If I Had A Nickel

Adds nickel ore and plates, invar alloy, and some mechanical components.

7 months ago
Mining Manufacturing

g Nickel in K2/SE Motor recipe?

2 years ago

Thanks for this -- looks very promising.

One oddity/compatibility issue is that K2+SE already has a "small electric motor" and a "single cylinder engine" that are largely redundant with your mod's "motor". Is it possible to detect K2/SE are installed and merge the recipes?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I'm also curious about this... I'd love to see some K2+SE compatibility between planetfall's mods and K2+SE, similar to BZ mods.

Edit: I tested them and can confirm this replaced the motor in K2 and SE, so it seems to be compatible.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I see separate entities:


(used cheat mode to illustrate in a new, clean game, but they are separate in regular play too)

Maybe we have different mods installed, but I'm running K2, SE, various BZ mods, and the 1.0 (only) version of this mod.

2 years ago

Oh sorry, I must've misread your initial post. Yes, I also show both the small electric motor as well as the "motor" in my game. However, this mod's motor seems to replace the small (non-electric) motor from AAI which is what is normally used in Space Exploration, so I think it all works out.

2 years ago

The version I just uploaded should now do this correctly, replacing iron plates in the small electric motor recipe with nickel instead of clobbering the single cylinder engine recipe. You'll need to rebuild your motor/SCE production if you started a save using 1.0.0.

The new version also includes more compatibility things that will be indispensable later on: nickel landfill to prevent core fragment processing from backing up, the ability to send nickel and invar in delivery cannons, Krastorio enrichment and SE pyrosmelting for nickel ore, invar instead of steel in heat shielding and probably some other things I'm forgetting right now.

New response