Inlaid Lamps

This mod adds a lamp that you can embed into the floor! Can be driven over safely.

6 years ago

i Dont add a new lamp, replace current one!

6 years ago

Inlaind lamps aren't only feature awesome, they also look awesome!
Players that have this mod, have no use for normal lamps, they will never place them.
They only build them because its a mid-resource required for the inlaid lamp.

So, my proposal is, do not create new lamps, just replace vanilla lamp icon, graphics and collision box, saving us the hassle of having to create these lamps in two steps or needing two assemblers to build them!

6 years ago

what was recently discussed for another mod probably also applies here:

there is one mod that adds lighted power poles, resulting in doubling all power poles, causing lots of additional items in the crafting menu (half of which probably are no longer used by anyone), and when the mod is removed, all those power poles are deleted and the whole factory has to be refitted with vanilla power poles. if the power poles would be changed instead of creating new power poles (which another mod does), there would be no such duplicate clutter in the craft menu, and when the mod is removed, all power poles would just lose the ability to spread light but still be usable as normal vanilla poles.

IMHO, that should also be done for this mod: no duplicate lamps (as nagapito suggested), and in addition all lamps simply would turn back to vanilla lamps when the mod is removed.
that probably would also remove some problems like having duplicate recipes for yet some other lamps. i don't remember the details or which mods were involved, but i had some other lamp which was craftable by two different recipes, probably one derived from the vanilla lamp and one from the lamps of this mod.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

after a while and a few new maps with different modsets, i probably have found the cause for duplicate lamps and duplicate recipes, etc ...

there is one mod which names its new lamp "flat-lamp" and not "inlaid-lamp".
there is another mod which names all its new lamps that have different shapes/masks "flat-lamp-xxx", but its basic lamp without a mask is named "flat-lamp" without a suffix.

thus there are two lamps with the same internal name (both show different names in game), and different recipes (one makes its lamp with one vanilla lamp, the other makes it with two vanilla lamps). because of the same name, one lamp overwrites the other, and thus both recipes have the same icon and both result in the same item being crafted :-(

since both mods have a different goal (one to enable walking on top of a bright lamp and also make the lamp look nicer than vanilla lamps; the other to offer several somewhat dimmed lamps with shapes to combine them, making status displays, or even creating shapes of letters with them) i would like to use them both.

can one or both mod authors please rename their lamp to avoid the conflict?
that's also why i copy this post to the discussions of both mods. maybe one of the authors is no longer active, or currently busy, or just waiting for 0.17 to make modifications ...

although the high contrast lamp mod was published 5 months before the inlaid lamps, IMHO it would probably be easiest if the high contrast lamps change the name of the conflicting lamp to "flat-lamp-base" or similar since it already uses a set of names which follow the pattern "flat-lamp-xxx" and only one of them has no "-xxx" suffix. and while changing the name, would it be possible/allowed to copy the functionality of the inlaid lamps, being able to walk across the somewhat larger (status) displays that are created with the high contrast lamps?
(btw: license is "public domain" for one and "MIT" for the other, thus there should be no unsolvable problem :-)

5 years ago

an idea of making high-contrast lamps come into my mind, because I found that using vanilla lamps with colour for displaying digits and characters is quite hard to read.
So I did a brief search, and found out this great mod, which fits my purpose very well. Save me the hassle to make a new mod myself! :D

The only thing I don't like is the lamp being a new entity. The reason is similar to what mentioned by them. This is a direct replacement of ugly vanilla lamp, without any extra functions. (No collision with vehicles is a good feature, but not really significant to make it a new entity.) Players using your mod won't place vanilla lamps anymore, so why not just replacing them?
Some lamp mods introducing extra colours, icons, etc, is another story. Those are significant changes, and they MUST use a different entity name from vanilla lamp.

So my questions are: what is your opinion on replacing the vanilla entity "small-lamp" directly? Are you going to add options allowing players to choose, or just directly replace?
If the answer is no, can I use your graphics and part of your code as a new mod? If so, of course I will give full credits and links to you and this mod. Players prefer your lamp as new entity can easily find your mod, and use yours instead.

PS: On some "scoreboard" circuit control to show numbers and characters, your lamp give a clear advantage over the vanilla lamp for white colour. But for the other colours, the glow made the numbers not possible to read. Can you add option to allow changing property "glowsize", for players having different purpose?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Dear Kitsunekaze93,
not hearing from you, so I have stepped up and made an alternative mod instead, which has different purpose though. I gave credit to you, since I have used part of your code and graphics. (You are using MIT license, without your answer, I guess you are okay with it.)
Our mods are fully compatible and can be used together, in case players want to have your lamp as new entity for parking lots, together with my new features for circuits.

5 years ago

i just found that new Schall-Mod and was about to write a comment there, but since it directly refers to what was written in this thread above, I'll write here instead:

Schallfalke wrote :

This is a direct replacement of ugly vanilla lamp, without any extra functions. .... Players using your mod won't place vanilla lamps anymore, so why not just replacing them?
Some lamp mods introducing extra colours, icons, etc, is another story. Those are significant changes, and they MUST use a different entity name from vanilla lamp.

as i understand this now (before testing), this mod and the other new mod together offer exactly the above features (lamp vs status display), and they use the two mentioned methods (new item vs replacing lamps), but "the other way around" from the citation ... this mod practically replaces the vanilla lamp by offering the inlaid lamp BUT it uses a new item for that purpose, while Schall's new mod not only offers walkable lamps but most of all also lots of options for colors and the glow which make it ideal for use in status displays and similar BUT that mod replaces vanilla lamps.

Our mods are fully compatible and can be used together, in case players want to have your lamp as new entity for parking lots, together with my new features for circuits.

I'll have to see it myself on a map, but in the future i might use both mods, the one that internally replaces vanilla lamps to build colored status displays with it (since the glow is ideally suited to make those displays, although dim status lamps can no longer be used to light up a factory), and the one that has a new item to get illumination for my factory and be used instead of vanilla lamps (since the lights are walkable and bright) .... LOL

ps to Schallfalke: if your lamps get no color signal, could they have a different (brighter) glow to be used for illumination like vanilla, and when they get a color signal (including white/grey/black, no matter whether they are setup to ignore them or follow some new rules; btw: i think that is also how vanilla lamps work now) they use a lower/darker glow ?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Before talking about what Inlaid Lamps and my mod are changing, let's talk about the vanilla lamp first. In vanilla "small-lamp", there are two lines:

light = {intensity = 0.9, size = 40, color = {r=1.0, g=1.0, b=1.0}},
light_when_colored = {intensity = 1, size = 6, color = {r=1.0, g=1.0, b=1.0}},

These two lines are responsible to the light intensity (different from "glow", mentioned below), which is the size of illuminated area (perhaps in units of tiles). First line corresponds to without any colour signal, second line corresponds to having colour signal(s). Both our mods do NOT modify these two lines. If you are talking about using lamps to illuminate the base, it belongs to this part. It is the VANILLA behaviour that coloured lamps (6) illuminate less than non-coloured lamps (40).

Glow is a totally different thing. It is the "smeared" area around of lamp, perhaps in units of pixels. The two lines are here:

glow_size = 6,
glow_color_intensity = 0.135,

My mod provides the option to adjust the first line. Both of our mods actually increased the value to the second line. This is where to control a coloured lamp from "polluting" a neighbouring lamp. This has nothing to do with illumination. So "dimming the glow" has nothing to do with "lighting up a factory".

For you have requested, there is a mod on the portal (forgot its name) already doing that. Or you may want to modify the value of "light_when_colored.size" by yourself.

And yes, it is intentional that my mod has much more emphasis on signal and circuit display, instead of taking over of what "Inlaid Lamps" is doing.
My first intention of making such lamp mod, is because I make some "digit board" display to show storage or flow numbers. When a number was shown on the board, I actually had to zoom out a lot to see it is actually a "2", because too much "smearing" in vanilla lamp. Now with my mod, the numbers can be read clearly without zoom out. Hope you will like the effects.

5 years ago

thanks for the detailed explanation. it will now be a lot easier for me to test all those mods and understand which effect might result from which setting of which mod. thanks again.

for displays i had started to use high contrast lamps, but without being walkable they were too much of a blockade to walk around and even place/edit lamps in the center of a display when not using some QoL mod for extended reach. going to try all these new mods now in a real playthrough :-)

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