KS Combat Revival

Base game Combat improvement mod Updated for 2.0

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Enemies

i Balance of Krastorio 2 Heavy Duty Ammo and RealisticFusionWeaponry (OOS)

2 years ago

Good afternoon! Krastorio 2 and RealisticFusionWeaponry add powerful nuclear, thermonuclear and antimatter munitions to all types of firearms.

But they are almost impossible to use. Because the minimum firing range of these ammunition is not adjusted. And in a dynamic battle, this leads to the inevitable self-destruction of the shooter from his own shots.

You wouldn't want to add support for these mods to your mod in order to limit the minimum range for each ammo depending on its radius of destruction.

Or create a separate mod that fixes this problem.


2 years ago

I believe that K2 already has many of these mechanics and therefore this mod would not be needed for that, but let me know if that is not the case. I may be able to add that compatibility if I have the time, I'll definitely look into it.

2 years ago

Thanks for the answer. With Krastorio 2 you are probably right. Because I self-destructed mainly on thermonuclear ammunition, and antimatter ammunition from the Realistic Fusion Weaponry mod.

I just noticed that you are balancing ammunition and weapons, and I decided to contact you. I'll probably still try to negotiate with the author of this mod, maybe he will agree to reconfigure his mod

And then even shotgun cartridges made of antimatter cannot be used. Because everything happens quickly and you don’t have time to measure the distance to the biters. Especially if you use turrets and vehicles with automatic fire control. Self-annihilation occurs instantly.

2 years ago

I'll see if I can add some custom ranges for those projectiles, no promises tho :)

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Good afternoon! Did you manage to do something about the minimum radius for RealisticFusionWeaponry?

The author of RealisticFusionWeaponry never answered me.

2 years ago

Sorry I never replied, but on my end it would add a lot of overhead in the loading phase of this mod to check for specific ammos and override their ranges. I think that this is just Out Of Scope for this mod. Sorry I wasn't able to help.

New response