Krastorio Legacy deprecated

Caution!!! Krastorio 2 is now available! Therefore Krastorio Legacy is no longer supported! This mod expands the endgame, adds 30+ HR buildings, 60+ technologies, new ores, new items and rebalances almost all vanilla game content, making it harder.

5 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i Antimatter Core & Tanks Grid Size

5 years ago

Hey. I have two suggestions.

The first is about the tech tree when SE is installed. Currently, when both are installed, you can research Nuclear Power (giving access to the nuclear power core) and Matter Reactor Prototype (giving access to the antimatter power core) with Krastorio's research data.

However, actually crafting the antimatter core requires a portable fusion core, which relies on SE's space packs. This results in a situation where you have unlocked the antimatter core but still need a lot of researches on SE side to unlock a reactor that is much less technologically advanced. That makes little sense, both from a progression and from a logic standpoint.

And the yet locket fusion core:

Suggested solution: remove antimatter power core from matter reactor prototype and add it to advanced matter reactor, then lock advanced matter reactor behind portable fusion core. This way, the player can still get a taste of the matter reactor, but the best version will only come much later. And of course, it restores the logic of portable cores unlocking.

The second suggestion is about the Battle Tank grid size. It's currently 12×15, which doesn't make sense. The reason? In Krastorio, there is a grand total of four equipment which take an odd amount of vertical grid slots. Everything else (more than 20 equipment) takes an even amount. Because of that, it would make more sense if the grid was either 12×14 or 12×16 so there isn't that one odd line that you have to fill with whatever fits.

Given how costly in power Krastorio's equipment are, I'd argue for the 12×16 version. It is indeed a lot, but at the end of the day, you need to power all your equipment, so before you unlock the fusion or antimatter core, what you can do with even that is limited. And once you unlock the antimatter core, you most likely have access to the antimatter rocket, which makes OPness on a vehicle kind of a moot point.

The vanilla tank too has an odd number of grid slots (6×11) so the same point could be made. But to some extent, that's less of an issue since it's an early/midgame vehicle and at that point, you're more likely to not have enough to fill its slots or you're relying a lot on the solar panels or the portable generator, which are 1×1 and 3×3. I'd recommend 6×10 rather than 6×12 if you decide to change it though - it's just enough to fit in a motor, vertically two 3×3 power sources, and a few batteries/shields. Given that the player's lasers fire even from inside a tank, that sounds like way enough for that point in the game.

Another point toward even grids is that everything else (car, locomotives, wagons…) is already using such grids.

Anyway, that's nothing critical, but those are just some things that I noticed, and suggested solutions that sound more in line with everything else.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I don't want touch technologies of SE because is like "choise what gameplay players must play", for that I have done only the minimun tec tree modification for resolve the incompatibily with Krastorio and SE... AND I don't want players will be constrained to unlock the tons of technologies of SE for use Krastorio technologies, that is pre-space
If u want more tec tree adaptation ask to Earendel

Krastor choise to upgrade battle tank to 12×15, previously is setted on 12×14, I dunno why now is one line more, probably isn't random, is for fit some particular equipment combinations

5 years ago

Fair enough for the first part. For the second part, that's actually precisely what I'm saying. I'll try to rephrase.

  • To unlock the antimatter core, you only need vanilla and Krastorio techs and science packs.
  • The recipe to actually craft the antimatter core requires a fusion core
  • Fusion core is unlocked through a research from SE space-tier, which requires rocket science packs and energy science packs.

So basically, it's exactly one of these cases you are mentioning, when you are constrained to unlock a ton of tech from SE to use something from Krastorio.

Alright for the tanks. I personally find that weird given the ratio of even/odd equipment but if that's a deliberate choice on your end, that's your prerogative.

5 years ago

Yes, is right. For solve this I have to modify the portable fusion core prerequisites -> change SE approch to vanilla -> change SE -> "choise what gameplay players must play". I don't want modify the Earendel mod without his approvation, I'm sorry for that.

About tanks, I will revision with Krastor the grids for be sure that there isn't random choises

Thanks for ur feedbacks

5 years ago

True that if you absolutely want to keep fusion core as an ingredient, that's your only choice. Otherwise… what about an alternative recipe that unlocks later?

For instance, the antimatter core unlocks with the matter reactor prototype tech. That leaves one more tech in this tree - the advanced matter reactor. That same tech unlocks the big antimatter power cell, which costs quite a lot of resources. So you could replace the fusion core ingredient with a bunch of these. (And perhaps adjust the quantity needed of the other ingredients.) That way, there is still the upgrade recipe for those that want it or somehow get the SE's research first and there is a recipe from scratch with an equivalent/higher cost.

On a side note, when checking the recipes to suggest that, I noticed something. Apparently, Krastorio does change SE tree (or the other way around), because for some reason, portable fusion reactor tech is the only tech from space era that is using SE's research data:

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