Could u use Krastorio 1.2.18 and tell me on that version step by step how reproduce the bug?
This is the recipes interested:
type = "recipe",
name = "copper-to-matter",
category = "matter-extraction",
icon = krastorio_recipes_icon_path .. "copper-m.png",
icon_size = 32,
energy_required = 2,
enabled = false,
hidden = true,
ingredients =
{"copper-ore", 20},
{type="fluid", name="k-matter", amount=10}
subgroup = "matter-re",
order = "c[copper-to-matter]",
type = "recipe",
name = "matter-to-copper",
category = "matter-usage",
icon = krastorio_recipes_icon_path .. "m-copper.png",
icon_size = 32,
energy_required = 1,
enabled = false,
ingredients =
{type="fluid", name="k-matter", amount=10},
{type="item", name="copper-ore", amount=20}
subgroup = "matter-ru",
order = "c[matter-to-copper]",
How u can see result is defined so will produce an output. If I haven't more details about that seems work, maybe u have found another bug