Krastorio Legacy deprecated

Caution!!! Krastorio 2 is now available! Therefore Krastorio Legacy is no longer supported! This mod expands the endgame, adds 30+ HR buildings, 60+ technologies, new ores, new items and rebalances almost all vanilla game content, making it harder.

5 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b [Probably not fixable] Vehicles voiding equipment fuel with AAI

5 years ago

Hey. Found a bug. There's no error message though so I can just hope that you'll be able to figure out what's going on here. That could be a mods interaction for all I know.

Here's a save where it is fully reproductible:

Load the save and open the tank inventory. It has three antimaterial cores. Load all three with Big antimatter power cells. 10 per core are enough. Now, drive or wait around for a while. If you still had the tank's equipment grid open, the window will autoclose. When you open it again, you'll realize that all the fuel you just inserted simply vanished.

5 years ago

Ur savegame give me som troubles:

I will try to download all ur mods, sholdn't be necessary, but apparently... (anyway this is not a good sign in case of other bugs)

5 years ago

Test it with ur instructions, I can't get that bug, sorry but I can't fix something that I can't analize. I will change fuel stat anyway

5 years ago

Weird. I tried to reiterate that issue multiple times and it happened every single one. I'll keep you updated if I discover more information on the matter.

5 years ago

Yes, the fuel is really lost if you use mod AAI Programmable Vehicles and transport control remotely. This is not Krastorio’s problem and I don’t think that this can be fixed by our mod. This is an old known bug. This also happens with Bob's mods.

5 years ago

Ah, I see. Thanks for the information, I didn't know about it. So basically, I shouldn't use any fuel-based power source in a vehicle that I intend to remote-control?

5 years ago

Probably yes. Use the solar panels in ur vehicles or don't use the AAI Programmable Vehicles mod.

5 years ago

I will look inside aai, maybe I found some fixable. U need to remove de fuel before active the remote

5 years ago

Thanks to your information, I started searching for an alternative to AAI Programmable Vehicles. I ended upon Autodrive by dorfl which claims to fix that exact issue. (

Now, I couldn't test it because it is not (yet, most likely) compatible with Krastorio's equipment grids.

(I also uninstalled AAI Programmable Vehicles and realized that it is what caused the game to generate a variant of each vehicle for each of its possible weapons rather than having one which can switch weapons.)

Anyway, the reason I mentioned that I uninstalled AAI Programmable Vehicles is that without this mod, all of AAI's vehicles (Hauler, Laser Tank, etc.) don't have a Vehicle Grid. And Optera's Vehicle Grid ( only adds a basic grid which isn't compatible with Krastorio's equipments.

So instead of a bug report, I'd like to suggest a compatibility patch for AAI Vehicles so it works without AAI Programmable Vehicles. Or perhaps, rather than fixing case by case, you have a way to add a vehicle grid to any vehicle without one? This way, it would prevent any such issue with modded vehicles in the future. (Something like Optera's Vehicle Grids, but with Krastorio grids instead, I mean.)

Someone already asked dorfl for a compatibility with Krastorio for Autodrive so he'll probably handle that side.

5 years ago

I have look the mod code but if exist a trick isn't "intelligible".

If u have discord may we could continue the discussion on issues tab

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