Krastorio Legacy deprecated

Caution!!! Krastorio 2 is now available! Therefore Krastorio Legacy is no longer supported! This mod expands the endgame, adds 30+ HR buildings, 60+ technologies, new ores, new items and rebalances almost all vanilla game content, making it harder.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i Personal and vehicle cores/reactors not balanced size wise.

5 years ago

So I'd like to start out by saying; love the mod and have put hundreds of hours into it.

That being said, to me it makes absolutely no sense to have personal reactors be larger AND generate less electricity than the vehicle counterparts. Personal cores are 4x4 and generate 2 mw and 750kw (nuclear/fusion). Vehicle reactors are only 3x3 and and generate 2.5 mw and 1 mw respectively.

I believe the sizes should be swapped/made the same, or the vehicle ones made larger.

I could find no other instance of this sizing disparity except in batteries everything else seems to be the same size as its vehicle counterparts.

Was there a design reason for this that I'm not seeing?

Thank you for your time and I apologize If I came across bluntly.

5 years ago

Is for simulate that vehicles are "bigger" than characters, in fact this one of reason why we don't permit to use vehicle equipments in character equipments. But maybe in future we could decide to unite two category, in that case the size will be adjusted.

5 years ago

Thank you for the quick response! I guess that makes sense. I feel like the "bigger" concept could be more evenly applied for clarity though. =)

5 years ago

U have right, but for now we have many problems to resolve... I will taking a second look at it after all seems works

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