I'd also like to point out, in your own mod description page:
Must be compatible with many small modifications."
Again, not defining sprite sizes will cause crashes with ANY mod that redefines a vanilla sprite's size. Undefined sprite sizes are hardly a "side issue", and are a fairly quick fix. I'm not saying "fix it right now", all I'm saying is, it's a good idea to define all your sprite sizes, new or overwrites, and it's something to do on a rainy day when you don't have the headspace to work on new content and just want to putz about and do minor bug fixes, and to remember to define them in the future.
Edit: I should point out, bob's is not the only mod to reskin/redefine the battery, for example either. There's a number of small mods that just add more tiers of batteries, personally, I like the Bigger Batteries mod, the one that adds the Mk8 battery with 1.2GJ or whatever? So nice.