King's Turret Shields

by Kingdud

Forked from Turret-Shields by OwnlyMe. Cleaned up the code, removed a lot of options, internal tweaks to how power and damage affect the shield. Lightweight scripted shields with power consumption (configurable or researchable)

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g What i doing wrong?

4 years ago

After i research turrets' shield i can't understand how get them on turrers.

4 years ago

They appear on the turrets automatically, and do not display anything once fully charged. Open up your power grid, and you should see something with a shield icon 'producing' 0kw of power, and something with the same icon consuming some amount of power. If you see the power entries, the sheilds are there. As for the 'total, 0kw' thing, that's a bug in the code where a table value isn't getting updated right, and I can't be bothered to track that one down right now. That variable is only used for that debug output, so it's not vital to the mod working correctly.

4 years ago

Ok, I lied. The turret count is now updating correctly, so 0kw should not be shown anymore.

4 years ago

I try to disable all other mods and even start new game (creative), but there still no shields (then i attack them only it's HP gets damaged).
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