James' Train Mod

Includes unified train changes, including weightier rolling stock, electric , nuclear, and hybrid trains, powered rails, and electric train cars. Each also has a setting, so you can pick and choose which ones you want.

16 days ago
Transportation Trains

g Question

a month ago

Does your electic rails similar to electric rails from BioIndustry? Can I use it instead of poles?

a month ago

My electric rails transmit power and circuit connections without any additional setup. You can access this at any point on a powered rail using the Electric Rail Interconnect.

30 days ago

Сan you add the ability for electric rails to power a 1 tile area around themselves? By analogy with the bioindustry. This is necessary for building stations without poles, it is very convenient.

30 days ago

Сan you add the ability for electric rails to power a 1 tile area around themselves? By analogy with the bioindustry. This is necessary for building stations without poles, it is very convenient.

29 days ago

I could add a setting to allow that yes

29 days ago

1.1.3 has this setting.

28 days ago

Add upgrade category to straight/curvered rails please.

28 days ago

It does have it. You can upgrade vanilla rails into my powered rails.

27 days ago

No. i can`t add your rails to Upgrade Planner. I set only these settings: Powered rails, Powered rails Adjacency. Check this state.

27 days ago

Only space exploration changes something. can you try check your mod with SE? may be SE changes the name of group upgrade.

27 days ago

Should be fixed in 1.1.4

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