I have dangling HP Bars / electricty icons on the map. How do I make them go away?
In chat, type 'kts reset'. It should clear them. Note: it will reset your shields to 0 and they will all have to recharge. This is not a console command, so it won't disable achievements. It's just 'text chat' that happens to tell the mod to do something.
How can I see what my current shield statistics are (HP, regen, etc)
Open chat and type in 'shieldstats'. This is not a console command, so it won't disable achievements. It's just 'text chat' that happens to tell the mod to do something.
HeroTurrets (<= 0.1.26) / other mods cause dangling power loss icons / too many shields / stuck shield bars!
What's probably happening here is that the mod writer didn't know about needing to call entity.destroy({raise_destroy = true}) instead of entity.destroy() because the former allows other mods to know you have modified their entities. Similarly, when the other mods call surface.create_entity(<args>, raise_built = true) raise_built needs to be passed as well. Get the mod author to fix it.