Expensive robots that don't need to recharge adpated for Bob's mods.
Compatibility mod between Krastorio 2 and AAI Loaders so Krastorio 2 uses AAI Loader graphics without changing Krastorio loader recipes. No need to change any AAI loader configs, they are all internally configured and disabled. Also Compatible with Space Exploration.
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
TURD bonus for research dont work on science pack recipes that are not from Py Alien life mod due to a bug in the order these recipes category is registered. This mod fixes it.
(This is NOT an official add-on to Space Exploration) Because space should be the actual last frontier for a new world. In my vision, space exploration should be like an extension of endgame, an expansion of vanilla. So, it reverts changes to vanilla (robots, beacons, modules...) since original gameplay should not be changed. Near future, might also include new space versions of beacons, modules and robots
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.