Intermodal Containers

Load items into containers to boost belt throughput and train loading speeds. Developed from Deadlock's Crating Machine by Xorimuth and RedRafe.

3 months ago

g The difference between the two mods?

1 year, 4 days ago

"Deadlock's Crating Machine"

What exactly is the difference between this mode (from the other mode)?

1 year, 3 days ago
(updated 1 year, 3 days ago)

This one has lots of mod settings to configure just about everything. This one uses steel containers, whereas DCM uses wooden chests. This one has much nicer icons. This one automatically detects items from all mods for crating, whereas DCM requires mods to add compatibility themselves.

1 year, 3 days ago

earendel, raidgurd, and you... are the best mod creators I know... Thank you.

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