Krastorio Legacy deprecated

Caution!!! Krastorio 2 is now available! Therefore Krastorio Legacy is no longer supported! This mod expands the endgame, adds 30+ HR buildings, 60+ technologies, new ores, new items and rebalances almost all vanilla game content, making it harder.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g Oh no! Matter production cycles seem to break law of conservation of energy :(

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hi there!

It appears that in one of the last updates you've changed the recipes of the 'Matter factory' and 'Matter fabrication plant' so that it allows Production Modules.

The part of my brain that likes to dabble with physics thinks this is highly silly. One should not be able to create stuff out of nothing, nay? Even with the high energy use, it seems to be too easy to generate stuff out of almost nothing.

The way I see it is possible for Matter to be balanced with respect to the overall 'web of rules and beliefs' which make Factorio is to see it as an sort of 'inbetween' state of matter. Seeing it in that way, it would defy common sense if during this conversion between states matter is gained.

See the following example: . After having add 30 charcoal to the chest, within minutes, both chests are full of free coal!

If this is just a bug, please forgive me, i'll shut my gob and let you do your magic :)

You mention the pure water conversion problem in the last changelog; why not just ban the conversion of pure water to matter and leave the other way around in tact? This seems fairer to the overall balance?

That being said; holy shit dude I hope for our sake that you keep working in gamedesign, this is some bloody awesome work you're doing. Thanks a lot for making possible what could easily be a few hundred hours of merry work on the factory :)


5 years ago

This is definitely a mistake. The conversion of matter to raw materials should be without Production Modules. You're right. We recently added a new system for generating recipes and icons, so this bug arose. Thanks for reporting the issue!

5 years ago

Hello zakpatat,

how can I get such nice icons for the modules?

New response