replace_group on the vanilla pipe-to-ground and vanilla pump ignoring any modded versions. This instantly causes errors with mismatching fast replace groups:
"Failed to load mods: Error while running setup for entity prototype "pump" (pump): next_upgrade target (bob-pump-2) must have the same fast_replaceable_group (pipe != pump)."
I did two replacements to resolve the issue.
--data.raw.pump["pump"].fast_replaceable_group = "pump"
for i, pump in pairs(data.raw["pump"]) do
pump.fast_replaceable_group = "pump"
data.raw.pump["pump"].next_upgrade = "steel-pump"
--Underground pipes
--data.raw["pipe-to-ground"]["pipe-to-ground"].fast_replaceable_group = "pipe-to-ground"
for i, pipe in pairs(data.raw["pipe-to-ground"]) do
pipe.fast_replaceable_group = "pipe-to-ground"
data.raw["pipe-to-ground"]["pipe-to-ground"].next_upgrade = "steel-pipe-to-ground"