Hiladdar's Robots

Adds a new 4 new tiers of robots, 4 new tiers roboports, 1 new personal roboport designed, and a robot re-caller.

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1
Logistic network

i K2 size compatibility

3 years ago

When playing k2, the size is only 1, I hope you can increase the compatibility to make the size 7.
The author in the link above fixed this problem, I checked the code and it seems to add the following content, but after I added it, it was an error

if mods["Krastorio2"] then
data.raw["logistic-robot"]["atomic-logistic-robot"].speed = 0.0694
data.raw["logistic-robot"]["atomic-logistic-robot"].max_health = 50
data.raw["logistic-robot"]["atomic-logistic-robot"].max_payload_size = 7

data.raw["construction-robot"]["atomic-construction-robot"].speed = 0.09257
data.raw["construction-robot"]["atomic-construction-robot"].max_health = 50
data.raw["construction-robot"]["atomic-construction-robot"].max_payload_size = 2


2 years ago

Yeah, it's broken. Unless the uthor adds compatibility I won't play with this in my new K2 run.

The fix above is from antoher mod. It won't work here.

New response