If I Had A Nickel

Adds nickel ore and plates, invar alloy, and some mechanical components.

4 months ago
Mining Manufacturing

b Problems with the extra Small Electric Motor recipe

1 year, 3 months ago

When used along side BZ Noble Metals this mod adds an alternate Small Electric motor recipe that uses Silver which has two problems,
1. For whatever reason, handcrafting seem to only prioritize this recipe as opposed to the regular one, meaning it makes handcrafting a nightmare, as everything needs silver Instead of Aluminium/Copper
2. it takes 6 Silver wire as opposed to 1 Aluminium/Copper wire.
Not really sure why this mod adds such a recipe in the first place, Hell I thought Noble metals was the one adding it, and was searching through it's code trying to find it so I could fix it.

1 year, 3 months ago
  1. There is relatively little I can do about this. When there are multiple unlocked recipes for the same item, the game picks one as the only version to automatically handcraft. I can tell the game to only ever handcraft the aluminum/copper recipe - this is probably the right move since aluminum and copper are both more abundant and generically useful than silver, so players are more likely to keep some on hand - but there is no way currently in the game engine to allow both recipes as intermediates for handcrafting.

  2. Unless one of the mods has changed without my noticing - which is always, admittedly, a possibility - the original small electric motor from AAI industry costs 6 copper cable, which BZ aluminum replaces with a single aluminum cable (aluminum cable being more expensive per-item than copper or silver). So the intention with this is to hew closer to the original recipe, taking into account that the alternate green circuit recipe added by Noble Metals replaces copper cable with silver wire 1:1.

  3. The reason the alternate motor recipe exists is that IIHAN adds its own electric motor intermediate, which is suppressed when installed with AAI industry to avoid redundancy. The alternate recipe is generated regardless of which motor is being used because I thought it would be very strange for the recipe to exist in some loadouts but not others - maybe it's not best practices to add alternate recipes to items from other mods but they are still a major consumer of nickel, and are core to most of the extra intermediates.

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