Krastorio Legacy deprecated

Caution!!! Krastorio 2 is now available! Therefore Krastorio Legacy is no longer supported! This mod expands the endgame, adds 30+ HR buildings, 60+ technologies, new ores, new items and rebalances almost all vanilla game content, making it harder.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b [Not, a, Bug]Pick explains it

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Krastorio is not compatible with Bob's mod and especially with Bob's equipment.
We are focused on compatibility ONLY with Industrial Revolution by Deadlock989 and Space Exploration by Earendel. We don't have time to do everything at once. This is just unreal.

5 years ago

Probably good manners to define your sprite sizes anyway. I remember when undefined sprite sizes caused so many crashes.... And if it makes you feel any better, looks like your mod is telling bob's how things are gonna go down, lol.

5 years ago

Is not a problem of sprite size, Krastorio isn't compatible with Bob's equipment

5 years ago

The reason bob's causes the crash is that bob's defines the sprite to be a different size than Krastorio's sprite. Krastorio doesn't define the sprite sizes for any of the vanilla overwrite sprites, so if those get overwritten by any other mod at all with a defined sprite size different than 32, it'll crash.

5 years ago

And u have right, but this is a "side problem", the main problem is that Bob's equipment and Krastorio modify many equipments: icons, recipes, technologies... I could fix the sprite size or excluded with an if mods[...] then but will be a mess and we couldn't remove from Krastorio every items that will go in conflict with other mod.

For space exploration we try it, and some item will not changed for leave space exploration free to do what every need, but is a sub set... because Krastorio add a equipments, balanced and completed like bobequipment, we decide to not support it.

5 years ago

OK, ill just say that in my pack it's only yours that is not updated. 2. thing is that from what i have seen y are trying to make it compateble with space exploration. and that is ok, it aslo come to were space exploration is actully making it compadebillety with bobs. so ther is a point were u talk agenst yourself. all i wanted was just asking. other than that i'll ceep the mod at 1.1.6 as i have. since in 1.1.7 armor is all that coses issue.

5 years ago

Sgamez i respond to clarify to AshenSwift that the bug is more big than seems.
Anyway, for give another answer; If someone want play with Bob and SE, could do it, if someone want play with Krastorio SE could do it, if someone want play with Krastorio SE Bob, couldn't do it because i have only two hands for resolve all compatibility bugs :)

I'm really sorry for your issues, but we prefer focus on improve the mod and make it compatible with mods which are synergistic with Krastorio

5 years ago

ok iT still it works in V1.1.6 with bobs so i'll stick to that.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I'd also like to point out, in your own mod description page:
Must be compatible with many small modifications."
Again, not defining sprite sizes will cause crashes with ANY mod that redefines a vanilla sprite's size. Undefined sprite sizes are hardly a "side issue", and are a fairly quick fix. I'm not saying "fix it right now", all I'm saying is, it's a good idea to define all your sprite sizes, new or overwrites, and it's something to do on a rainy day when you don't have the headspace to work on new content and just want to putz about and do minor bug fixes, and to remember to define them in the future.

Edit: I should point out, bob's is not the only mod to reskin/redefine the battery, for example either. There's a number of small mods that just add more tiers of batteries, personally, I like the Bigger Batteries mod, the one that adds the Mk8 battery with 1.2GJ or whatever? So nice.

5 years ago

Thank u for pointing me out that mod description isn't correct, I updated it.
In the future Krastorio will restore target prototypes to vanilla before modify it (where compatibility isn't mediate),
and after this discussion we decide to list bobequipments incompatible in next version.

New response