KS Combat Revival

Base game Combat improvement mod Updated for 1.1

5 months ago
Combat Enemies

i More customizable

2 years ago

Hi, love this mod. Makes combat a lot more fun imo!

Just wondered if it's possible to add settings to change what this mod affect?
What I'm thinking about is to have turrets act like they normally do, but the player combat is changed to this more "realistic" combat.

The reason I ask, is that player combat is a lot more fun with this mod, but the turrets amount of wasted bullets and extreme ammo production needed to have a frontline, is sometimes insane lol.

Anyway, happy new year! :)

2 years ago

I don't have a lot of experience adding mod options but I will look into it. It would however, be very easy to release a player only version of this mod, would that interest you at all?

2 years ago

Hi. Yeah that would be awesome!
Would player only also work with vehicles?

I mean, my only issue is the bullet-hell caused by turrets and the extreme upkeep when I'm using your mod and rampage at the same time.
I'm a bit to casual to manage to get to laser-turrets quick enough before my base is surrounded by biters expanding.

2 years ago

yeah, I would only be disabling the part of the mod that affects turrets

2 years ago

Yeah I would very much appreciate if you have time to split the mods.
Happy Easter πŸ£πŸ‡

1 year, 4 months ago

Going through my backlog and realizing that I never updated you, how rude of me! If I was going to make a version of this mod that does what you want, it would have to have separate ammo types for turrets and for player weapons because this mod affects ammo not specific weapons.

8 months ago

Quick update to the ammo production problem, there is now a mod setting to change magazine size, so you can make it so each magazine you make has more bullets. Default value is 20, up from 10.

New response