Krastorio Legacy deprecated

Caution!!! Krastorio 2 is now available! Therefore Krastorio Legacy is no longer supported! This mod expands the endgame, adds 30+ HR buildings, 60+ technologies, new ores, new items and rebalances almost all vanilla game content, making it harder.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g Why the balance changes

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

The mod makes some balance changes I don't understand why

  • Increasing cargo wagon size
  • Stacking rocket fuel to 100 (causing trains to carry 300 which is way too much)
  • Removing the infinite from infinite techs
  • Rocket silo requires 35k(!!!) science data
  • Changing roboport area so blueprints don't fit together nicely any more

Can you explain why?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Seriously? You install the mod in the description of which it is written: "rebalances almost all vanilla game content" and you ask the question why something has changed?
1. The recipe has become more difficult, and trains began to consume two-three times more fuel, but they began to carry more cargo. But you can always limit the capacity of trains, if you so need.
2. All components for a rocket are now 100 each. This is more convenient.
3. The cost of technology has grown. The technologies themselves are altered and their values too. If you do not like it, then you can disable changes in the settings.
4. This is not much if you have a good base. In earlier versions of mod, all technologies were three times more expensive. Welcome to Krastorio.
5. Much has been done specifically to ensure that the old BP don't work, that people think of new solutions, and not use the old ones.

5 years ago

You misunderstand the question. I'm not asking why balance changes are made, I'm asking why these balance changes are made. I see why now. Not sure why I was hoping for something more, really. My bad.

5 years ago

Yes, maybe we misunderstood each other. English is not my native language and I often missunderstand other people. Sorry if I said something wrong. In any case, you can see the mod settings, there you can turn off many things.
P.S. About technology. They have a fixed bonus and even numbers. For example, the maximum bonus for any weapon is 300%. The maximum shooting speed bonus is 100% and so on. Now it is not possible to make the leviathans slayer out of generic turret (because it is strange when a small turret destroys monsters that are five times larger than it.). To do this, you need new turrets that have been added to the mod. The situation with drones is similar: they have fixed values ​​(the maximum speed is 120 and 150) and now it is impossible to make drones flying with the speed of a fighter, but thanks to new buildings, you can configure the drone network more flexibly. Also changed the formula for calculating the cost of technology. Now each subsequent technology costs much more than the previous one and it will take you a very, very long time to learn everything.

5 years ago

I don't think you misunderstood him at all Krastor, and your English is excellent. I too am surprised when people question hard-working modders such as you and Linver, who bring us all this awesome content for free. Thanks very much to you and your team, I think your mod is awesome, and I appreciate the fact that you changed everything around and made it harder. You made Factorio fun for me again. :)

5 years ago

I made optional train consume and cargo capacity and removal of infinite techs

New response