If I Had A Nickel

Adds nickel ore and plates, invar alloy, and some mechanical components.

7 months ago
Mining Manufacturing

i Silly textures

1 year, 20 days ago

Why is the Nickel Texture Blue, actual refined nickel is silver-ish in color, and nickel ore is a brown/blue mix. Just look up "nickel ore" and "nickel plate" and you can see in the first few images, also why is the texture for the plates a bar, the name should be bar or change the texture to a plate texture like KS2's. I love this mod but just think its a bit silly the textures don't look at all like actual Nickel should look like.

I think the nickel plate should be re-textured to look more like the aluminium plate from KS2 with a more silver color to it. Also Invar is also a darker gray color not navy blue, such images can also be found online. I'm lowkey just tired of staring at blue bars that don't match any of the other textures in the vanilla or modded.

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