Krastorio Legacy deprecated

Caution!!! Krastorio 2 is now available! Therefore Krastorio Legacy is no longer supported! This mod expands the endgame, adds 30+ HR buildings, 60+ technologies, new ores, new items and rebalances almost all vanilla game content, making it harder.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b [Fixed] Bug with latest version of factorio

5 years ago

Hi there,

I have this bug that came with the lastest version of factorio :

My modding list :
- Accumulator Wagon 0.17.2
- Alien Biome 0.4.15
- Alien Biomes High-Res Terrain 0.4.1
- Angel's - Fonte 0.5.7
- Angel's - Industries 0.2.0
- Angel's - Raffinage 0.10.14
- Angel's - Traitement pétrochimique 0.8.6
- Angel's - Traitement biologiques 0.6.2
- Angel's Addons - Silos de minerais 0.5.1
- Angel's Addons - Traductions 0.2.13
- Avoid Struggle with Integration Library (Alpha) 0.5.16
- Beautiful Bridge Railway 0.17.3
- Big Brother 0.5.1
- Bob's Adjustable Inserters mod 0.17.10
- Bob's Functions Library mod 0.17.5
- Bob's Locale Translations 0.17.14
- Bottlerneck 0.10.4
- CanalBuilder 0.17 0.0.1
- Cargo Ships 0.0.47
- Clock 0.17.7
- Deadlock's Stacking for Pyanodon 0.1.14
- Dectorio 0.9.16
- Dispatcher 1.1.1
- Dragon Industries - Nauvis Division 1.17.24
- Factorio Standard Library 1.3.0
- Flare Stack 2.2.3
- Flow Control 3.0.5
- Fully Automated Rail Layer 3.1.15
- Geothermal 1.17.24
- Helicopters 0.3.14
- HermiosLibs 0.1.5
- HermiosTrainLibs 0.1.2
- Hovercrafts 0.17.16
- Krastorio Graphics 0.1.5
- Logistic Cargo Wagon 0.17.10
- Longer Days and Nights 0.0.2
- Lovely_santa's library of knowledge 2019.8.30
- LTN - Logistic Train Network 1.11.2
- Mining Space Industries 0.17.81
- Nanobots: Early Bots 3.1.0
- Optera's Library 0.1.8
- Pyanodons Coal Processing 1.4.8
- Rampant 0.17.28
- Reinforced Walls 0.17.2
- Resource Spawner Overhaul 5.0.20
- Robot Attrition 0.3.8
- Rocket-Silo Construction 0.17.13
- Shinylcons 0.17.4
- Space Exploration 0.1.145
- Space Exploration Graphics (Required) 0.1.46
- Space Exploration Postprocess (Required) 0.1.43
- Squeak Through 1.4.0
- Train Skip Fulfilled Station 0.1.4
- TrainsCaller 0.5.5
- Vehicle Grid 1.1.2
- Walls Block Spitters 0.4.5

Could you maybe fix this issues ?

I really enoy your mod i hope i will not have to delete it

5 years ago

This error appear during the start

5 years ago

OK, u found a possible side bug with my flare stack library, and I have insert a litte fix in that case ANYWAY:

Krastorio don't support angels bob or py mods (read the FAQ for more info)
I believe it is difficult that this modpack could work...

5 years ago

Thank you for your quick update !
This mod pack worked in the past. I read the FAQ and i selected only bobmod that are not in conflict. Moreover, Angel seems to be compatible. There are some redundancies but overall my experience in the game is better with the twice mods.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Good to know.

Anyway the bug was caused by Geothermal 1.17.24, there's an icon that isn't well defined, is a bug, but I haven't never care about because I have SUPPOSE that other modders don't write bad code in definitions...

New response